75 years best animal friend N. N. Drozdov
20 June 1937-born Soviet and Russian scientist-zoologist, Professor, TV presenter Nikolay Nikolaevich Drozdov
Nikolai Drozdov was born on 20 June 1937 in Moscow, in the family of the famous scientist-chemist. His father, moreover, knew Latin and several languages, and was interested paleontology, astronomy, botany, history. In an appropriate atmosphere grew and Nicholas. While still in school, on the advice of his father, he in the summer holidays he worked as a herdsman at Moscow stud.
After school he entered the biological faculty of Moscow state University, but after two years left school – wanted independence, so I began work. From the factory, starting as a student, he for two years has "grown up" master of tailoring men's clothing. But then returned to MSU in 1963 with honors graduated from the faculty of geography, in 1964-1966 he studied there in graduate school, in 1968 he defended his candidate thesis and in 2000 a doctoral thesis on the biogeography.
Along with learning thrushes since 1966 there in the Department of biogeography as a research associate, 1979 -, associate Professor, and since 2000 Professor, being today one of the most authoritative scholars and teachers of Moscow state University. He teaches ecology, ornithology, conservation, biogeography of the world is constantly lectured extensively, including abroad.
But the most famous Nicholas as the leading weekly of the popular TV show "animal world", where he has been involved since 1968. He began as a speaker (with a leading A. Zguridi), and a scientific Advisor of films about animals, and in 1977 became the author and host. The program Drozdov were such well-known scientists and explorers like Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Thor Heyerdahl, Peter Scott, Gerald Durrell, Frederic Rossif, Heinz Zilman... In 1995, the program "animal world" was awarded the prize "TEFI" as the best educational program.
Nicholas also participated in numerous scientific expeditions, as for our country, and around the world. In 1971-1972 traveled in Australia, it has traveled many areas, has published a book about this journey, "the Flight of the boomerang", which was reprinted several times. In 1979, climbed to the top of mount Elbrus. Three times visited the North pole and dived there in the hole, twice sank to the bottom of lake Baikal in a submersible, made two round trips on research vessels, and hundreds of expeditions and thousands of meetings... In 2003 and 2004, Drozdov took part in the reality show "survivor", having lived both times for over a month on the uninhabited Islands of the archipelagos of Bocas del Toro and Los Perlas (Panama).
Known for Nicholas and as the author of over 200 scientific and popular scientific articles, 30 books, textbooks and manuals. He is also the author and co – author of many films about nature and animals, the largest of which is 6-part TV movie, "the Kingdom of Russian bear" created in collaboration with the natural history Department of the BBC. The film was a huge success in many countries of Europe, USA and Australia. Drozdov repeatedly invited to the jury of film festival of popular science films about animals and nature in the UK and Italy.
Member of the International explorers ' club (Explorers Club), Russian geographical society, the Russian ecological Academy (REA), the Russian Academy of natural Sciences (RAEN), new York Academy of Sciences, the Russian TV Academy, international Academy of Patronage of arts, Social Sciences, Culture and Arts, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ICF "Patrons of the century" – Drozdov was awarded the order of Friendship, Honor, "For merits before Fatherland" IV degree, St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow II degree, the prize "Golden Panda" (also called "Green Oscar"), the award "Kalinga" for the popularization of science, UNESCO medal named after A. Einstein and other awards. It is included in the honorary list of the leading environmentalists and experts on environmental protection of all countries of the world "global-500" UNEP. Thrush is a consultant to the UN Secretary-General for the environment, a member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation and the member of the Commission on national parks IUCN, which is working so far.
Nicholas married. His wife, Tatiana, is a teacher of biology in the Moscow Palace of children and youth creativity. Their daughter Nadezhda, and Elena. In free from work and travel time Drozdov likes to work with animals. Among his Pets – snakes, spiders, phalanges, Scorpions. He enjoys horse riding, skiing, ice swimming, exploring yoga. Loves to sing old Russian folk songs, romances and contemporary popular songs in Russian and foreign languages. In 1990-e years has even released a music video for the song for the program "animal world", and in 2005 – a CD with your favorite songs. Nicholas is sure that "kindness will save the world."
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