Microsoft, Google and other companies are going to sue the AdBlock
According to L'Echos, in the process can also take part local advertising company French Internet Advertising Bureau and the group of content creation GESTE. Last issued a statement which said: "We will continue to consult with lawyers on the subject to date no action is planned».
The essence of the claim is not that AdBlock gives users the ability to block ads when browsing the web, and the new marketing policy developers. Advertiser may apply to the administration of the service and Adblock Plus, for a certain amount of money to unlock access to their banners, if they are recognized as non-intrusive.
"We take a narrow number of blockers that provide a practical solution to publishers. This is a compromise that deserves the right to exist, and we are always open to dialogue ", - said the situation Ben Williams, a spokesman for the product team.
Software that blocks annoying and dangerous advertising, actively gaining popularity among Internet users. However, online portals, which exist only at the expense of advertising, called such software harmful and detrimental to the global network.
For information on when and in what instance would be filing a lawsuit is still unknown. Perhaps Internet giants first try to influence legislation in France, agreed with local MPs, in order to have more legal rights to put pressure on the creators of AdBlock Plus.

The essence of the claim is not that AdBlock gives users the ability to block ads when browsing the web, and the new marketing policy developers. Advertiser may apply to the administration of the service and Adblock Plus, for a certain amount of money to unlock access to their banners, if they are recognized as non-intrusive.
"We take a narrow number of blockers that provide a practical solution to publishers. This is a compromise that deserves the right to exist, and we are always open to dialogue ", - said the situation Ben Williams, a spokesman for the product team.

Software that blocks annoying and dangerous advertising, actively gaining popularity among Internet users. However, online portals, which exist only at the expense of advertising, called such software harmful and detrimental to the global network.
For information on when and in what instance would be filing a lawsuit is still unknown. Perhaps Internet giants first try to influence legislation in France, agreed with local MPs, in order to have more legal rights to put pressure on the creators of AdBlock Plus.