Chi-self-massage of the head.
Self-massage of the head helps with headaches, increased nervous irritability and Qi imbalance in the brain.
The causes of headaches and nervousness may be very different - because the head is a cluster of nerve cells and the main command center of all of our body systems
. Nowadays, you can often find young people showing excessive nervousness. "Raffle" nerves lead to insomnia, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, feelings of laziness and so on. N.
At first glance, this may not be the symptoms of the disease; however, these factors strongly influence a person's performance and can even lead to mental disorders.
To strengthen the nervous system helps the head massage.
Resting during the massage the language in the upper palate and moving the eyes from left to right, you will feel soon as Qi accelerates its move from the left side of the head to the right and back. This achieves an energy balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which in turn is beneficial to strengthening the glands, internal organs and senses.
Massage the scalp and skull bones stimulates blood circulation, increasing the power of the skull and the actual hair.
Chi-HEAD Self-massage.
A crown (Fig. 1)
This point is located in the center of the crown; neonates in this place there is a temporary cleft skull bones, or "fontanelle».
The point on the top is the place where it joins a hundred channels through which energy circulates inside our body - Place Thousands Meetings
. This area should be massaged middle fingers. As a result of this massage goes a feeling of dizziness, headaches disappear, arising due to excessive accumulation of Qi in the head. In addition, massage crown lowers blood pressure and excess stimulates the nervous system.
B. Transfer of Qi to the hands and face (Fig. 1)
Inhale while pulling the genitals, gluteal muscles and the middle area ...
Tightly clenched teeth and the tip of the tongue resting in the upper sky, start rubbing your hands vigorously.
When you feel that your hands, face and entire head considerably warmed up, go to the normal rhythm of breathing and begin to massage.
B. Tapping on the head (Fig. 2)
Tap on the head with his knuckles across the surface. Tapping helps to "clean" the head to get rid of lethargy and make clearer thinking.
Many of those involved we use tapping on the head to get rid of stress, which occurs as a result of our fast, high-tech life.
This is particularly necessary for students-graduates who are under stress from multiple exams, or feel that it is not keeping pace with the curriculum.
Every year the number of suicides among students registered; This happens to those who feel excessive stress or overexertion. Such a person gradually loses its ability to clear thinking and gradually comes to feelings of anxiety, fear, frustration, and so on. N.
Meanwhile, a simple tap on the head helps to eliminate unnecessary stress.
G. Holding the breath as a means to stimulate the flow of Qi
Holding your breath, you stimulate a surge of Qi to face. This is very important because color (especially in the area of the crown) joined many energy channels of the body.
D. scalp (Fig. 3)
Prepare for massage, well warming the hands, head and scalp under the scalp.
Lightly spread your fingers like a comb, then start slowly massage the scalp with your fingers pressing force to the skin.
Start the movement from the front edge of hair, moving to the back of the head.
During the massage, mentally direct the energy Qi from the base of the skull to the soles of the feet.
E. The base of the skull
Fig. 4 Feng-chi point (GB-20). Scallop occipital bone (skull base).
If you find tender points or areas of increased sensitivity, work on them longer, until the discomfort disappears.
fingertip massage the area of the skull base (crest of the occipital bone), is the sensation of pain in this place will not disappear (Fig. 5).
During the massage, the hands move in a straight line from the front edge of hair and ending with base of the skull.
This not only reduces the headache and pain in the eyes, but also improve vision. In Taoism, this area is called the Wind Basin, where the majority are going to "evil winds", is a major cause of pain in the sensory organs.