"Two axes" Nikolai Drozdov
The host of the program "In the world of animals" Nikolai Drozdov 77 years old. Correspondents "Reedus" talked with the master of the continuity of the domestic documentary, environmental education, and much more.
via ridus
In an interview, Nicholas invited us into the studio Skyleaf Eco-TV - a new international environmental media project. This is one of the many areas of work in which shipped this amazing man: teaching at the university, wrote scholarly articles and textbooks, is involved in voluntary movement, recently involved in the Public Chamber, and, of course, is the program "In the world of animals." And all this without leaving the main - the study of nature. Three days ago he returned from Australia, where five thousand kilometers traveled, exploring the wilderness of this unique continent. And it is in 77 years, even after breaking his leg aching.
First of all, Nikolai apologizes and asks to wait - he should spend some important talks on the phone. Tea, coffee and mineral water Lipetsk approved by environmentalists. He himself chicory drinks with skim milk. It perfectly ironed jacket with pale green tie, lapel shiny blue icon "Kind Angel of Peace".
When finished talking to one of the three mobile phones that lie in front of him on the table, Nicholas immediately recognized that he was a vegetarian, but not because he was sorry for the animals.
"- Pets to spare no sense at all, because they have been bred specifically for a person to them and then eaten. We spend a lot of resources to support them: create pastures, select fields for forage crops, creating cleaning products, build and fill the silos, feed them all winter, warmed build premises for keeping cattle and so on. It is a wild amount of extra money that we spend to eat meat. They say sorry skotinku. And what to do with it? Just imagine, we are not going to kill them, we will give them the freedom, let them live until his death. Where are we expel them? Or are we going to feed them to the last hour? And it's even better! The same cost and labor, only that they died a natural death. I think many people just come at night and secretly they will cut. It's one thing if you contain them, and then you give the meat, and quite another to raise them only to have them drop dead of natural causes. This is ridiculous! But with age, they will begin the disease, veterinarians at the age begin to treat them. This can only be delusional fantasy film.
- So why are you a vegetarian?
"- And because meat consumption nebiologichno, unreasonable and not optimal. Food should be optimal, and if we begin to select food that suits a person and begin to gradually drop everything less suitable, the meat does not remain. Will not even fruit, although they are also good, and vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. Seeds, kazinak sunflower, sesame ... mmmm! - She smiles dreamily ecologist. »
- A seafood?
"- And the seafood, I think it's borderline group of products that can be consumed. The culinary regarding their meat can not even be considered. In my opinion, the most rigorous understanding of meat - cooking. Because from the biological point of view the meat - the soft tissue of a living organism. Even the worm can be called meat, because he is, even predkostochki bristles that his firm, keep the shape of the body, allow to crawl. »
Here Nikolai indulges in, no kidding, preinteresneyshy story about the digestive system of earthworms. Then gently goes to his trip to Australia: there are saltwater crocodiles that attack humans, and safe freshwater (reptiles - his passion), and the famous Australian rock, and the continent's history and current situation of Aboriginal people over whom actually experimented, resettling in their city.
- Nicholas, you've been in almost all corners of the world, even at the North Pole. What do you remember most, which is the most interesting?
"- It is clear that every place in its own right. And I was in many places of our homeland, back in its previous size and open spaces. I'm mostly interested in the wildlife of desert areas, so I liked to go to the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Transcaucasia, which shows the semi-desert. I like to spend it all field seasons: winter and visited, and spring and summer. »
"I am also very lyuboyu island, and usually tell about their trip to Mauritius, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, the Galapagos Islands, the Canary Islands. But I'll tell you in terms of geography. I like three places: the North Pole, the South Pole and the Equator. Imagine that you are standing on the North Pole (the South I stood just been in Antarctica and to the South Pole is very difficult to reach. It is located in the icy mountains, and even in summer it is very difficult to achieve). What do you think, where you will have the north, east, south, west? In all directions is south! Imagine the globe Behold latitude on it, so the meridians that run from the North Pole to the South. And the North Pole is exactly the point at which all the meridians converge. So everywhere south. But if the South stand, correspondingly, will always north. »
"And what happens to a man who stands on the equator facing west? That not feeling it with great speed rushing and doing a day long path around the Earth in 40 thousand kilometers. And what happens to a man (well, woman), which stands on one of the poles? He did only one turn around. »
- Nicholas, you've been in almost all corners of the world, even at the North Pole. What do you remember most, which is the most interesting? «
- It is clear that every place in its own right. And I was in many places of our homeland, back in its previous size and open spaces. I'm mostly interested in the wildlife of desert areas, so I liked to go to the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Transcaucasia, which shows the semi-desert. I like to spend it all field seasons: winter and visited, and spring and summer.
I am also very lyuboyu island, and usually tell about their trip to Mauritius, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, the Galapagos Islands, the Canary Islands. But I'll tell you in terms of geography. I like three places: the North Pole, the South Pole and the Equator. Imagine that you are standing on the North Pole (the South I stood just been in Antarctica and to the South Pole is very difficult to reach. It is located in the icy mountains, and even in summer it is very difficult to achieve). What do you think, where you will have the north, east, south, west? In all directions is south! Imagine the globe Behold latitude on it, so the meridians that run from the North Pole to the South. And the North Pole is exactly the point at which all the meridians converge. So everywhere south. But if the South stand, correspondingly, will always north.
And what happens to a man who stands on the equator facing west? That not feeling it with great speed rushing and doing a day long path around the Earth in 40 thousand kilometers. And what happens to a man (well, woman), which stands on one of the poles? He did only one turn around.
© Olga Manolov / Ridus.ru
- How do you feel about the fact that many of you are perceived exclusively as a leading program "Animal World"? You probably often ask questions about it. It is known that Leonid Yakubovich, for example, do not like to be questioned about the "Field of Dreams."
"- I Lenechka I know, I think it is somewhat disingenuous. If a person makes a transfer, and it is popular, it can not not love her. Our transfer (I never say my transfer, because it is the fruit of the work of many people) very dear to me. And then, I'm not her permanent leader. The first was Alexander Zguridi, who picked up the music, and wonderful screen saver. And it all happened in front of me, because in the first year, he invited me to transfer. For the first time she went out April 17, 1968. And in December, he invited me to speak. I had just defended his PhD and became a certified scientist, at that moment he found me at the university. First, though, he said to me, did not know anything, and invited my teacher, Professor Chel'tsov. In 1975 Zguridi handed transmission Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov - a remarkable journalist, correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the writer and ecologist as he called himself. And Sands began to transmit, and I speak with him, and two years later he told me: "It's hard to me to one lead, Nick, let alone going to: you're talking about animals, but I'm talking about nature and man." He has always been a theme nature and man: nature protection, household, pets, farmhouse, the history of the domestication of animals, in general, is very interesting. The period from 1977 to 1990, I call the Silver Age of our transmission. »
"A 90-year Vasily Mikhailovich said that he was going to Alaska and then to Chukotka to write a book. And I was left alone on the transfer. And from '90 to the present time I have one of its leading. Twenty-four years is a lot. Now came my assistant, twelve year old boy who makes his short stories, we are with him through the "plasma" talk. It gives reports from research institutes, zoos, kennels, very interesting. And it helps a lot. Diligent and hardworking guy Alexei Lapin. He reads a lot and likes to work. But he was only 12 years old. And I would not want to transmit as long as he becomes an adult and take the baton. There are people who could replace me and now of the speakers on the transfer. While I understand that it would be better that it was Alyosha. But, it may, within a year I will be able to offer something revolutionary. Perhaps Alyosha will have to conduct a children's page, not 6-7 minutes and 10-12 to get people used to it. And it will be easier. We know a number of programs that were terminated in connection with the passing of the master - "travel club" Yuri Senkevich, "The obvious - an incredible» Sergei Kapitsa. And I do not want to be a leader, because of the passing of which ended "in the animal world." I wish that it was perceived, not as my transfer, and as the transfer of the animals. »
- If we are talking about programs. What do you think about the modern domestic documentaries about animals? In recent years, the quality has increased markedly. Soon Russian product could equal in quality to the movie "Bi-Bi-Si"? What is missing?
"- Our films as something even embarrassing to say the budget is not enough ... talented, experienced and skilled, dedicated to the cause guys we have. But it needs a budget. I worked with the "Bi-Bi-Si." There is an operator comes with your camera, and the camera - hoo! We are still in the Soviet era began to shoot the film Soviet Safari, and when the shooting ended, the Soviet Union was not, so we called it the "Kingdom of the Russian bear." There's the whole team was with the "Bi-Bi-Si", and I'm just leading. This was in line series that made David Attenborough - the best English leading nature films. I am by this time David was already familiar with, we met several times in Bristol at the festival of documentary films about the nature Wild Screen. And David said the film about the Soviet Union should do Drozdov. He had been in Russia, regions knows what sort of animals, and so on. He argued that Drozdov speaks with an accent. "It is good that accent! All will immediately recognize that it is a local person who tells us all this "- said Attenborough. »
"And six series about our country for the British in the end I did. Thanks to David, that gave way. But some operators were coming! His camera - not all know that this came out. In the "Bi-Bi-Si" means that the camera should be more than just a new and good, but one of the best in the world, has just released, with all its possibilities. Once it is slightly outdated, the operator changes it. This is for two years, our operator was replaced by three cameras. But this time we had one camera into several groups - can you imagine what it becomes? And there own camera operator with a speck of dust blows off her, except that does not sleep in the arms of her. This is related to the equipment ... But this also depends on the image. »
"Devotion to work there with them, and our. The children can sit at bezvylazno bear dens for weeks. That's imagine: it is known that the bear should get out of the lair somewhere near the 8th of March. This means that it is necessary at the end of February to sit down with the camera on a hillside on the contrary, make a winter "cottage" and blindness to look at the sun sparkling on the snow, so that God forbid, do not miss the right moment. And now he is sitting there - no fire is not razozhzhesh nothing, eats chocolates. And this brings stuff that you look and you bear right on going. And in fact, he rented it from a nearby hillside. After all, if you sit directly in front of den, the bear or do not work or give in so that will not find it. The bear to be trifled with. »
"People have devotees, but need a budget and equipment, and to themselves," gatherings "are here. Previously, it was: the shooting party leaders rate the film was one in five, to academics - one in four, on documentary films - one in three. Because academics are sometimes negotiated, members of the Politburo always negotiated - they need to retake. And with the animals, like how to make and have made, thought leadership. Now, of course, is the question of the film is not necessary, but the question is not technical perfection cameras filmed. Now even Trinoga such cases, it almost is more expensive camera. »
- Continuing the theme of television. Tell us more about Skyleaf Eco-TV. What do you do here, and what this innovation project. After all, he, as is clear from the information on the website is intended to unite environmentalists from different countries to create a common information space.
- In principle, we do not here anything special happening. But we have already remove ecological marathon. Putting people and they talk about their achievements. We have a new approach. Were transmission, when people were looking for where the spill, which staged a landfill, where the animals had shot where something is burned. This can be done infinitely - search for environmental violations. But this should be dealt with Rosprirodnadzor, departments, Nature Conservation Society, voluntary organizations. And what are we going to run them with a camera and persuaded to do something? One of my teachers said so: "Rather than curse the darkness all his life, it is necessary to light a candle." If the curse the darkness, she begins to rage, then rejoice that of her talk, and then begins to stick to you. As a result, it will lead you to a lunatic asylum or a heart attack. And on top of people it will cause negative emotions, a sense of despair and hopelessness.
And I say, let's find the best people to do the cleanest water that create businesses without emissions! And people look and think: "But you can, and so!" So we did the story about recycling plant near Moscow (it unfortunately created by foreign experts). Air pollution from a nearby road is the biggest in the yard a little better, and the cleanest air comes out of the chimney of the plant. People come and ask for a tour, the plant is not working or what? The smoke from the chimney is not! So it is not necessary. This heatsink.
- So this plant is the very spark that ignites your television?
" - Exactly! After all, someone will want to follow suit. Or any officer finds the offender and tell him - that's how to do it is necessary that you are telling me here, that we can not without pollution? »
- After all, this is a global project, and not just Russia. How it works?
"- While we just lay on Youtube subjects. But now we are in Sochi equip permanent studio, which will be linked with Moscow. And it will link with other countries. We only work the first year, and so far apart. But we want to make this connection permanent. I'm still in 1986 he participated in the program "Safari World" to "Bi-Bi-Si." During the hour and a half from the center of Bristol, David Attenborough and Julian Pettifer did switching from different points of the planet. That switch from Alaska and polar bears go there and tells about them leading. We had a midnight, and I'm from Ostankino kept in touch with Kamchatka, he talked about the walrus and Central Asia surpassed us material about the saiga. Here I was given ten minutes, and I have five minutes about one told about the other five. In southern China at the time was Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, he's showing pandas. Jacques Cousteau was saying from his laboratory in Monaco, and the leading German Heinz Zilman at the time was on an expedition to the Galapagos, and told her about the turtles. »
Our conversation is interrupted again: there was another urgent matter. We look at the clock and was horrified to realize that we are talking for two hours, and the time to ask all the questions simply does not remain. Nicholas tells many interesting things that the minutes themselves are formed in the watch.
via ridus

In an interview, Nicholas invited us into the studio Skyleaf Eco-TV - a new international environmental media project. This is one of the many areas of work in which shipped this amazing man: teaching at the university, wrote scholarly articles and textbooks, is involved in voluntary movement, recently involved in the Public Chamber, and, of course, is the program "In the world of animals." And all this without leaving the main - the study of nature. Three days ago he returned from Australia, where five thousand kilometers traveled, exploring the wilderness of this unique continent. And it is in 77 years, even after breaking his leg aching.

First of all, Nikolai apologizes and asks to wait - he should spend some important talks on the phone. Tea, coffee and mineral water Lipetsk approved by environmentalists. He himself chicory drinks with skim milk. It perfectly ironed jacket with pale green tie, lapel shiny blue icon "Kind Angel of Peace".

When finished talking to one of the three mobile phones that lie in front of him on the table, Nicholas immediately recognized that he was a vegetarian, but not because he was sorry for the animals.

"- Pets to spare no sense at all, because they have been bred specifically for a person to them and then eaten. We spend a lot of resources to support them: create pastures, select fields for forage crops, creating cleaning products, build and fill the silos, feed them all winter, warmed build premises for keeping cattle and so on. It is a wild amount of extra money that we spend to eat meat. They say sorry skotinku. And what to do with it? Just imagine, we are not going to kill them, we will give them the freedom, let them live until his death. Where are we expel them? Or are we going to feed them to the last hour? And it's even better! The same cost and labor, only that they died a natural death. I think many people just come at night and secretly they will cut. It's one thing if you contain them, and then you give the meat, and quite another to raise them only to have them drop dead of natural causes. This is ridiculous! But with age, they will begin the disease, veterinarians at the age begin to treat them. This can only be delusional fantasy film.

- So why are you a vegetarian?
"- And because meat consumption nebiologichno, unreasonable and not optimal. Food should be optimal, and if we begin to select food that suits a person and begin to gradually drop everything less suitable, the meat does not remain. Will not even fruit, although they are also good, and vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. Seeds, kazinak sunflower, sesame ... mmmm! - She smiles dreamily ecologist. »

- A seafood?
"- And the seafood, I think it's borderline group of products that can be consumed. The culinary regarding their meat can not even be considered. In my opinion, the most rigorous understanding of meat - cooking. Because from the biological point of view the meat - the soft tissue of a living organism. Even the worm can be called meat, because he is, even predkostochki bristles that his firm, keep the shape of the body, allow to crawl. »

Here Nikolai indulges in, no kidding, preinteresneyshy story about the digestive system of earthworms. Then gently goes to his trip to Australia: there are saltwater crocodiles that attack humans, and safe freshwater (reptiles - his passion), and the famous Australian rock, and the continent's history and current situation of Aboriginal people over whom actually experimented, resettling in their city.

- Nicholas, you've been in almost all corners of the world, even at the North Pole. What do you remember most, which is the most interesting?
"- It is clear that every place in its own right. And I was in many places of our homeland, back in its previous size and open spaces. I'm mostly interested in the wildlife of desert areas, so I liked to go to the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Transcaucasia, which shows the semi-desert. I like to spend it all field seasons: winter and visited, and spring and summer. »
"I am also very lyuboyu island, and usually tell about their trip to Mauritius, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, the Galapagos Islands, the Canary Islands. But I'll tell you in terms of geography. I like three places: the North Pole, the South Pole and the Equator. Imagine that you are standing on the North Pole (the South I stood just been in Antarctica and to the South Pole is very difficult to reach. It is located in the icy mountains, and even in summer it is very difficult to achieve). What do you think, where you will have the north, east, south, west? In all directions is south! Imagine the globe Behold latitude on it, so the meridians that run from the North Pole to the South. And the North Pole is exactly the point at which all the meridians converge. So everywhere south. But if the South stand, correspondingly, will always north. »
"And what happens to a man who stands on the equator facing west? That not feeling it with great speed rushing and doing a day long path around the Earth in 40 thousand kilometers. And what happens to a man (well, woman), which stands on one of the poles? He did only one turn around. »

- Nicholas, you've been in almost all corners of the world, even at the North Pole. What do you remember most, which is the most interesting? «
- It is clear that every place in its own right. And I was in many places of our homeland, back in its previous size and open spaces. I'm mostly interested in the wildlife of desert areas, so I liked to go to the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Transcaucasia, which shows the semi-desert. I like to spend it all field seasons: winter and visited, and spring and summer.
I am also very lyuboyu island, and usually tell about their trip to Mauritius, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, the Galapagos Islands, the Canary Islands. But I'll tell you in terms of geography. I like three places: the North Pole, the South Pole and the Equator. Imagine that you are standing on the North Pole (the South I stood just been in Antarctica and to the South Pole is very difficult to reach. It is located in the icy mountains, and even in summer it is very difficult to achieve). What do you think, where you will have the north, east, south, west? In all directions is south! Imagine the globe Behold latitude on it, so the meridians that run from the North Pole to the South. And the North Pole is exactly the point at which all the meridians converge. So everywhere south. But if the South stand, correspondingly, will always north.
And what happens to a man who stands on the equator facing west? That not feeling it with great speed rushing and doing a day long path around the Earth in 40 thousand kilometers. And what happens to a man (well, woman), which stands on one of the poles? He did only one turn around.
© Olga Manolov / Ridus.ru

- How do you feel about the fact that many of you are perceived exclusively as a leading program "Animal World"? You probably often ask questions about it. It is known that Leonid Yakubovich, for example, do not like to be questioned about the "Field of Dreams."
"- I Lenechka I know, I think it is somewhat disingenuous. If a person makes a transfer, and it is popular, it can not not love her. Our transfer (I never say my transfer, because it is the fruit of the work of many people) very dear to me. And then, I'm not her permanent leader. The first was Alexander Zguridi, who picked up the music, and wonderful screen saver. And it all happened in front of me, because in the first year, he invited me to transfer. For the first time she went out April 17, 1968. And in December, he invited me to speak. I had just defended his PhD and became a certified scientist, at that moment he found me at the university. First, though, he said to me, did not know anything, and invited my teacher, Professor Chel'tsov. In 1975 Zguridi handed transmission Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov - a remarkable journalist, correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the writer and ecologist as he called himself. And Sands began to transmit, and I speak with him, and two years later he told me: "It's hard to me to one lead, Nick, let alone going to: you're talking about animals, but I'm talking about nature and man." He has always been a theme nature and man: nature protection, household, pets, farmhouse, the history of the domestication of animals, in general, is very interesting. The period from 1977 to 1990, I call the Silver Age of our transmission. »
"A 90-year Vasily Mikhailovich said that he was going to Alaska and then to Chukotka to write a book. And I was left alone on the transfer. And from '90 to the present time I have one of its leading. Twenty-four years is a lot. Now came my assistant, twelve year old boy who makes his short stories, we are with him through the "plasma" talk. It gives reports from research institutes, zoos, kennels, very interesting. And it helps a lot. Diligent and hardworking guy Alexei Lapin. He reads a lot and likes to work. But he was only 12 years old. And I would not want to transmit as long as he becomes an adult and take the baton. There are people who could replace me and now of the speakers on the transfer. While I understand that it would be better that it was Alyosha. But, it may, within a year I will be able to offer something revolutionary. Perhaps Alyosha will have to conduct a children's page, not 6-7 minutes and 10-12 to get people used to it. And it will be easier. We know a number of programs that were terminated in connection with the passing of the master - "travel club" Yuri Senkevich, "The obvious - an incredible» Sergei Kapitsa. And I do not want to be a leader, because of the passing of which ended "in the animal world." I wish that it was perceived, not as my transfer, and as the transfer of the animals. »

- If we are talking about programs. What do you think about the modern domestic documentaries about animals? In recent years, the quality has increased markedly. Soon Russian product could equal in quality to the movie "Bi-Bi-Si"? What is missing?
"- Our films as something even embarrassing to say the budget is not enough ... talented, experienced and skilled, dedicated to the cause guys we have. But it needs a budget. I worked with the "Bi-Bi-Si." There is an operator comes with your camera, and the camera - hoo! We are still in the Soviet era began to shoot the film Soviet Safari, and when the shooting ended, the Soviet Union was not, so we called it the "Kingdom of the Russian bear." There's the whole team was with the "Bi-Bi-Si", and I'm just leading. This was in line series that made David Attenborough - the best English leading nature films. I am by this time David was already familiar with, we met several times in Bristol at the festival of documentary films about the nature Wild Screen. And David said the film about the Soviet Union should do Drozdov. He had been in Russia, regions knows what sort of animals, and so on. He argued that Drozdov speaks with an accent. "It is good that accent! All will immediately recognize that it is a local person who tells us all this "- said Attenborough. »
"And six series about our country for the British in the end I did. Thanks to David, that gave way. But some operators were coming! His camera - not all know that this came out. In the "Bi-Bi-Si" means that the camera should be more than just a new and good, but one of the best in the world, has just released, with all its possibilities. Once it is slightly outdated, the operator changes it. This is for two years, our operator was replaced by three cameras. But this time we had one camera into several groups - can you imagine what it becomes? And there own camera operator with a speck of dust blows off her, except that does not sleep in the arms of her. This is related to the equipment ... But this also depends on the image. »
"Devotion to work there with them, and our. The children can sit at bezvylazno bear dens for weeks. That's imagine: it is known that the bear should get out of the lair somewhere near the 8th of March. This means that it is necessary at the end of February to sit down with the camera on a hillside on the contrary, make a winter "cottage" and blindness to look at the sun sparkling on the snow, so that God forbid, do not miss the right moment. And now he is sitting there - no fire is not razozhzhesh nothing, eats chocolates. And this brings stuff that you look and you bear right on going. And in fact, he rented it from a nearby hillside. After all, if you sit directly in front of den, the bear or do not work or give in so that will not find it. The bear to be trifled with. »
"People have devotees, but need a budget and equipment, and to themselves," gatherings "are here. Previously, it was: the shooting party leaders rate the film was one in five, to academics - one in four, on documentary films - one in three. Because academics are sometimes negotiated, members of the Politburo always negotiated - they need to retake. And with the animals, like how to make and have made, thought leadership. Now, of course, is the question of the film is not necessary, but the question is not technical perfection cameras filmed. Now even Trinoga such cases, it almost is more expensive camera. »

- Continuing the theme of television. Tell us more about Skyleaf Eco-TV. What do you do here, and what this innovation project. After all, he, as is clear from the information on the website is intended to unite environmentalists from different countries to create a common information space.
- In principle, we do not here anything special happening. But we have already remove ecological marathon. Putting people and they talk about their achievements. We have a new approach. Were transmission, when people were looking for where the spill, which staged a landfill, where the animals had shot where something is burned. This can be done infinitely - search for environmental violations. But this should be dealt with Rosprirodnadzor, departments, Nature Conservation Society, voluntary organizations. And what are we going to run them with a camera and persuaded to do something? One of my teachers said so: "Rather than curse the darkness all his life, it is necessary to light a candle." If the curse the darkness, she begins to rage, then rejoice that of her talk, and then begins to stick to you. As a result, it will lead you to a lunatic asylum or a heart attack. And on top of people it will cause negative emotions, a sense of despair and hopelessness.
And I say, let's find the best people to do the cleanest water that create businesses without emissions! And people look and think: "But you can, and so!" So we did the story about recycling plant near Moscow (it unfortunately created by foreign experts). Air pollution from a nearby road is the biggest in the yard a little better, and the cleanest air comes out of the chimney of the plant. People come and ask for a tour, the plant is not working or what? The smoke from the chimney is not! So it is not necessary. This heatsink.

- So this plant is the very spark that ignites your television?
" - Exactly! After all, someone will want to follow suit. Or any officer finds the offender and tell him - that's how to do it is necessary that you are telling me here, that we can not without pollution? »

- After all, this is a global project, and not just Russia. How it works?
"- While we just lay on Youtube subjects. But now we are in Sochi equip permanent studio, which will be linked with Moscow. And it will link with other countries. We only work the first year, and so far apart. But we want to make this connection permanent. I'm still in 1986 he participated in the program "Safari World" to "Bi-Bi-Si." During the hour and a half from the center of Bristol, David Attenborough and Julian Pettifer did switching from different points of the planet. That switch from Alaska and polar bears go there and tells about them leading. We had a midnight, and I'm from Ostankino kept in touch with Kamchatka, he talked about the walrus and Central Asia surpassed us material about the saiga. Here I was given ten minutes, and I have five minutes about one told about the other five. In southern China at the time was Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, he's showing pandas. Jacques Cousteau was saying from his laboratory in Monaco, and the leading German Heinz Zilman at the time was on an expedition to the Galapagos, and told her about the turtles. »

Our conversation is interrupted again: there was another urgent matter. We look at the clock and was horrified to realize that we are talking for two hours, and the time to ask all the questions simply does not remain. Nicholas tells many interesting things that the minutes themselves are formed in the watch.