When her ex-husband got married again, she changed her attitude.

About how the former spouses live after divorce, many stories are told. In the case of Maria and Nicholas, the dissolution of the marriage was not so much a forced measure as a whim that did not destroy the family until Nicholas had another woman. For Maria, this meant a final break with her husband.

Before the divorce, Maria heard from relatives and friends that she needed to be a little more affectionate with her husband.

- You don’t want him to leave you, Mary’s mother said.

- Where's he going? We have children together, Maria replied.

Feeling complete freedom of action, Maria many times started quarrels with Nicholas on the smallest occasion. She’s tired after a day with the kids and her husband can’t do anything. However, she could not deny that Nicholas really helped her. He was always happy to help in the kitchen, and with the children to sit or take them to kindergarten.

But that wasn't enough. The quarrels continued, the claims fell on the head of Nicholas, who had fallen, until Maria herself hit the table with her fist.

Peels. I don't want to see you again! I'm filing for divorce. It is better to be with children than with people like you.

Nicholas did not argue and soon moved to his parents. The divorce papers were issued quickly, alimony was appointed, and Maria finally felt free.

At first, Maria was not easy to be alone with her children. Fortunately, her mother and ex-mother-in-law helped her. And Nicholas regularly came to talk with the children, brought gifts and sweets. This situation suited the divorced Mary. However, she did not take into account that a new person may appear in the life of Nicholas.

She became Natalia, also a divorced single mother. Nikolai immediately moved in with her, and after 4 months made a proposal. After the wedding, Maria and her children saw Nicholas less and less. To the extent that he stopped appearing at family holidays, limiting himself to congratulations on the phone.

Peels Maria saw how unpleasant the children from this attitude. So she called Natalia demanding that Nicholas be released from time to time.

- He's their father, after all!

- I don’t hold it, Natalia replied. He is a grown man and goes where he wants to go. If such problems, then they should be discussed first with Nicholas himself.

“It’s a lie,” Maria thought to herself after talking to Natalia. Only after her appearance did Nicholas change, which means that she somehow influenced him. Children are really pathetic. They love their father and are happy to see him. Now they are starting to feel unnecessary.

When Maria managed to call Nikolai and express her outrage at his behavior, she heard an unexpectedly harsh response:

- Leave me alone! Even after the divorce, you keep saying that I'm superfluous, that I'm no use or anything. And when I'm gone, I'm the worst again. I'm sick of hearing this! Especially since I'm starting to hear the same from our kids. I'm tired and I want a break. So please don't touch Natalia, she has nothing to do with this. And stop screwing the kids. It won't end well.

After this conversation, Maria tried to leave Nicholas. It was difficult for her, but it was scary that if she showed the usual pressure, she would lose contact with her ex-husband for a long time. Looks like she really needed to be nicer. But what can I do? For the sake of the children, she was ready for a lot. Not even patience.

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? Such an example of how ex-spouses interact after a divorce suggests that each party may not be the best. Maria did not appreciate the attention of her ex-husband, and Nicholas at the first opportunity decided to free himself from participation in the lives of his own children. It may be for a while, but children will not understand it. They need the love of both mom and dad.


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