Grace Kelly
Even after Grace became a princess of Monaco, she confessed to her friend how she managed to captivate the Prince Rainier: "I just left him no chance." She knew what to say. Becoming the Princess Grace just as "the world has not left a single chance" to not pay attention to Monaco. When couple of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace country seriously rose by rebuilding industry, raising culture to interested crowds of tourists and investors, organizing a permanent charity balls and events unfolded charity ... And at the center of this movement was always Grace - as a style icon and a symbol of a prosperous, rich, in a sense, the elite of the state.
Life after marriage of Grace Kelly was a continuation of her image in the movie: the cold outside and the heat inside. Above all it was decently. And in the silence of the palace chambers, as they say - the scandals and the scenes of jealousy.
As they say, Prince Rainier threw in her husband glasses, scandals due hairstyles pursued because of fictional lovers. The situation is complicated by the fact that Hollywood did not forget about his "Snow Queen" - until her tragic death in 1982, there were periodic rumors of Kelly's return to the big screen. Subject that "maybe the princess still more than Princess" from time to time surfaced in the press that did not add lightness to the already complex relationship of the royal couple.
In his last lifetime interview with Grace said, "You see, the actors in the United States can share their social, public life and private life. Here in Monaco, as the wife of Prince Rainier, I can only play a role ... be his princess »...
After the death of her children Grace through scandals splashed on the pages of the tabloids: a scandalous royal family in the 90 years it was difficult to find. Was the behavior of their children involved in Grace Kelly is uncertain, one thing is important: without the Grace of Monaco royal family, and the state itself would not be as we know it today.
Life after marriage of Grace Kelly was a continuation of her image in the movie: the cold outside and the heat inside. Above all it was decently. And in the silence of the palace chambers, as they say - the scandals and the scenes of jealousy.
As they say, Prince Rainier threw in her husband glasses, scandals due hairstyles pursued because of fictional lovers. The situation is complicated by the fact that Hollywood did not forget about his "Snow Queen" - until her tragic death in 1982, there were periodic rumors of Kelly's return to the big screen. Subject that "maybe the princess still more than Princess" from time to time surfaced in the press that did not add lightness to the already complex relationship of the royal couple.
In his last lifetime interview with Grace said, "You see, the actors in the United States can share their social, public life and private life. Here in Monaco, as the wife of Prince Rainier, I can only play a role ... be his princess »...
After the death of her children Grace through scandals splashed on the pages of the tabloids: a scandalous royal family in the 90 years it was difficult to find. Was the behavior of their children involved in Grace Kelly is uncertain, one thing is important: without the Grace of Monaco royal family, and the state itself would not be as we know it today.