Sublime Sheikha Mozah

Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, the second wife (of three), the Qatari Emir.
Born in 1959 in Qatar with his family lived in Egypt in 18 years back in Qatar for marriage. She has seven children (5 sons and 2 daughters). Sheikha Mozah - the only act of women in the Middle East, who in addition to the charitable activity, participates in the work of Parliament. She entered the 100 most influential women in the world according to the magazine Forbes (74). I'm sure that watching her pictures, you will agree that it is not just a smart and strong, but also a beautiful and elegant woman with an amazing sense of style.
Oriental women have always been known for its hidden, mysterious beauty. The myth that a woman is Muslim, a priori can not be stylish and is a model of femininity and elegance - for women all over the world no more than a fiction. But who managed to dethrone him, keeping the Muslim tradition? Meet - "Arab Grace Kelly" - Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned,.

This woman recently became the second in the list of the most elegant women in the magazine Vanity Fair. No wonder - it's impossible not to note the style, it is impossible not to notice herself. In this case, note that it is strongly constrained by religion, protocol and other contingencies. But each of its output to the light - it is a holiday.
And her 52-year-she is the mother of seven children. In short, I present to you the divine Sheikh magnetic memory and its stil.Eё Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, - the second wife of three Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. Sheikha Mozah was born in 1959 in the Qatari city of Al Khor. Her father was Nasser bin Abdullah Al-Missnid, the president of Egypt. In 1977, at age 18 she was given in marriage to the Crown Prince of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who is now the ruler, Sheikh, Qatar. Apart from Sheikh Mozah, according to Muslim tradition, there are two more spouses. But that Sheikha Mozah significantly stands out against the background, it is all the time is "on sight" Mozah Nasser breaks all the stereotypes about Eastern wives.
At the moment it is one of the most active countries nyuzmeykerov.

It was she who first publicly appeared in public with open face, breaking one of the major taboos Adab in the countries of Arabia. This Qatari men, subjects to the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the first in the Gulf could see his wife's face presidential Mozah bint Nasser, to open a branch of the British Medical University Cornwell in Doha (capital of Qatar). Beautiful woman wearing a long black robe and matching head scarf and had a minimum of jewelry.

It is recalled that in the Adab Arabia requires that a woman in public wearing the traditional black cloak "abaya" and "Hail" - a veil, and black gloves and stockings. Only her husband, sons and next of kin may see a woman without them.
However, this tradition is rapidly disappearing, with the exception of Saudi Arabia today on the streets of the Gulf common to see girls and young women with uncovered faces. However, in respect of the First Ladies of the tradition persisted until recently.

These were the first steps towards reform, but despite the fact that women were free to choose the clothes, not the whole of society has adopted these changes, tradition, customs, religion still have a strong impact.
However, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, did not stop there. The next step was to create their own unique style. For this, she has adapted European design, with minimal deviating from religious rules and traditions. And in this she succeeded - to show the world one of a kind images. She is very elegant and looks organically in their outfits for the magazine Vanity fair (and not only) is not just include it in the list of the most well-dressed people (including in 2011), second only to Carla Bruni and ahead of the Duchess of Cambridge.

At present, its taste envied not only oriental women. So it often comes out in long skirts or long or wide flaring trousers, short jackets and coats with belts necessarily, sometimes quite broad. The head is covered by the tradition, this Sheikha Mozah uses turban, has already become an integral part of her wardrobe. It was he, according to fashion experts, it is a "calling card". Since Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world, Sheikha Mozah does not hide his attraction to luxury, it has an exclusive collection of jewelry, and vintage haute couture collections stars Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Chanel, Valentino.
Typically, Sheikha Mozah prefers to wear long earrings or large, beads and "eastern" ring - with no less massive large stones. According to designers of jewelry that she uses, reasonably balanced, combining modernity and oriental mystery. In order to complete his image Sheikha Mozah prefers moderate makeup, using pastel, restrained tone. In addition to all celebrate the harmony of her gestures and mental sharpness, making it irresistible and welcome guest in every presidential palaces in the world.

Wife of Sheikh already competed in the ability to make an impression with the first lady of France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy during his visit to Paris last year.
Shaikh of Qatar and the Queen VelikobritaniiNa this time rates have increased only fashion competition - Shahin Mozah Nasser Al-Missned has once again proved that a Muslim woman can be the epitome of elegance and refinement during a trip to the UK with her husband, the Emir of Qatar.
Dressed in costume pastel blue, complete dark gray fur capes, Mozah Nasser Al-Missned struck not only the royal family, but also all the journalists, which caused a major stir in the media. Photos, which Sheikha Mozah exchanged greetings with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, mottled all covers. Special attention and sympathy from the British caused stylish boots.
Boots sheyhiSheyha Moza significantly different not only in appearance from the wives of other monarchs of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, as it takes an active social position. She manages many projects in education, science, culture, protection of the rights of children and women.
In 1986 she graduated from the Faculty of Sociology, National University of Qatar. Some time Sheikha Mozah made presentations at universities in the US and various public organizations, which try to dispel many of the myths of oriental women, their lifestyle and the situation in the world today. And American University Carnegie awarded her an honorary Doctor of Science.

In 2003, UNESCO appointed her Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education. In this role, she actively promotes various international projects to improve the quality and accessibility of education worldwide.
In 2003, with the assistance of Sheikhs opened "Education City" - a university town and the university itself, the teaching of which are professors from US universities such as Georgetown, University of Virginia, University and Carnegie Kommonvilsky University. In "Education City" has students from around the world.

Undoubtedly, it is a powerful and popular person in the country, in its national politics, being involved in the work of the Government of Qatar. She is on some international and Qatari posts:
-Chairman Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development;
- President of the Supreme Council of Family Affairs;
- Vice President of the Supreme Council for Education.

This enables sheikhs breaking any stereotypes about Eastern women. It also supports the democratic transformation in the East, leading the Arab Democratic fund. This allows her to be active in the fight against domestic violence, to defend the rights of children and the right of persons with disabilities to work. Since coming to power, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, ie her husband has been some reforms, including those relating to the status of women in society.
- They got the right to vote;
- The right to drive a car;
- The right to choose clothes.
Last year in Qatar were first free elections to municipal councils - local governments, which were attended by women. Developed in the country a new constitution provides for the granting women political rights, including the right to be elected to Parliament. Now there emirate appointed consultative council.

Sheikh was a driving force during the formation of the children's department of Arabic channel Al-Jazeera, for which in 2007, Forbes magazine included it in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world, The Times named her one of the 25 most influential business leaders in the Middle East. And in 2010 it was already 74 in the list of the most influential women in the world, according to the magazine Forbes.
Currently Sheikha Mozah - Member of the Board of Trustees of Weill Cornell Medical College. In addition, it is also Chairman of the Sidra Medical Research Center in Doha and the organization «Your Link».

The most curious thing that Sheikha Mozah oppose polygamy permitted by Islam. About this she expressed her opinion in an interview with the newspaper "Financial Times". "The young generation has no such problem. Sharia, by contrast, allows polygamy and there's nothing you can do, but in the future the institution of marriage itself rationalization ", - she said. Sheikha Mozah is proud that the girls are already more than 60% of university students, and the proportion of working women in the emirate is 40%. We may recall that Qatari women were the first in the history of the Gulf appeared in stadiums and sports halls.
Today Qatar Sheikh Mose 53, but despite his age and the fact that she is the mother of seven children (the total number of offspring emir unknown, although in the Western media is the number 27), it retains an amazing figure. Do Sheikha Mozah and King Hamad five sons and two daughters, among whom the heir to the throne of Qatar - Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani.
When Western journalists asked her a question about what motivates her to so active, and where it draws its energy for its implementation, particularly in the areas of education, Sheikha Mozah said: "First of all, for me the privilege to be in this position. At the same time that I am a mother of seven children, determined my attitude toward education of the young generation and future generations. Occupying such a position, I think that you can not miss the opportunity to do something for what is my passion for my faith in education. I believe that education - is the key to all the changes that we want to implement in the world. Our project is education reform in Qatar is based on this philosophy. If you want any changes, any reform, political or social, must begin with the most important - with education. "
In recent years more and more women of noble and not only Arabian families emerge from the narrow circle of domestic responsibilities outlined by tradition and religion, and go in peace. Mention may be tens or hundreds araviek, who now heads the large companies are very successful business, has a serious public office, headed embassies abroad, engaged in science, art, literature and sports. And, of course, for many of them brave act Qatari first lady became a symbol of rapid change in the status of women in the Arabian Peninsula.

After marrying an authoritarian man in the eastern states, it could forever remain for others "woman in a burqa," but Mozah Nasser Al-Missned avoid these extremes, and over the years demonstrates his honed sense of style, which does not go beyond what is permitted in the east "fashionable etiquette." It was an amazing way to combine the ability to eastern wisdom and modern style, it has managed to become a true living legend.