Methods of instant energy assistance itself.

There are times when a person is in danger of getting a negative energetic influence from other people in contact with him. The scandals, quarrels, bad talk, curses thrown in his face. At such moments a person can get a dose of negative energy that it can be reflected in the deterioration of health, loss of strength, and in some cases develop into a serious problem with the grid.
1. If you have had an unpleasant conversation, feel a lack of energy, get the opportunity to wash their hands - hold hands under a stream of running water at least a minute. Water thus take away the negative energy, you grabbed on.
2.Slova carry not only the meaning (semantics), but also energy. Hearing in the address words of flattery, envy, wishes, tell whisper, "Good luck to say in an evil - silent».
3. If you say insults, curses, and whisper tell me, "Take yourself back».
4. After a heavy conversation, feeling the sharp decline of forces, it is possible and even necessary to use the energy transfer effect. Stay somewhere for a minute, hold a tree or bush with his left hand (the left hand in the human energy - radiating), visualize that you are installing energy contact with m mentally push yourself from negative through the left hand.. Imagine how you pulls out negative energy. Say to yourself, "Take from me all the dirt and negative energy." Only two to three minutes. I accompanied this emetic episodes and ease in the body.
5.Vozmite spichku.Da, a burning match. Breathe it, imagine that negative energy is transferred to it. Then insert the end of the match it to the ground.
It's simple. This - simple methods for emergency energy assistance itself. Do not ignore them, for all their apparent simplicity.