The main profit pharmacists bring 200 fictitious diseases
In medicine regularly appear new methods of diagnosis and treatment, new technologies, drugs and biologically active substances. Most often, of course, they are already well-known diseases, but sometimes to promote new products to the market at the same time have to "open" and previously unknown disease. Or declare a disease that primarily are not considered.
Potential patients - is both potential buyers and as a result, along with the diseases present there are more fictional. The main thing - to find a suitable sign, and then you can inspire people, they have some kind of pathology, which is not that of a particular person, but also in the nature there is really no
What is the "imaginary illness"? A few years ago, British Medical Journal counted more than 200. Among them are all clear wrinkles and hair loss, cellulite and the formation of sulfur in the ears, and exotic such as "allergy to XXI century". "It is either not existing disease or intentional expanded its interpretation and emphasis of danger for the population, which are widely used for purposes of gain," - said Deputy Chairman of Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Pavel Vorobiev. As a result, people have a lot of money spent on treatment is widely promoted by imaginary ills, and the real illness is not enough money.
For made-up disease specialist assigns and osteochondrosis. The diagnosis of "low back pain" in foreign literature exists, but it represents a rare diseases of bones and joints, mostly in children. A striking example of a fictional disease is cellulite. Judging by the title, we really are talking about the disease ( "-um" - an inflammation). However, the real cellulite - it is a rare fibrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue
. And the fact that under the cellulite usually mean women - just a cosmetic feature of a woman's skin and subcutaneous fat. It is related to stagnation in the circulation of lymph, the blood, as well as uneven deposition of fat. Foreign doctors generally relate cellulite to secondary sexual characteristics of women.
Cellulite does not have to do any liposuction or medicine to take, just eat less or accept the fact that a person has such a metabolism - to fight it is difficult and almost hopeless
. Professor Vorobyov told the story of a woman who died in the struggle with manifestations of excess weight. "It was a very fat woman, the treatment is drastically lost weight, she dropped the kidney, renal failure developed - and she died. Rapid weight loss is much more dangerous than obesity! And stories about how the liposuction after developing sepsis (blood poisoning), is huge. In principle, it is quite probable complication of any surgery, but is it worth the cosmetic effect of having to go to such complications, sometimes ending in death? "- Ask an expert
. In Russia, "chondrosis" is called any back pain. "The pictures of the skeleton in people older than 50 years show that low back pain is practically at all, and this is a normal age change, but if a person is ill with him sciatica - is another question. When radiculitis disease is associated with changes in the skeleton, but by itself osteochondrosis - age norm - said Professor Vorobyov
. - Now there was a similar problem with osteoporosis, which is almost all people over 60. In most cases, it does not cause physical suffering, it is the same age-related changes like wrinkles. " Osteoporosis is diagnosed in 99 of the 100 elderly, but to treat it is not required. At the same time, according to the analytical agency DSM Group, the Russians only in the first half of 2011 spent for the purchase of drugs against osteoporosis 11, 8 million rubles, having eaten 122 million packages of pills.
The growth of money was wasted in comparison with the corresponding period in 2010, 10, 3%. However, spending on drugs and anti-cellulite creams Russians recently reduced: in 2010, the wind threw to 22% less than in 2009, but the reason for this was probably a decline in revenue during the crisis
Actively propagated antibiotic treatment does more harm than good health - and it is due to improper use of them associated with imaginary illnesses. Antibiotics - drugs are the number one in pneumonia, sepsis or pyelonephritis, but when infections are fictitious, antibiotics, not profit, but a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, causing complications in the kidneys and liver. In principle, many infectious agents, to identify them is not so difficult, and as a result can be almost any disease associated with any pathogen.
Chlamydia, E. coli, measles virus in one form or another is almost at all. But the seemingly simple analogy require stringent checks and evidence: such a pathogen causes such a clinical picture. According to Professor Vorobyov, chlamydia are diagnosed and treated at every step, and at the same time the cases when doctors collude with laboratory technicians and analyzes "find" everything you need, known to many. The woman, who came to the reception, they say, as if she had found in a smear chlamydia.
Check out this woman can not, and it, together with a partner (or several) offered treatment expensive antibiotics, immunostimulants, biological additives, sometimes even trying to persuade to make "blood purification". And chlamydia are no longer! But whether it was at all, history is silent.
Even more revealing swollen with WHO feeding hysteria with swine flu. "In 2009, which artificially inflated panic in front of swine flu, - says Director General of the agency, Sergei Shuljak - Theraflu drug was sold for 2, 1 billion rubles (13 million packs). In 2010, without lobbying sale naturally decreased, if you count in packages by 14%. More was to reduce sales by famous Russians drug Arbidol. If in 2009 the turnover of the drug amounted to 5, 6 billion rubles for 37 million packages in 2010, sales decreased by 19% in rubles and reached 4, 5 billion, and took the Russians 28 million packages of the drug ».
Often they invent new diseases for wealthy young, which means that relatively healthy people. At the forefront in this case diagnosis. For example, you are given a test strip in which you are at finding "cell resonance" or something else that sounds the most incomprehensible.
"The idea of the benefits of early diagnosis is not always true, - said Professor Pavel Vorobiev. - What might be the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, acute pneumonia, meningitis? While they were not held, no early diagnosis can not be. " It is no accident so popular medical joke that is not healthy, but there nedoobsledovannye.
Often, according to researchers at Harvard and the University of Toronto, there is a situation, which is called a "cascade of appointments" when doctors side effects from taking the drug is considered as a new manifestation of the disease. In inventing diseases leading US, they are the main developers of medicines PR-campaigns that have become good business projects.
In the United States most often is diagnosed with mental illness: a child running around at recess - so he increased activity syndrome. Through the efforts of local physicians and Semi-Medical workers to the global list of imaginary illnesses added a "violation of the Eustachian tube function" (the opening between the oral cavity and middle ear, supporting the ambient pressure), "urolithiasis in a stage before the formation of stones", "slagging of the body" and "clogging bowel. »
Perhaps the last trick - "female orgasmic disorder." The true incidence of the disorder is unknown (according to some authors, it can occur in 10-15% of women, living a regular sexual life "This nebolezn really want to treat producers of pharmaceuticals, -. Said the president of the Society evidence-based medicine specialist Professor Basil Vlasov -. Apply and Viagra analogs, growth in popularity of drugs surprises.
Side effects from the use has not been canceled, but the important thing is that healthy people feel sick. " By the way, only in 2010, Russians spent on Viagra 2.729 billion rubles - by 18, 7% more than in 2009
. Author: Irina Vlasova
Potential patients - is both potential buyers and as a result, along with the diseases present there are more fictional. The main thing - to find a suitable sign, and then you can inspire people, they have some kind of pathology, which is not that of a particular person, but also in the nature there is really no

What is the "imaginary illness"? A few years ago, British Medical Journal counted more than 200. Among them are all clear wrinkles and hair loss, cellulite and the formation of sulfur in the ears, and exotic such as "allergy to XXI century". "It is either not existing disease or intentional expanded its interpretation and emphasis of danger for the population, which are widely used for purposes of gain," - said Deputy Chairman of Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Pavel Vorobiev. As a result, people have a lot of money spent on treatment is widely promoted by imaginary ills, and the real illness is not enough money.
For made-up disease specialist assigns and osteochondrosis. The diagnosis of "low back pain" in foreign literature exists, but it represents a rare diseases of bones and joints, mostly in children. A striking example of a fictional disease is cellulite. Judging by the title, we really are talking about the disease ( "-um" - an inflammation). However, the real cellulite - it is a rare fibrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue
. And the fact that under the cellulite usually mean women - just a cosmetic feature of a woman's skin and subcutaneous fat. It is related to stagnation in the circulation of lymph, the blood, as well as uneven deposition of fat. Foreign doctors generally relate cellulite to secondary sexual characteristics of women.
Cellulite does not have to do any liposuction or medicine to take, just eat less or accept the fact that a person has such a metabolism - to fight it is difficult and almost hopeless
. Professor Vorobyov told the story of a woman who died in the struggle with manifestations of excess weight. "It was a very fat woman, the treatment is drastically lost weight, she dropped the kidney, renal failure developed - and she died. Rapid weight loss is much more dangerous than obesity! And stories about how the liposuction after developing sepsis (blood poisoning), is huge. In principle, it is quite probable complication of any surgery, but is it worth the cosmetic effect of having to go to such complications, sometimes ending in death? "- Ask an expert
. In Russia, "chondrosis" is called any back pain. "The pictures of the skeleton in people older than 50 years show that low back pain is practically at all, and this is a normal age change, but if a person is ill with him sciatica - is another question. When radiculitis disease is associated with changes in the skeleton, but by itself osteochondrosis - age norm - said Professor Vorobyov
. - Now there was a similar problem with osteoporosis, which is almost all people over 60. In most cases, it does not cause physical suffering, it is the same age-related changes like wrinkles. " Osteoporosis is diagnosed in 99 of the 100 elderly, but to treat it is not required. At the same time, according to the analytical agency DSM Group, the Russians only in the first half of 2011 spent for the purchase of drugs against osteoporosis 11, 8 million rubles, having eaten 122 million packages of pills.
The growth of money was wasted in comparison with the corresponding period in 2010, 10, 3%. However, spending on drugs and anti-cellulite creams Russians recently reduced: in 2010, the wind threw to 22% less than in 2009, but the reason for this was probably a decline in revenue during the crisis
Actively propagated antibiotic treatment does more harm than good health - and it is due to improper use of them associated with imaginary illnesses. Antibiotics - drugs are the number one in pneumonia, sepsis or pyelonephritis, but when infections are fictitious, antibiotics, not profit, but a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, causing complications in the kidneys and liver. In principle, many infectious agents, to identify them is not so difficult, and as a result can be almost any disease associated with any pathogen.
Chlamydia, E. coli, measles virus in one form or another is almost at all. But the seemingly simple analogy require stringent checks and evidence: such a pathogen causes such a clinical picture. According to Professor Vorobyov, chlamydia are diagnosed and treated at every step, and at the same time the cases when doctors collude with laboratory technicians and analyzes "find" everything you need, known to many. The woman, who came to the reception, they say, as if she had found in a smear chlamydia.
Check out this woman can not, and it, together with a partner (or several) offered treatment expensive antibiotics, immunostimulants, biological additives, sometimes even trying to persuade to make "blood purification". And chlamydia are no longer! But whether it was at all, history is silent.
Even more revealing swollen with WHO feeding hysteria with swine flu. "In 2009, which artificially inflated panic in front of swine flu, - says Director General of the agency, Sergei Shuljak - Theraflu drug was sold for 2, 1 billion rubles (13 million packs). In 2010, without lobbying sale naturally decreased, if you count in packages by 14%. More was to reduce sales by famous Russians drug Arbidol. If in 2009 the turnover of the drug amounted to 5, 6 billion rubles for 37 million packages in 2010, sales decreased by 19% in rubles and reached 4, 5 billion, and took the Russians 28 million packages of the drug ».
Often they invent new diseases for wealthy young, which means that relatively healthy people. At the forefront in this case diagnosis. For example, you are given a test strip in which you are at finding "cell resonance" or something else that sounds the most incomprehensible.
"The idea of the benefits of early diagnosis is not always true, - said Professor Pavel Vorobiev. - What might be the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, acute pneumonia, meningitis? While they were not held, no early diagnosis can not be. " It is no accident so popular medical joke that is not healthy, but there nedoobsledovannye.
Often, according to researchers at Harvard and the University of Toronto, there is a situation, which is called a "cascade of appointments" when doctors side effects from taking the drug is considered as a new manifestation of the disease. In inventing diseases leading US, they are the main developers of medicines PR-campaigns that have become good business projects.
In the United States most often is diagnosed with mental illness: a child running around at recess - so he increased activity syndrome. Through the efforts of local physicians and Semi-Medical workers to the global list of imaginary illnesses added a "violation of the Eustachian tube function" (the opening between the oral cavity and middle ear, supporting the ambient pressure), "urolithiasis in a stage before the formation of stones", "slagging of the body" and "clogging bowel. »
Perhaps the last trick - "female orgasmic disorder." The true incidence of the disorder is unknown (according to some authors, it can occur in 10-15% of women, living a regular sexual life "This nebolezn really want to treat producers of pharmaceuticals, -. Said the president of the Society evidence-based medicine specialist Professor Basil Vlasov -. Apply and Viagra analogs, growth in popularity of drugs surprises.
Side effects from the use has not been canceled, but the important thing is that healthy people feel sick. " By the way, only in 2010, Russians spent on Viagra 2.729 billion rubles - by 18, 7% more than in 2009
. Author: Irina Vlasova
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