Sport and juvenile osteochondrosis
In different epicrisis disease can be named in different ways: adolescentii, or a youthful kyphosis, a disease of Sauermann...
Kyphosis – a curvature of the upper spine. The famous Danish orthopedist and radiologist Holger Werfel Sauermann in the first half of the twentieth century have described the fault of teenage development. But in those days, and subsequently, the cause of the curvature was treated incorrectly. Believed, for example, that this is a consequence of traumatic injuries of the spine. Only recently it became clear that the cause of juvenile kyphosis osteochondrosis is avascular.
Low back pain is an age – related violation enchondral ossification.
What is ossification? The process of bone formation.
There are two types:
— angelmania ossification (formation of bone on the basis of connective tissue)
— enchondral ossification (formation of bone based cartilage)
The violation of ossification may carry infectious character. But in this case the disease develops aseptically, as a result of growth of the organism, and not under the influence of the infection.
Because the pathology of juvenile kyphosis looks like a violation of the process of bone formation caused by enhanced growth of body during adolescence, in recent time, the disease is often referred to juvenile osteochondrosis.
Area of effect: zamechatelnye plate on the vertebrae, which consist of cartilage. The weakening of the endplates leads to instability of the spine, the curvature of the upper Department that, as a rule, is accompanied by characteristic pain. The most "dangerous" age: 12-17 years in boys and 11-15 years for girls. In boys the disease appears 4-5 times more often than girls.
In mild course of the disease is a defect of the spine can "by itself" to improve as I get older and concomitant strengthening of bone and cartilage. In severe forms need special therapy (physiotherapy, straightening corset in special cases – surgery).
Sports are an additional risk of developing juvenile osteochondrosis if they are associated with overly large load on the spine. Most problematic in this sense, gymnastics and power training regime, needed to prepare for the speech on responsible competitions. Amateur gymnastics, like other sports for fun, not for wins and medals, special problems are not present.
For comparison:
in the usual teenage bands, introduction to Amateur sports in his free time, youthful osteochondrosis is diagnosed in no more than 8% of the members (in some cases even less than one percent)
— adolescent gymnasts, the leading reinforced a long workout, the proportion of lesions of age-related degenerative disc disease can reach 50 percent
In some cases it is necessary to say that sports are the root cause of the spinal curvature in the thoracic spine. Due to weakness of the cartilaginous tissue, and microtrauma of the endplates on vertebrae obtained during training and competition. This is a special, sports (not obavestajna) form of juvenile osteochondrosis.
Typical manifestation: the Central kyphosis of the thoracic spine, number of vertebrae in the area of curvature is more than three, the degree of curvature over 40 degrees of Cobb angle. Pathognomonic symptom (ie, the main, crucial) for this form of the disease – a so-called schmorl's nodules: pushing the cartilage in the spongy cavity of the upper or lower vertebra.
In this form of the disease training load needs to be either drastically reduced or stopped altogether. published
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Source: vk.com/perebaylov?w=wall8870503_9400
Kyphosis – a curvature of the upper spine. The famous Danish orthopedist and radiologist Holger Werfel Sauermann in the first half of the twentieth century have described the fault of teenage development. But in those days, and subsequently, the cause of the curvature was treated incorrectly. Believed, for example, that this is a consequence of traumatic injuries of the spine. Only recently it became clear that the cause of juvenile kyphosis osteochondrosis is avascular.
Low back pain is an age – related violation enchondral ossification.
What is ossification? The process of bone formation.

There are two types:
— angelmania ossification (formation of bone on the basis of connective tissue)
— enchondral ossification (formation of bone based cartilage)
The violation of ossification may carry infectious character. But in this case the disease develops aseptically, as a result of growth of the organism, and not under the influence of the infection.
Because the pathology of juvenile kyphosis looks like a violation of the process of bone formation caused by enhanced growth of body during adolescence, in recent time, the disease is often referred to juvenile osteochondrosis.
Area of effect: zamechatelnye plate on the vertebrae, which consist of cartilage. The weakening of the endplates leads to instability of the spine, the curvature of the upper Department that, as a rule, is accompanied by characteristic pain. The most "dangerous" age: 12-17 years in boys and 11-15 years for girls. In boys the disease appears 4-5 times more often than girls.
In mild course of the disease is a defect of the spine can "by itself" to improve as I get older and concomitant strengthening of bone and cartilage. In severe forms need special therapy (physiotherapy, straightening corset in special cases – surgery).
Sports are an additional risk of developing juvenile osteochondrosis if they are associated with overly large load on the spine. Most problematic in this sense, gymnastics and power training regime, needed to prepare for the speech on responsible competitions. Amateur gymnastics, like other sports for fun, not for wins and medals, special problems are not present.
For comparison:
in the usual teenage bands, introduction to Amateur sports in his free time, youthful osteochondrosis is diagnosed in no more than 8% of the members (in some cases even less than one percent)
— adolescent gymnasts, the leading reinforced a long workout, the proportion of lesions of age-related degenerative disc disease can reach 50 percent
In some cases it is necessary to say that sports are the root cause of the spinal curvature in the thoracic spine. Due to weakness of the cartilaginous tissue, and microtrauma of the endplates on vertebrae obtained during training and competition. This is a special, sports (not obavestajna) form of juvenile osteochondrosis.
Typical manifestation: the Central kyphosis of the thoracic spine, number of vertebrae in the area of curvature is more than three, the degree of curvature over 40 degrees of Cobb angle. Pathognomonic symptom (ie, the main, crucial) for this form of the disease – a so-called schmorl's nodules: pushing the cartilage in the spongy cavity of the upper or lower vertebra.
In this form of the disease training load needs to be either drastically reduced or stopped altogether. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/perebaylov?w=wall8870503_9400