Confucius (real name - Kun Qiu) was an ordinary man, but his teachings are often referred to as a religion. Although questions of theology and theology as such are not important at all for Confucianism. All the teaching is based on morality, ethics and life principles of human interaction with the person.
He was one of the first to propose the idea to build a highly moral and harmonious society.
A golden rule of ethics it sounded like this: "Do not do to others what you would not wish themselves»
His teaching found a wide response among the people that he was accepted as an ideological norm at the State level, and it has remained popular for almost 20 centuries.
His lessons are easy to understand each person - probably why they inspire so effectively:
Three paths lead to knowledge: a way of thinking - this is the way the most noble, the way of imitation - it is the easiest path and the path of experience - this is the way most bitter
If you hate - it means you won
In a country where there is order, be bold in action and in speech.
In a country where there is no order, be bold in action, but cautious in speech.
Before revenge, dig the two graves.
Let's teachings only to those who seek knowledge, to discover their ignorance.
Happiness - it's when you realize the greatest happiness - is when you love, true happiness - is when you love
In fact, life is simple, but we insist on it complicate.
Incontinence in small things ruin a great thing.
Only when they come the cold, it becomes clear that the pine and cypress trees lose their last piece.
People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They felt shame for himself not keep up with his own words.
Tips we accept drops, but are distributing buckets.
The gem can not be polished without friction.
Also, a person can not be successful without sufficient attempts difficult.
A gentleman makes demands on themselves, poor man makes demands to the other.
Overcome bad habits can be just today, not tomorrow.
Three things never come back - the time, the word opportunity. Therefore: do not lose your time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity to
Select a job to his liking, and you do not have to work a single day in his life.
I do not get upset if people do not understand me - upset if I do not understand people
Try to have at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.
In ancient times, people have learned to improve themselves.
Today learn to impress others.
It can be a lifetime curse the darkness, and it is possible to light a little candle.
It's bad luck - the man has created him, it's happiness - a man raised his
Beauty is in everything, but not everyone can see it.
Noble in the soul serene. Poor people are always concerned about.
If you spit in the back, then you're ahead.
Not the great, who never fell, and the great - who fell and got up.