Development of the child in 9 months

The kid in 9 months is a kind of "perpetual motion", which practically knows no rest and requires constant attention. To understand it is not so simple, but extremely important. Let's look at all aspects of baby's life, without which it is impossible to ensure his comfort and happiness. Remember that every child is a individuality and to compare your baby with others without special fanaticism. Food 9 month old child eats in a day about one liter of food, with breast milk ceases to be the main source of nutrients. Feeding is done in five stages, during each of which the child eats about 200 grams of food if offered.
This month is allowed to enter into the diet of baby fish. You must do it gently, carefully tracking the child's reaction to the new component. For feeding it is best to choose any delicate fish (e.g., carp or Pollock), which will serve as the most appropriate option. Experts recommend feeding the child carefully milled boiled fillet, manually saving it from the bones. You can cook yourself or buy ready-made children's canned food, which are often combined with cereals and vegetables. However, doctors pay attention of parents to the fact that such a small child is forbidden to give ordinary products as they may cause multiple problems with the stomach. The reason lies in the composition of adult products, which include spices, seasonings and other additives, which adversely affect the microflora of the baby. Pediatricians pay attention to the need to feed the kid of his personal dishes, giving the fact in one hand a spoon in the other bread. Of course, it should be prepared for the fact that the food is literally everywhere, but the phenomenon is temporary, and no one ever said the learning process is easy and simple.
The order of the day. The daily routine of the child needs to be very established. It is useful both for the psyche and the physical condition of the baby.
As a rule, specialists recommend to feed the baby 5 times a day with an interval between meals is 4 hours. Sleeping baby twice: a couple of hours a day and at least 8-10 hours a night. With a NAP, of course, can be difficult (a rare children love to fall asleep in the midst of the fun), but they are surmountable. It was during a day it is easier to gain power and to store energy.
Temporary priorities, within the age of change. Feeding already takes less time, but added to the game.
It. 9 months child still can't speak, but he could readily repeat all the heard sounds. Parents should encourage his aspirations, and rewarding for any attempts to tell any kind of coherent thing. This approach will ensure the interest of the baby. To it developed more actively, it makes sense to provoke the child to certain reflexes. To Rob his toy and to return only after he says "give".

Motor skills. This age almost all children are actively crawling and overcome small obstacles, using her knees and palms. Some children emit shock foot and learn to move in small jumps. Some kids are already showing a desire to stand on the floor, to climb stairs or to get off the couch. To compare the success of offspring does not follow, as a kind of UPS and downs happen to everyone.
At this age children are actively developing a range of muscles, so they spend a lot of energy, trying all desirable and yet not available. Hygiene. Child care remains essentially the same. New procedures are added, but the old are perceived from a different angle. The child knows what bathing, washing and cleaning ears, but now sees it as a personal interference. Someone like that, but not everyone. The task of parents at this stage to instill a love of hygiene, demonstrating how it's interesting and exciting. If the baby sits on the potty and successfully doing everything necessary, it is important to praise him and rejoice with him.
It is understood that at 9 months the child carefully copies the movements of adults. Imitation allows him to get as close to their parents and to understand their behaviour. That's why he rubs his nose, stroking himself with a loofah or brush your hair. In order to interest the child in the ongoing processes, it is possible to try to turn everything into a game.
Development. Any children are extremely curious creatures. At this age, they "grab" any information on the fly and strive immediately to try it out.
Here is just a short list of what can this baby:
1) He begins to learn to dress themselves or to undress. Fully it is, of course, does not work, but he is able to pull the sock off, remove the cap or pull the handle of the already unbuttoned jacket.
2) he gradually starts to develop fine motor skills. The child vomits and crumples the paper compresses the clay and clay, flow sand through his fingers.
3) He knows how to squat and, perhaps, jump rhythmically, holding her mother's hand.
4) Yourself leafing through the thick cardboard page children's books and generally shows interest in toys that might result in any action. He likes to roll on the rope or to pull the particular ribbon.
5) Identifies the body parts of the dolls or their own parents. Can show the mouth, nose, hands and feet in a particular object.
6) the children Have quite clearly defined attachment. They emit any blankets and toys, upsetting not finding them at the usual place.
7) the Child already distinguishes the sounds and cleverly associates them with the corresponding actions. For example, it can determine the buzz of the razor in the morning, realizing that his father woke up.
8) He successfully coordinates two actions and is able to some extent to plan your route. Thus, if you block his way to his favorite toy, he will remove the obstacle and still reach the desired object.
9) All his actions are targeted. He knows he needs a rattle to shake to the sound, and uses a movement to meet their needs.
10) He is aware of object permanence and begins to realize that a hidden toy does not disappear and remains in the place where he left it. This conclusion provokes the desire to play hide and seek.
Emotions. Every day the baby becoming brighter and better. He already knows how to wonder, to rejoice, to be angry and disgusted. That is why parents have to face with tears, frightened eyes and timid gestures.
A large part of the discontent manifested due to any specific action. The baby may not like the way he wipe his nose or cut your fingernails, so he may push away his hand and turn his head. However, to scold him for such displays of anger are not worth it. It makes sense to think about the reasons of such behavior and possibly eliminate the irritants. This age should be taken into account the requests of the child and to respect his fears. For example, if he is afraid of the nurses who does the massage, you can try to learn it yourself.
Communication. By 9 months the child becomes much more sociable. He is already able to perceive not only the parents but also the guests are not familiar with. In order to win his love, enough to bring something as a gift, appealing to the kid and calling it trust.
If a child firmly refuses to communicate with someone from relatives or friends do not insist on this. It is better to postpone the communication, or allow you to meet someone with a positive circumstance and for short intervals of time.
Sleep. 9 month almost every kid starts to sleep peacefully at night without disturbing parents for 11-12 hours. To deprive him of sleep at this age does not, as this an integral part of life plays a significant role in development.
At this stage it is important to make a clear sleep schedule, which is highlighted and rest for the day. If the schedule is sliding, to ensure a peaceful sleep the baby will not work.
Games and activities with the child To 9 months from the moment of birth the fingers of the baby are much stronger, and this means that the time comes to actively develop fine motor skills. The child happily crumples and tears paper, while not featuring expensive book from an ordinary newspaper sheets. It is important to explain the difference and to monitor compliance with the new rules of conduct. The development can be carried out with an ordinary acquaintance with the elementary things: let him touch and to touch the stones, grits, or any small objects, making sure that they do not get in mouth.
For any successes the child needs praise, while not going over the top with zeal. With him make modeling clay, cut out the appliqué, draw with markers (though they get dirty, but noticeably superior in the brightness of the pencils). Don't be surprised if a special attachment the baby will experience to modeling and learn to create with them different meaningful shapes. It makes sense to scatter around the room small items, eventually collecting them in a basket.
Remember that the child at this age likes music and soft toys. He enjoyed learning to play the glockenspiel or use the bells. For the game best suited to all kinds of tweeter, soft hammers, pyramids, balls or simple designers.
Child in 9 months struggled to show their independence and autonomy. It is not necessary to deprive him of the opportunity to explore the world, but once again lose sight of the baby is also impossible. Remember, encouraging his aspirations and supporting the initiatives, you will ensure peace of mind for the future of their offspring, and it is harmonious development, which he undoubtedly deserves!
Source: natural-medicine.ru