Why is it time to start cooking for winter?
The treatment of the greenhouse in autumn will keep it in integrity throughout the winter, and also raise your chances in the fight against pests and plant diseases.
The preparation of the greenhouse for winter depends not least on the harvest of the next season. So it is worth taking a few minutes to get acquainted with the features of this process in more detail.
The first thing to do is clean the greenhouse from weeds and plant residues. So that the phytofluoro does not wait for spring, comfortably placed in the top, it is recommended to burn it.
Dig the soil on the bayonet of the shovel without breaking the lumps. This will make insects available for smoke treatment and allow the soil to freeze better in winter.
Carefully wash the walls and frame of the greenhouse with a solution of green soap. As you can see in the photo, this affordable tool helps to fight many pests and diseases.
For example, with thrips, aphids, spider mite, shield, powdery dew, rust and phytofluorosis. It is also noted that polycarbonate after such processing is not covered with green coating.
Many gardeners use fumigation with sulfur checkers to destroy mold, fungi and pathogenic bacteria in the greenhouse. When smoldering checkers, a sulfurous gas is formed. This allows you to get rid of pests both in the soil and on the details of the greenhouse.
But this method is not without drawbacks. After all, as it turned out, sulfurous gas is dangerous not only for mold and phytophthora. It has a devastating effect on the metal parts of the greenhouse.
Therefore, we offer a natural alternative in the form of tobacco checkers. Smoke from tobacco bombs penetrates every crack. And the nicotine contained in it effectively fights phytofluora and powdery dew. Destroys whitefly, copperfly, aphid, leaflet and their larvae.
Before fuming, put all the cracks in the greenhouse. Then set it in a fireproof stand under the checker. It can be a sheet of metal or a few bricks.
Burn the wick of a checker outside. Wait until it goes out and starts to smolder, profusely emitting smoke. Put the checker on the stand in the greenhouse, go out and lock the door tightly outside.
Since the smoke does not affect the pest eggs, it is advisable to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. By this time, the insects will have time to hatch and processing will do its job.
To make a tobacco bomb at home, you will need sodium nitrate, old newspapers and tobacco. Dilute 250 grams of nitrate in a liter of water. Soak the newspaper in this solution. Then dry them and spread the tobacco over them. All you have to do is roll it up.
Some gardeners take the path of saving even further and replace the checker with inexpensive tobacco dust. The only difficulty is to come up with a design that will make the dust smolder.
This, for example, can be an old unnecessary pan and electric tiles. Pour the required amount of tobacco dust into the pan. Turn on the tile, put a pan of dust on it and wait 2-3 hours. During this time, tobacco will turn into ash, and the entire greenhouse will be dotted with dead whiteflies.
Preventive treatment with tobacco smoke can be carried out in the spring 2-3 weeks before planting vegetables. Maybe later. Smoking, as a rule, does not harm plants. But the pests after him will have a hard time.

The preparation of the greenhouse for winter depends not least on the harvest of the next season. So it is worth taking a few minutes to get acquainted with the features of this process in more detail.
The first thing to do is clean the greenhouse from weeds and plant residues. So that the phytofluoro does not wait for spring, comfortably placed in the top, it is recommended to burn it.

Dig the soil on the bayonet of the shovel without breaking the lumps. This will make insects available for smoke treatment and allow the soil to freeze better in winter.

Carefully wash the walls and frame of the greenhouse with a solution of green soap. As you can see in the photo, this affordable tool helps to fight many pests and diseases.

For example, with thrips, aphids, spider mite, shield, powdery dew, rust and phytofluorosis. It is also noted that polycarbonate after such processing is not covered with green coating.
Many gardeners use fumigation with sulfur checkers to destroy mold, fungi and pathogenic bacteria in the greenhouse. When smoldering checkers, a sulfurous gas is formed. This allows you to get rid of pests both in the soil and on the details of the greenhouse.

But this method is not without drawbacks. After all, as it turned out, sulfurous gas is dangerous not only for mold and phytophthora. It has a devastating effect on the metal parts of the greenhouse.
Therefore, we offer a natural alternative in the form of tobacco checkers. Smoke from tobacco bombs penetrates every crack. And the nicotine contained in it effectively fights phytofluora and powdery dew. Destroys whitefly, copperfly, aphid, leaflet and their larvae.

Before fuming, put all the cracks in the greenhouse. Then set it in a fireproof stand under the checker. It can be a sheet of metal or a few bricks.
Burn the wick of a checker outside. Wait until it goes out and starts to smolder, profusely emitting smoke. Put the checker on the stand in the greenhouse, go out and lock the door tightly outside.
Since the smoke does not affect the pest eggs, it is advisable to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. By this time, the insects will have time to hatch and processing will do its job.
To make a tobacco bomb at home, you will need sodium nitrate, old newspapers and tobacco. Dilute 250 grams of nitrate in a liter of water. Soak the newspaper in this solution. Then dry them and spread the tobacco over them. All you have to do is roll it up.

Some gardeners take the path of saving even further and replace the checker with inexpensive tobacco dust. The only difficulty is to come up with a design that will make the dust smolder.

This, for example, can be an old unnecessary pan and electric tiles. Pour the required amount of tobacco dust into the pan. Turn on the tile, put a pan of dust on it and wait 2-3 hours. During this time, tobacco will turn into ash, and the entire greenhouse will be dotted with dead whiteflies.
Preventive treatment with tobacco smoke can be carried out in the spring 2-3 weeks before planting vegetables. Maybe later. Smoking, as a rule, does not harm plants. But the pests after him will have a hard time.
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