How to build a greenhouse

Everyone must have dreamed at least once. greenhouseFresh and healthy products will be at hand, and only so you can be completely sure that fruits and vegetables do not contain any harmful chemicals that are used in commercial production.

As it turned out, a budget greenhouse can be made with your own hands, and all costs are covered by one salary. Canal handler "Alenin Garden" I caught on video how she managed to build a beautiful greenhouse in a matter of days, in which she has been growing peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables for more than a year.

The woman complained about the sour, infertile land, and yet the greenhouse she built bears fruit every season. Any building begins with the foundation, in the case of Alyona, 4 bricks were used, on which boards were installed in one tier.

Because of the poor land, the builders had to make a second tier of boards, after which the owners installed a doorway. To make it was very simple: two vertical boards and one horizontal. Then two more similar structures were added to the greenhouse, and an arch in the form of a horizontal beam was installed on top of them.

After that comes an interesting, but at the same time time time time-consuming process: the owners began to install pipes in the form of an arch on top of the skate. Pipes had to be fixed at the base, mounting tape was used for this. At this stage, a beautiful greenhouse is already visible.

Then it was time to install the door. Ordinary bars of 3x3 centimeters, standard mounts in the form of hinges and voila: the door is ready for operation, however, creaks a little. A window was also made in a similar style.

On the fifth day of construction, it was time to cover the greenhouse with film. However, before that, the owners were not lazy to cover sharp corners and roughness with a laminate substrate so that the film did not break and served longer. The builders armed with stapler and scissors and in a matter of hours coped with the task.

A few days later, grateful seeds began to germinate, and nevertheless, the hostess of the greenhouse called the result a mess. She invites you to make three beds and two passages to the garden was easier to care for. Alyona grows seeds in buckets, and the soil is dotted with lawn grass, which in some places has grown to 70 cm!

It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Alena really did it. nice greenhouse with your own handsYou can see the entire construction process in the video below.


In the description under the video, Alyona indicated that the costs amounted to 140 euros. If this amount does not suit you, there are options for building a greenhouse cheaper. For example, you can grow seeds directly in plastic bottles!

But some people make mini-greenhouses on windowsills, on stairs, and on balconies. Remember that plants need frequent care, and greenhouse You won't need it.


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