Eight non-existent post-Soviet disease
The Soviet Union is long dead, and the disease that he left behind a legacy of Russian medicine, are still alive. As a result, one and the same person can receive in the United States and in post-Soviet countries are quite different diagnoses: for example, in America he will say that he is healthy, and our clinic will be that he will have a long and painful treatment. Dystonia, Goiter, Osteochondrosis and salt deposition, Erosion of the cervix, vitamin Deficiency, Immunodeficiency, vasoconstriction, omission of kidneys etc.
1. Dystonia. The "Queen" of all native Russian, or rather Soviet diseases, because this "beast" is found in the former Soviet Union (by the way, the pages on VSD in Russian Wikipedia, there is no equivalent in any other language except Ukrainian)!)) The Bane of many women of our country at the age from 16 to 50 (Yes, a "disease" three times more often diagnosed in women), the diagnosis for which you can blame the absence of physical education in high school at the age of 17, having a nervous breakdown after an argument with her husband in 30 or Blues and "tingling in the heart" when problems at work in 45. As pointed out by different Russian sources (in fact, they only are available), cause and mechanism of development of "disease" has not been fully established and includes a number of changes affecting all body systems, from cardiovascular and endocrine to the nervous and digestive (the list of systems is not limited to this). Manifestations of ESP are vast and defy description — from dizziness and cold hands and palpitations, sweating and pains in the heart area. Say, there are also nausea, vomiting, and even swelling of the legs — so what is harmful cannot be... If you try to find a common equivalent of "disease" in the world literature, you get something between a panic attack and "hysteria" — anxiety state, manifested in various somatic disorders. It is a universal diagnosis, which put the patient in whom symptoms a lot, they seem insignificant, and to deal with them is not hunting. Since a clear answer to the question: "What is dystonia?", hard to find. Look at the Russian medical reference books, you'll sleep on a mountain of a variety of symptoms: tachycardia, chills, a feeling of fear and anxiety, vascular dystonia, headache, numbness or cold hands and feet, fatigue, weakness, meteopathy, shortness of breath, dizziness (including when getting on a transport). And all this in different combinations. 2. Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). This ominous term usually referred to the mysterious "violation of the microflora" of the intestine or skin, often after taking antibiotics. It should be noted that, although the English-language literature recognizes the possibility of development of dysbiosis, which appears life-threatening infections (e.g., pseudomembranous colitis), the frequency is disproportionately lower than that with which the disease is diagnosed in Russia. And it is quite offensive wording in the article already referred to English Wikipedia about dysbiosis: dysbiosis is actual a rare condition, however, in Russia and ex-USSR countries this diagnosis is falsely used by scammers to sell "cures" for what they regard as dysbiosis.
A terrible illness that struck all of our children get to adults, is painful and offensive, but easily treatable with regular food, watering something in the morning, in General, regular money transfer to someone's account, came into our world.
"Dysbiosis...". This comprehensive diagnosis pediatricians explain to new mothers diarrhea-constipation, abdominal pain, skin Allergy and many more. Armed with a jar of children's faeces and a decent amount of money, moms run to be tested "dysbiosis". In most cases, it is found, looking sagely diaper, the doctor concludes: "As I was saying, the slurry density is insufficient, the green tones prevail over the yellow, etc." And then begins the exhausting and often unproductive treatment of the dysbiosis. The diagnosis of "dysbiosis" like to put not only the doctors at any strange and unpleasant phenomena in the stomach, but also patients themselves. Because everyone knows that in the intestine there are the "good" and "bad" bacteria that improper diet quantity of useful bacteria is reduced, and the need to eat more yogurt. Better with some bacteria. So advertising tells us. In our intestines live hundreds of species of bacteria. And the first "batch" of these microorganisms we purchased on the first day of life for newborn intestine is sterile. Then his body is "acquainted" with a variety of bacterial environment, this occurs even when it is applied to the mother's breast. And microorganisms quickly colonize the intestines. Further, these bacteria modify the cells in our intestines for themselves, acting on the genetic material of these cells to create the necessary ecological niche for bacteria. Further qualitative bacterial composition of the flora, we almost never changes, if we are not talking about the real infectious disease. But the number — able to change on a background of reception of antibiotics or infections. Dysbiosis can indeed manifest temporary, but over the years, as it inspired our patients, can not last, flora by itself is fully restored: in a normal balanced diet bacterial cells multiply very quickly. We must look for the true cause of the intestinal disorders we have not done, but is a mythical diagnosis — dysbiosis. And it could be intolerance to some foods (such as lactose – milk sugar) in the elderly, the impossibility of their splitting, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases. The use of probiotics during pregnancy, breast-feeding reduces the risk of allergies and asthma in children. The number of microorganisms in the gut, and their relationship vary from person to person and depends on countless factors – in the city or in the village a person lives, what he eats, how carefully observes the rules of hygiene, healthy or sick at the moment, etc., there is No uniform norms of the content of microbes in the intestinal lumen. That's the first thing you need to understand. The person has the rights to the microflora © (vlg_asb 2003), the Lack of standards, large-scale studies in this direction is due primarily to the fact that studies are not needed clinical medicine and does not carry any meaning! The number and composition of microbial colonies do not depend. And this is the second conclusion of our conversation. Further, we must distinguish between the content of microorganisms in faecal material in the intestinal lumen (which are so actively exploring other doctor) and keeping them strictly in the intestine, ie at the intestinal wall, where they can have at least some hypothetical value. There is no compelling data that the amount of MO in Calais though somehow corresponds to their ratio in the gut. Thus, what we identify is absolutely unclear. Remember the third rule "is not, was not and cannot be the analysis on a dysbacteriosis" Any research that You propose to pass in this context is pointless, uninformative and focused only on the simulation of treatment. You will ask, what about harmful bacteria? That they too need to be defined? Need! Here they most certainly need to determine in the case of intestinal infections. With cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery and other diseases, we're looking for in Cala pathogen, define it and examine what drugs it is sensitive. But only because of the disease.
3. Osteochondrosis and salt deposition. If the IRR is the Queen of "our" disease, "acute chondrosis" (as it is sometimes called the older generation) can rightly be called "king". I must admit, and I with back pain no-no, and think, and not whether it is osteoarthritis, but then you get lost because you don't know what to do with it. Actually "Russian" low back pain has nothing to do with the fact that the term osteochondrosis is referred to in English literature — a few rare and well-defined diseases. With "deposition of salts" at all confusing — I think this phrase is a little and osteoarthritis, and gout, in which, in fact, the salt of uric acid deposited in the joints and soft tissues. Osteochondrosis is just another lifesaver for those who like myself to diagnose. Because this "diagnosis" they explain any back pain, even if it occurs in different places. Doctors explain that the true osteoarthritis is the natural wear and destruction of the intervertebral disc, which sooner or later occurs with age, disrupting the mobility of the spine. And no pain when this does not occur because the cartilage of the intervertebral disc has no pain receptors. The only manifestation of low back pain – limitation of motion of the spine: the inability to bend, straighten, rotate. These changes in mobility of the spine may under adverse conditions cause a pinched nerve or vessel, other changes in the surrounding tissues, joints and muscles, which can cause pain. So if you are not even 30 years old, and my back hurts, and you do not thrust rod 100 pounds, do not jump with a pole and don't run marathon distance, it is likely that degenerative disc disease you don't, you start searching for the real causes of pain. Most back pain is myofascial syndromes. Myo – means muscle, and fascial – ligamentous means. Okay? The reason is the muscles and ligaments, and not in the discs and vertebrae. Respectively, and the approach to treatment and prevention must be different!!! 4. Erosion of the cervix. If VVD is a purely Russian phenomenon, erosion is least present as a fact in English literature called "cervical ectopia" — a normal phenomenon in which the mucosa of the cervical canal sometimes goes to the external (vaginal) part. The difference between "our" and "Nenashev" doctors is in the approach to ectopia: according to the majority of gynecological recommendations, the treatment of erosion is not required if it does not cause any inconvenience. In the post-Soviet countries until recent time, erosion wore endemic in the form of moxibustion, cold laser, and all sorts of drugs. Came to surgical resection. If the gynecologist found the woman erosion is not the most pleasant procedure cauterization, which is not only painful and unpleasant, but also leads to the scarring of tissues. Furthermore, it does not insure against erosion on all life. The outside of the cervix covered with stratified squamous epithelium, which has a pink color, and the cervical canal – single-core columnar epithelium bright red color. The surface of epithelial cells may be outside of the cervix, gynecological examination looks like a crimson rim of the cervical canal, that is, it is nothing more than a variant of normal, and is called ectopia. Even in newborn girls, there is ectopia, which can then pass with hormonal changes in the body. Often it is this deviation from the norm is called erosion or pseudo and in a hurry to "burn". Girls are taught that to treat "our" erosion is strictly necessary because could be problems at birth, and generally it can lead to cancer. And Western doctors do not even think to treat ectopia, considering this is a normal physiological condition. Medical intervention is required if the cervix there is ulceration and inflammation (this is the disease called in the West erosion and is listed in the International classification of diseases code N-86). If the gynecologist tells you about the urgent need for cauterization of erosion, ask him if there is inflammation or ulcers. And ask him to do a PAP smear (PAP test), which detects the presence of cancerous or precancerous changes of the epithelial cells of the vagina and cervix the uterus. If the smear is negative, ulcers and pathological changes in the cervix there, sleeping peacefully, you are healthy. And for the health of your daughter, make it to 14 years (preferably 12 years) vaccinated against human papillomavirus. It will protect them from cervical cancer in the future and they will sleep more relaxed than you. If the smear is normal, then you do not need ANYTHING. Smear is the only reliable evidence of the presence or absence of problems. The diagnosis "erosion" cannot be put on the eyes. If you have this diagnosis only on the basis of the examination (without analysis), feel free to go to another doctor. If you smear something will be not right, we need to act in accordance with this information.
5. Beriberi. Recently, the society was the idea that after the winter we don't have enough vitamins, and comes in spring it is full of vitamin deficiency, why you need to buy vitamin complexes batches. One girl who moved to Japan, was surprised that during pregnancy the doctor offered her prenatal vitamins and is not in any way intimidated. Were only given a brochure with instructions on how rather adjust the diet to not gain weight. Post-Soviet man is outraged, it seems, well, the body stress of pregnancy, it is necessary somehow to help him. Properly, it is necessary. Provide him nutritious food and if you have no metabolic disorders, vitamins and trace elements will enter the body with him. And the additional "help" can harm, causing hypervitaminoses with more severe consequences than a slight deficiency of certain groups of vitamins. 6. Immunodeficiency is Considered that the body is weakened after long periods of cold weather, and therefore needs the support of the immune system all vitamins, interferons (he dripped in the nose in childhood), "immunology" and biologically active additives. The very idea of the immune system in advanced medicine and on the post-Soviet territory cardinally differ. In our country widespread such a thing as "secondary immunodeficiency", for the treatment of which pharmacy is flooded with a huge number of drugs. Everybody appoints a magic pill designed to strengthen the immune system. What is surprising is that in the West, this drug is not in principle. Remember that serious violations of the immune system is very rarely frequent colds. Immunodeficiency in a child — is often a genetic disease (very very rare!). Infections, which are extremely hard, very difficult to treat, long, reappear, are caused by rare and unusual pathogens, can indicate a primary immunodeficiency Developed clinical criteria that allow to suspect a congenital genetic defect. It is a heavy sinusitis more than two times per year, more than 8 ear infections, 2 or more pneumonias in a year, difficult to treat, recurrent deep abscesses of the skin or internal organs, need for intravenous antibiotics.Only if you have these symptoms, you need in-depth study of parameters of the immune system to find at what level of defect. In other cases, to identify the reasons that prevents the immune system to work normally, quite a routine clinical examination. Any doctor in the state if not to eliminate the root cause, then at least to improve the quality of life of patients. Therefore, in modern medicine there is no need to immunomodulators and pseudopolymorphic, if correctly diagnosed and appointed effective treatment. 7. The omission of the kidneys. It is also the rarest in the world a diagnosis that is put there left and right. The funny thing is that often the reason for this "omission" considered thinness and advised to get better. And since the notion of thinness there was a very strange, most normal girls had to put on weight. One such story I encountered this summer: from the Ukraine after the break a girl came a fellow, very upset. She said she got the diagnosis and told to get better. To do it did not want because she she was enough of plump by local standards. I persuaded her to go there for examination. Of course, she found nothing and laughed her story about excessive thinness, and omitted the kidney. 8. Vasoconstriction (for some reason they all strive by hook or by crook, to expand, to unlock, to remove spasms and engage in other nonsense) and a number of less popular diagnoses, we will talk about them later! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: beloveshkin.com/2014/12/blog-post_98.html

1. Dystonia. The "Queen" of all native Russian, or rather Soviet diseases, because this "beast" is found in the former Soviet Union (by the way, the pages on VSD in Russian Wikipedia, there is no equivalent in any other language except Ukrainian)!)) The Bane of many women of our country at the age from 16 to 50 (Yes, a "disease" three times more often diagnosed in women), the diagnosis for which you can blame the absence of physical education in high school at the age of 17, having a nervous breakdown after an argument with her husband in 30 or Blues and "tingling in the heart" when problems at work in 45. As pointed out by different Russian sources (in fact, they only are available), cause and mechanism of development of "disease" has not been fully established and includes a number of changes affecting all body systems, from cardiovascular and endocrine to the nervous and digestive (the list of systems is not limited to this). Manifestations of ESP are vast and defy description — from dizziness and cold hands and palpitations, sweating and pains in the heart area. Say, there are also nausea, vomiting, and even swelling of the legs — so what is harmful cannot be... If you try to find a common equivalent of "disease" in the world literature, you get something between a panic attack and "hysteria" — anxiety state, manifested in various somatic disorders. It is a universal diagnosis, which put the patient in whom symptoms a lot, they seem insignificant, and to deal with them is not hunting. Since a clear answer to the question: "What is dystonia?", hard to find. Look at the Russian medical reference books, you'll sleep on a mountain of a variety of symptoms: tachycardia, chills, a feeling of fear and anxiety, vascular dystonia, headache, numbness or cold hands and feet, fatigue, weakness, meteopathy, shortness of breath, dizziness (including when getting on a transport). And all this in different combinations. 2. Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). This ominous term usually referred to the mysterious "violation of the microflora" of the intestine or skin, often after taking antibiotics. It should be noted that, although the English-language literature recognizes the possibility of development of dysbiosis, which appears life-threatening infections (e.g., pseudomembranous colitis), the frequency is disproportionately lower than that with which the disease is diagnosed in Russia. And it is quite offensive wording in the article already referred to English Wikipedia about dysbiosis: dysbiosis is actual a rare condition, however, in Russia and ex-USSR countries this diagnosis is falsely used by scammers to sell "cures" for what they regard as dysbiosis.
A terrible illness that struck all of our children get to adults, is painful and offensive, but easily treatable with regular food, watering something in the morning, in General, regular money transfer to someone's account, came into our world.
"Dysbiosis...". This comprehensive diagnosis pediatricians explain to new mothers diarrhea-constipation, abdominal pain, skin Allergy and many more. Armed with a jar of children's faeces and a decent amount of money, moms run to be tested "dysbiosis". In most cases, it is found, looking sagely diaper, the doctor concludes: "As I was saying, the slurry density is insufficient, the green tones prevail over the yellow, etc." And then begins the exhausting and often unproductive treatment of the dysbiosis. The diagnosis of "dysbiosis" like to put not only the doctors at any strange and unpleasant phenomena in the stomach, but also patients themselves. Because everyone knows that in the intestine there are the "good" and "bad" bacteria that improper diet quantity of useful bacteria is reduced, and the need to eat more yogurt. Better with some bacteria. So advertising tells us. In our intestines live hundreds of species of bacteria. And the first "batch" of these microorganisms we purchased on the first day of life for newborn intestine is sterile. Then his body is "acquainted" with a variety of bacterial environment, this occurs even when it is applied to the mother's breast. And microorganisms quickly colonize the intestines. Further, these bacteria modify the cells in our intestines for themselves, acting on the genetic material of these cells to create the necessary ecological niche for bacteria. Further qualitative bacterial composition of the flora, we almost never changes, if we are not talking about the real infectious disease. But the number — able to change on a background of reception of antibiotics or infections. Dysbiosis can indeed manifest temporary, but over the years, as it inspired our patients, can not last, flora by itself is fully restored: in a normal balanced diet bacterial cells multiply very quickly. We must look for the true cause of the intestinal disorders we have not done, but is a mythical diagnosis — dysbiosis. And it could be intolerance to some foods (such as lactose – milk sugar) in the elderly, the impossibility of their splitting, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases. The use of probiotics during pregnancy, breast-feeding reduces the risk of allergies and asthma in children. The number of microorganisms in the gut, and their relationship vary from person to person and depends on countless factors – in the city or in the village a person lives, what he eats, how carefully observes the rules of hygiene, healthy or sick at the moment, etc., there is No uniform norms of the content of microbes in the intestinal lumen. That's the first thing you need to understand. The person has the rights to the microflora © (vlg_asb 2003), the Lack of standards, large-scale studies in this direction is due primarily to the fact that studies are not needed clinical medicine and does not carry any meaning! The number and composition of microbial colonies do not depend. And this is the second conclusion of our conversation. Further, we must distinguish between the content of microorganisms in faecal material in the intestinal lumen (which are so actively exploring other doctor) and keeping them strictly in the intestine, ie at the intestinal wall, where they can have at least some hypothetical value. There is no compelling data that the amount of MO in Calais though somehow corresponds to their ratio in the gut. Thus, what we identify is absolutely unclear. Remember the third rule "is not, was not and cannot be the analysis on a dysbacteriosis" Any research that You propose to pass in this context is pointless, uninformative and focused only on the simulation of treatment. You will ask, what about harmful bacteria? That they too need to be defined? Need! Here they most certainly need to determine in the case of intestinal infections. With cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery and other diseases, we're looking for in Cala pathogen, define it and examine what drugs it is sensitive. But only because of the disease.
3. Osteochondrosis and salt deposition. If the IRR is the Queen of "our" disease, "acute chondrosis" (as it is sometimes called the older generation) can rightly be called "king". I must admit, and I with back pain no-no, and think, and not whether it is osteoarthritis, but then you get lost because you don't know what to do with it. Actually "Russian" low back pain has nothing to do with the fact that the term osteochondrosis is referred to in English literature — a few rare and well-defined diseases. With "deposition of salts" at all confusing — I think this phrase is a little and osteoarthritis, and gout, in which, in fact, the salt of uric acid deposited in the joints and soft tissues. Osteochondrosis is just another lifesaver for those who like myself to diagnose. Because this "diagnosis" they explain any back pain, even if it occurs in different places. Doctors explain that the true osteoarthritis is the natural wear and destruction of the intervertebral disc, which sooner or later occurs with age, disrupting the mobility of the spine. And no pain when this does not occur because the cartilage of the intervertebral disc has no pain receptors. The only manifestation of low back pain – limitation of motion of the spine: the inability to bend, straighten, rotate. These changes in mobility of the spine may under adverse conditions cause a pinched nerve or vessel, other changes in the surrounding tissues, joints and muscles, which can cause pain. So if you are not even 30 years old, and my back hurts, and you do not thrust rod 100 pounds, do not jump with a pole and don't run marathon distance, it is likely that degenerative disc disease you don't, you start searching for the real causes of pain. Most back pain is myofascial syndromes. Myo – means muscle, and fascial – ligamentous means. Okay? The reason is the muscles and ligaments, and not in the discs and vertebrae. Respectively, and the approach to treatment and prevention must be different!!! 4. Erosion of the cervix. If VVD is a purely Russian phenomenon, erosion is least present as a fact in English literature called "cervical ectopia" — a normal phenomenon in which the mucosa of the cervical canal sometimes goes to the external (vaginal) part. The difference between "our" and "Nenashev" doctors is in the approach to ectopia: according to the majority of gynecological recommendations, the treatment of erosion is not required if it does not cause any inconvenience. In the post-Soviet countries until recent time, erosion wore endemic in the form of moxibustion, cold laser, and all sorts of drugs. Came to surgical resection. If the gynecologist found the woman erosion is not the most pleasant procedure cauterization, which is not only painful and unpleasant, but also leads to the scarring of tissues. Furthermore, it does not insure against erosion on all life. The outside of the cervix covered with stratified squamous epithelium, which has a pink color, and the cervical canal – single-core columnar epithelium bright red color. The surface of epithelial cells may be outside of the cervix, gynecological examination looks like a crimson rim of the cervical canal, that is, it is nothing more than a variant of normal, and is called ectopia. Even in newborn girls, there is ectopia, which can then pass with hormonal changes in the body. Often it is this deviation from the norm is called erosion or pseudo and in a hurry to "burn". Girls are taught that to treat "our" erosion is strictly necessary because could be problems at birth, and generally it can lead to cancer. And Western doctors do not even think to treat ectopia, considering this is a normal physiological condition. Medical intervention is required if the cervix there is ulceration and inflammation (this is the disease called in the West erosion and is listed in the International classification of diseases code N-86). If the gynecologist tells you about the urgent need for cauterization of erosion, ask him if there is inflammation or ulcers. And ask him to do a PAP smear (PAP test), which detects the presence of cancerous or precancerous changes of the epithelial cells of the vagina and cervix the uterus. If the smear is negative, ulcers and pathological changes in the cervix there, sleeping peacefully, you are healthy. And for the health of your daughter, make it to 14 years (preferably 12 years) vaccinated against human papillomavirus. It will protect them from cervical cancer in the future and they will sleep more relaxed than you. If the smear is normal, then you do not need ANYTHING. Smear is the only reliable evidence of the presence or absence of problems. The diagnosis "erosion" cannot be put on the eyes. If you have this diagnosis only on the basis of the examination (without analysis), feel free to go to another doctor. If you smear something will be not right, we need to act in accordance with this information.
5. Beriberi. Recently, the society was the idea that after the winter we don't have enough vitamins, and comes in spring it is full of vitamin deficiency, why you need to buy vitamin complexes batches. One girl who moved to Japan, was surprised that during pregnancy the doctor offered her prenatal vitamins and is not in any way intimidated. Were only given a brochure with instructions on how rather adjust the diet to not gain weight. Post-Soviet man is outraged, it seems, well, the body stress of pregnancy, it is necessary somehow to help him. Properly, it is necessary. Provide him nutritious food and if you have no metabolic disorders, vitamins and trace elements will enter the body with him. And the additional "help" can harm, causing hypervitaminoses with more severe consequences than a slight deficiency of certain groups of vitamins. 6. Immunodeficiency is Considered that the body is weakened after long periods of cold weather, and therefore needs the support of the immune system all vitamins, interferons (he dripped in the nose in childhood), "immunology" and biologically active additives. The very idea of the immune system in advanced medicine and on the post-Soviet territory cardinally differ. In our country widespread such a thing as "secondary immunodeficiency", for the treatment of which pharmacy is flooded with a huge number of drugs. Everybody appoints a magic pill designed to strengthen the immune system. What is surprising is that in the West, this drug is not in principle. Remember that serious violations of the immune system is very rarely frequent colds. Immunodeficiency in a child — is often a genetic disease (very very rare!). Infections, which are extremely hard, very difficult to treat, long, reappear, are caused by rare and unusual pathogens, can indicate a primary immunodeficiency Developed clinical criteria that allow to suspect a congenital genetic defect. It is a heavy sinusitis more than two times per year, more than 8 ear infections, 2 or more pneumonias in a year, difficult to treat, recurrent deep abscesses of the skin or internal organs, need for intravenous antibiotics.Only if you have these symptoms, you need in-depth study of parameters of the immune system to find at what level of defect. In other cases, to identify the reasons that prevents the immune system to work normally, quite a routine clinical examination. Any doctor in the state if not to eliminate the root cause, then at least to improve the quality of life of patients. Therefore, in modern medicine there is no need to immunomodulators and pseudopolymorphic, if correctly diagnosed and appointed effective treatment. 7. The omission of the kidneys. It is also the rarest in the world a diagnosis that is put there left and right. The funny thing is that often the reason for this "omission" considered thinness and advised to get better. And since the notion of thinness there was a very strange, most normal girls had to put on weight. One such story I encountered this summer: from the Ukraine after the break a girl came a fellow, very upset. She said she got the diagnosis and told to get better. To do it did not want because she she was enough of plump by local standards. I persuaded her to go there for examination. Of course, she found nothing and laughed her story about excessive thinness, and omitted the kidney. 8. Vasoconstriction (for some reason they all strive by hook or by crook, to expand, to unlock, to remove spasms and engage in other nonsense) and a number of less popular diagnoses, we will talk about them later! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: beloveshkin.com/2014/12/blog-post_98.html