6 causes of Morning headaches
1. Poisoning with chemical substances (alcohol, carbon monoxide, etc.)
Relaxes blood vessels of the brain, the vessels opened numerous holes (pores). Fluid from the blood vessels like an avalanche rushes into the surrounding brain tissue. Occurs swelling and swelling of the surrounding tissue, which presses the Dura with multiple nerve endings to the inner surface of the skull and there is a diffuse headache, often unbearable character.
2. Incorrect head position during sleep
Often people after a hard day falling asleep sitting at the table during a dinner party or while watching TV in the easy chair with an uncomfortable head position, head dangling to the side or tilting it back. Some people used to sleep without any pillow or small cushion, podotknul her under the neck, or stomach.
The neurovascular bundle of the vertebral artery, spinal nerve, two veins and one artery, which runs in the upper cervical spine in normal physiological conditions, is squeezed with the same hand is completely tilted head to the side.
When tilting the head back and especially while lifting the hands up, squeezed the neurovascular bundle the subclavian artery and the blood flow in vertebral arteries can be reduced up to 80 %!
In all these provisions of the disturbed venous outflow or the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity. If it occurs in a young person, a margin of safety which is sufficient, nothing terrible will happen, and this head position can even be a coaching factor. But if you have high blood pressure or there is atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, then the position of the head causes additional lack of blood supply to the brain (ischemia of brain tissue) and can lead to a vascular catastrophe, or death.
In any case you can't sleep on the rollers, as squeezing the soft tissue of the cervical spine, the cushion can break the venous outflow or the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity. Need to sleep so that in the position the shoulder was on the couch. The space between the head and the couch needed to fill a rectangular pad, the thickness of which is equal to the length of your shoulder. Back flips — the height remains the same.
3. Neck massage
When neck massage blood circulation from the vessels of the base of the skull (basal parts) down into the collar area. Creating circulatory failure (ischemia) of the medulla oblongata with the young people, these movements of the blood are training factor, in patients also with hypertension and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels that can lead to vascular accidents — strokes, brain tissue or heart attacks.
Attention! Neck massage is especially dangerous if it is done before bed!
4. Anomalies of brain development
In some people, the brain tissue (tonsil of the cerebellum) can descend into the foramen Magnum (pathology Arnold-Chiari), then at the head may be a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity and headache diffuse.
5. Developmental abnormalities of the spine
In some people, the process of the second cervical vertebra may enter the foramen Magnum (ventro-basilar impression), then when the extreme positions of the head, especially when the head tilts forward, can squeezed the spinal cord and will cause the outflow of fluid through the spinal cord from the cranial cavity — there is a headache diffuse.
6. Tumors of the brain and cerebellum
Tumors of the brain and cerebellum, creating additional volume within a closed cavity, cause a violation of the venous outflow and outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity — there is a headache diffuse.
Headache diffuse nature, could be a symptom of serious disease of the brain, so when it is repeated, the repetition is necessary to address urgently to the neurologist to find out its causes.
Also interesting: Marv Ohanian: Headache — non-OBVIOUS cause of
Breakfasts that will help get rid of morning headaches
In any case, a headache is a sign of trouble in the blood flow to the brain in varying degrees. Do not leave that symptom without attention. In any case can not endure the headache. You need to remove it by any means.published
From the book by A. B. Sitel "pain Point"
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_1165
Relaxes blood vessels of the brain, the vessels opened numerous holes (pores). Fluid from the blood vessels like an avalanche rushes into the surrounding brain tissue. Occurs swelling and swelling of the surrounding tissue, which presses the Dura with multiple nerve endings to the inner surface of the skull and there is a diffuse headache, often unbearable character.

2. Incorrect head position during sleep
Often people after a hard day falling asleep sitting at the table during a dinner party or while watching TV in the easy chair with an uncomfortable head position, head dangling to the side or tilting it back. Some people used to sleep without any pillow or small cushion, podotknul her under the neck, or stomach.
The neurovascular bundle of the vertebral artery, spinal nerve, two veins and one artery, which runs in the upper cervical spine in normal physiological conditions, is squeezed with the same hand is completely tilted head to the side.
When tilting the head back and especially while lifting the hands up, squeezed the neurovascular bundle the subclavian artery and the blood flow in vertebral arteries can be reduced up to 80 %!
In all these provisions of the disturbed venous outflow or the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity. If it occurs in a young person, a margin of safety which is sufficient, nothing terrible will happen, and this head position can even be a coaching factor. But if you have high blood pressure or there is atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, then the position of the head causes additional lack of blood supply to the brain (ischemia of brain tissue) and can lead to a vascular catastrophe, or death.
In any case you can't sleep on the rollers, as squeezing the soft tissue of the cervical spine, the cushion can break the venous outflow or the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity. Need to sleep so that in the position the shoulder was on the couch. The space between the head and the couch needed to fill a rectangular pad, the thickness of which is equal to the length of your shoulder. Back flips — the height remains the same.
3. Neck massage
When neck massage blood circulation from the vessels of the base of the skull (basal parts) down into the collar area. Creating circulatory failure (ischemia) of the medulla oblongata with the young people, these movements of the blood are training factor, in patients also with hypertension and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels that can lead to vascular accidents — strokes, brain tissue or heart attacks.
Attention! Neck massage is especially dangerous if it is done before bed!
4. Anomalies of brain development
In some people, the brain tissue (tonsil of the cerebellum) can descend into the foramen Magnum (pathology Arnold-Chiari), then at the head may be a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity and headache diffuse.
5. Developmental abnormalities of the spine
In some people, the process of the second cervical vertebra may enter the foramen Magnum (ventro-basilar impression), then when the extreme positions of the head, especially when the head tilts forward, can squeezed the spinal cord and will cause the outflow of fluid through the spinal cord from the cranial cavity — there is a headache diffuse.
6. Tumors of the brain and cerebellum
Tumors of the brain and cerebellum, creating additional volume within a closed cavity, cause a violation of the venous outflow and outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity — there is a headache diffuse.
Headache diffuse nature, could be a symptom of serious disease of the brain, so when it is repeated, the repetition is necessary to address urgently to the neurologist to find out its causes.
Also interesting: Marv Ohanian: Headache — non-OBVIOUS cause of
Breakfasts that will help get rid of morning headaches
In any case, a headache is a sign of trouble in the blood flow to the brain in varying degrees. Do not leave that symptom without attention. In any case can not endure the headache. You need to remove it by any means.published
From the book by A. B. Sitel "pain Point"
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_1165
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