Grace Kelly's shameless tips for elegant ladies

Often in difficult situations, we need advice. Me. citations strong women. When I don’t know what to do, I imagine how a great woman would behave in my place.

After watching the old, but surprisingly beautiful film “Village Girl” (black and white, back in 1954), she became interested in the biography of the actress, and later Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly. Her beauty, charm, and most importantly - wisdom can be admired all the time.

Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you, dear reader, a selection of shameless Grace Kelly's advice for elegant ladies. Golden words!

Grace Kelly’s powerful women truly embodies the ideal of beauty and elegance that can exist. When you look at her images, you get the feeling that they are thought out to the smallest detail. “I only buy a thing if it catches my eye. And then I wear it for years! – Grace Kelly And it is true that the actress and princess in one person was not wasteful.

She could wear the coat she liked for more than 7 years, and could easily wear the dress in which she had already appeared in public.

GettyImages: “If there’s anything totally foreign to me, it’s shopping for shopping!” Grace Kelly preferred the French couturier, namely Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Hubert de Givenchy and others.

Her image is discreet, but at the same time very stylish and elegant. It is very important when creating any image – do not overdo it. And that's the line Grace Kelly has always felt 100 percent.

But most importantly, she knew how to make the right choice. In her memoirs, she wrote: “The most important and most natural role of a woman is to be a support for the family.”

During the filming of Alfred Hitchcock’s film To Catch a Thief, which took place on the Cote d’Azur in France, Grace met Prince Rainier III of Monaco and decided to play her main and most difficult role not in cinema, but in real life. She became Princess of Monaco, wife of Prince Rainier III and mother of his three children.

“The most important thing is to be able to listen to others. And it is very important that both spouses have the same moral principles, the princess said about the marriage. This is almost the key to the happy-life.

“I must admire my man, otherwise why would I need him?” Many psychologists say that the ability to sincerely admire your husband helps a man to reveal his potential and purpose in all areas of life.

GettyImages And here is another small selection of her maxim.

"Anger solves nothing."

“In order not to lose, but to gain, you need to work tirelessly on yourself, no matter how old you are – ten, twenty or fifty years old.”

GettyImages: I try not to look back. I prefer good memories to regrets.”

“A gentleman is a man who always looks as polite as he does occasionally.”

“I try not to look back. I prefer good memories to regrets.”

GettyImages "I'm not Cinderella at all ..." I just always wanted a miracle.”

“Helping others is the deepest meaning of life.”

Always, in any situation, be honest with yourself. This was one of Grace Kelly’s mottos: “Talking to yourself is the hardest because you can’t be completely honest.” You always try to justify yourself.”

GettyImages Editorial Board Quotes of strong women are able to inspire and change life for the better, so I also recommend reading the wise advice of another smart and beautiful woman - Audrey Hepburn. This woman really has something to learn!

GettyImages The Wise Princess of Monaco: "Don't be lazy as a child, work in your youth so that in adulthood it will be easy for you." I cannot disagree with that statement. When raising my children, I will try to lay in them the best qualities and skills that will be useful to them in adult life.

Many Grace Kelly's advice They hit me in the shower. Which of the above quotes did you like?

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