Only smart people with high intelligence can pass the test.
Getting a complete picture of human intelligence is not easy. The ability to learn consists of a number of components. It combines verbal, numerical, spatial thinking. It depends on imagination, memory, logic and the amount of accumulated knowledge. We invite readers to take a test of erudition and intelligence with answers. Its results will help you to identify the “weak links” that you should pay attention to in the process of self-development.
Test of erudition and intelligence with answers
That's the kind of intelligence test we got. The answer to it is difficult to calculate on the go and especially remember. After all, to solve it, we have to think creatively and analytically, using both hemispheres of the brain, which in everyday life we do not often.

Test of erudition and intelligence with answers
- What's the extra word?
(a) fox
(b) craftiness
(c) red cap
(d) sister
(e) collar - Which of these is not an anagram of the profession?
An anagram is the result of rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, “WEAR SCHEEK” is an anagram of the word “leader”.
(a) Two cats
(b) Sleep at TIR
(c) Crowd DIM
(d) A visa there
e) Cure - What number should replace the question mark: 23; 28; 33; 38; 43; ?
(b) 47
(c) 48
(g) 50
(e) 52 - What word falls out of the logical series?
(b) tiger
(c) cheetah
(e) cougar - What synonym should be inserted in brackets to finish the first word and start the last word? MAN (...) ) FLOOD
(a) family
(b) homeland
(d) tree
(e) flower - Which two cubes match the layout?
1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 5
(g) 4 and 5
(e) 3 and 4 - A person who is skeptical of progress is...
(a) radical
(b) liberal
(c) democrat
(d) conservative
(e) anarchist - Make a word of 12 letters, moving from letter to letter horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Replace the stars with the missing letters.
- Diameter to radius. Circle - ...?
(b) circle
(c) arc
(d) line
(e) segment - Point out the missing shield.
- Identify a word that is not combined with other common features.
(a) landscape
(b) mosaic
(c) icon
(d) fresco
(e) hand - Which figure should take the place of the question mark?
- Red cape. The only one listed has nothing to do with the fox.
- Sleep at TIR - notary
Two cats, lawyer
Crowd DIM - diplomat
A TREATMENT is a teacher
Visa there Atavism, which is not a profession, of course. - Each successive number in the given sequence is greater than the previous by 5.
23 + 5 = 28
28 + 5 = 33
33 + 5 = 38
38 + 5 = 43
Hence, 43 + 5 = 48. - Wolf The only one not from the cat family.
- The century is synonymous period. Hence man and Wexel.
- The right cubes. 1 and 5.
- Conservative Adherent to traditional values and order. The main goal is to preserve the traditions of society and reject radical reforms.
- The stars should be replaced with the letters X and P. Then the desired word of 12 letters - "fall?
- Arc. “Any two points in a circle that do not coincide divide it into two parts. Each of these parts is called a circle arc. An arc is called a semicircle if the segment connecting its ends is a diameter.”
- The right answer is variant. The shield should be with two horizontal stripes and one vertical.
- One more word. brush.
- Each row and each column contains one horizontally cut circle and two vertically cut circles. Half circles with horizontal cuts are always painted in the same color. Hence, the missing circle should be monochromatic and have a horizontal cut. Such conditions are met only by variant.
That's the kind of intelligence test we got. The answer to it is difficult to calculate on the go and especially remember. After all, to solve it, we have to think creatively and analytically, using both hemispheres of the brain, which in everyday life we do not often.
St. Ambrose of Optina and his instructions
When her ex-husband got married again, she changed her attitude.