Most healthy eating

Most healthy eating
and its impact on the climate, environmental protection, animal and human rights
For a few decades ago, the genius Albert Einstein said:
"Nothing will help improve people's health and improve their chances of survival on Earth as the transition to a vegetarian diet»
. Amazing words at a time when there was not so well known about the relationships and the influence of diet on health, the environment, climate, world hunger, animal and human rights. If even then Albert Einstein might have the same knowledge as the modern scientists, in which case he would probably say a little differently:
"Nothing will help improve people's health and improve their chances of survival on Earth as the transition to a vegan diet»
. The vegan diet does not contain any components of animal origin, and if it is properly planned and varied, such a diet is best for human health, as well as to the outside world, the climate, animals and humans. Since veganism and vegan lifestyles are vital for every individual, for society as a whole, especially for our children and grandchildren, for the environment, the climate and animals, I decided to publish this little booklet. Only by having a sufficient number of full information as possible to make the right decisions for their own benefit and for the good of the whole world.
Food addiction industrialized countries dramatically affect human health, climate change, the environment in general, the fate of the animals, on the fate of millions of hungry people and starvation of millions of children. The brochure and website www.ProVegan.info tend to show an unimaginably large number of advantages offered by the vegan food for people, animals, the environment and climate.
It is also important to know that veganism is not asceticism or refusal of food, on the contrary, it is a true celebration of taste, which impressively proved in vegan cookbooks and vegan restaurants.
In the world are starving around 1 billion (1,000,000,000). Every second in the world dies of hunger one person, it is 30 million (30 million) per year.
Every day die from hunger from 6000 to 43 000 children, whereas 40% of fish caught, about 50% of the world's cereal harvest and 90% soybean harvest is consumed to feed 'farm animals' meat and dairy industry! 80% of hungry children live in countries that produce excess power, however, the children go hungry and die of hunger, because an excess of grain fed to animals or exported. The use of plant food for the production of questionable utility for the health of animal products is absurd, a scandal and waste essentially: for the production of just 1 kg of meat, depending on the species of animal, must be up to 16 kilograms of plant foods, as well as 10-20 tonnes (10,000 - 20,000 liters) of water
!. Vegetable food is exported to the content of "useful animals" in the industrialized countries of the "third world", although in these countries, children and adults are dying of hunger. You probably know the famous phrase: "Animals of the rich eat the bread of the poor". For example, in 1984 there was a famine in Ethiopia is not due to the fact that the local agriculture does not produce food, but because these products have been exported to Europe and there are used as feed for the "useful animals". The food crisis, which has cost the lives of tens of thousands of people, the European countries were taken from Ethiopia grain feed for chickens, pigs and cows. If grain is used for the Ethiopian people, there would be no hunger. In Guatemala, 75% of children under 5 years of age suffer from malnutrition. Nevertheless, annually produces more than 17 000 tonnes of meat for export to the United States. For fattening animals must be a huge amount of corn and soybeans, which are not enough to feed starving children. Instead of having to feed the hungry of the world, we take their food to fatten exhausted "useful animals" and thus to satisfy our thirst sickness meat, eggs and milk.
Already in 2002, «The Guardian» British magazine wrote the following:
"Today it is clear that veganism is worldwide the only ethical response to the most urgent problems of social injustice (world hunger)».
According to Dr. W. Bello (W. Bello), director of "Institute of Nutrition Policy and Development» ( "Institute for Food and Development Policy"),
"World enough food for all. But, unfortunately, most of the food and the area of the world is used for meat and dairy industry for the production of cattle and other farm animals - that is food for the rich - while millions of children and adults suffer from hunger and malnutrition or die of hunger . »
The statement of the Institute World Watch ( "World Watch Institute") clearly states the following:
"Consumption of meat - is an inefficient use of grain. The grain will be used more efficiently if it will eat people. The constant increase in the production of meat depends on whether the animals are fed with grain; This leads to competition for grain between the growing number of those who eat meat and the increasing number of the poor of this world. »
The aforementioned Dr. V. Bello, director of "Institute of Nutrition and development policies", emphasizes that the breeding of animals for meat - it's a waste of resources:
"... Food junk food and eat meat habit among the rich in the world support the global food system, consuming food resources from the hungry»
. Vollen Philip (Philip Wollen) is a former president of Citibank, which was included Australian economic magazine in the list of 40 most influential leaders in 34 years. In 40 years, he has radically changed his life, because we wanted to contribute to the fight against crimes against animals, humans and the environment:
"When I travel around the world, I see how poor countries sell grain to the West, while their own children are dying of hunger in their hands. And the West feeds the grain to its "useful animals". Just to ensure that we were able to eat a steak? Am I the only one who sees that it is a crime? Believe me, every piece of meat that we eat, it is a blow to the tear-stained face a hungry child. When I look into the eyes of this child, how can I remain silent then? The land can produce enough food to cover the needs of all people, but not the greed of people. »
Two quotes Jean Ziegler, a former Swiss national advisor and special representative of the UN on the right to food:
"World cereal harvest is about 2 billion tons per year. More than 500 000 tonnes of which are fed to cattle-rich nations, while in the 122 third world countries according to the UN statistics, die of hunger each day 43,000 children. I do not want to participate in this massacre: not to eat meat - this is the minimum, to get you started »
. "A child who dies of hunger today - it murdered child»
. Who was killed? All those involved in this system. That is also the consumers who finance the system for its shopping!
Politics, especially in the EU, against all logic and morality subsidizes the meat and dairy industry of tax revenue. EU agricultural subsidies account for nearly half of the budget, it is more than 50 billion euros a year. The absurdity and senselessness of EU subsidies is visible also in the following example: on the one hand, financed the campaign against smoking, on the other hand, up until 01.01.2010 for years to subsidize the production of tobacco and thus lavished taxpayer money
. Fishing fleet industrialized countries such as the US, Japan and Europe receive the right to catch fish around the poor countries in Africa and South America. Devastated their sea, they move on, leaving a destroyed ecosystem and hungry locals. In the British "The Guardian" newspaper article is written on this subject:
"We can eat fish, but only if we are willing to contribute to the destruction of the marine ecosystem and to respond - as the European fleet devastates the sea in West Africa - the hunger for the poorest people in the world. It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the only acceptable and socially fair choice is to move residents of the rich world, as well as the majority of people on Earth, on
vegan diet. " Each of us on a daily basis makes a decision whether he wants to be part of the livestock industry, consuming meat, milk, cheese and eggs, with all the cruel consequences of this choice in relation to the environment, animals and starving of the world.
Ernst Walter Heinrich studied medicine in Cologne and in 1986 received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. After training in naturopathy in 1988 he received permission to obtain medical advice on the additional title of "treatment by natural factors." He specialized in the field of preventive medicine - in particular on healthy skin care and nutrition. This special area for many years, he has taught at the training seminars.
Dr. med. Ernst Heinrich Walter has long been a vegan. His dog Felix, also gets a vegan diet, lived for 19 years, the age of an amazing dog.

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