Psychoemotional causes of diseases of joints and spine
Arthritis is acute or recurrent - uncertainty about their deeds and actions
. Periarthritis - disrespectful, "disregard" refers people to the world around him. Sloppy to its inhabitants and property, creating harmful and destructive.
Osteoarthritis, low back pain (repetitive processes are replaced by destructive processes) - "syndrome petty servile souls" congestion material stuff, thoughts and emotions associated with them
. The disease of the knee (always abrasions) - pride, selfishness
. Reiter's disease (damage of the joints, eyes, and urogenital system) - rudeness, cruelty in the affairs of life
Scleroderma, dermatomyositis (joints, skin lesions) - nadorvannost life, loss of spiritual connection with close relatives
. Ankylosing spondylitis (defeat joints of the spine) - a painful perception of the economic and political changes in society, people living interests of the material world, but can not be reconciled with the earthly law, fighting hard, it loses flexibility in actions and deeds, lends itself to the circumstances of life, but only inside, but outwardly whether it's inflexible.
Systemic lupus erythematosus - the loss of spiritual connection with the world because of its backwardness, loss of vitality, and the rejection of development
. Cervical osteochondrosis - carries a person "on her neck" problems, which is not willing to give up for years
. Sciatica - accumulated problems or a new, unauthorized, and left to themselves. He does not want people to see her "face to face", trying to get around.
thoracic spine osteochondrosis - fear stab in the back, waiting for the betrayal of the society, or the environment, and because of this a person is afraid to breathe deeply. But the world can not escape.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease - a person loads himself excessively in this earthly material life, not able to do back bends under unnecessary load
. Intervertebral hernia - tries "not their business" contrary to reason for themselves embody exorbitant effort
. Coccyx, sacral segment - the cause of osteochondrosis and its painful manifestations tied to the financial problems, the man unlucky and neraschetliv in money matters.
. Periarthritis - disrespectful, "disregard" refers people to the world around him. Sloppy to its inhabitants and property, creating harmful and destructive.
Osteoarthritis, low back pain (repetitive processes are replaced by destructive processes) - "syndrome petty servile souls" congestion material stuff, thoughts and emotions associated with them
. The disease of the knee (always abrasions) - pride, selfishness
. Reiter's disease (damage of the joints, eyes, and urogenital system) - rudeness, cruelty in the affairs of life
Scleroderma, dermatomyositis (joints, skin lesions) - nadorvannost life, loss of spiritual connection with close relatives
. Ankylosing spondylitis (defeat joints of the spine) - a painful perception of the economic and political changes in society, people living interests of the material world, but can not be reconciled with the earthly law, fighting hard, it loses flexibility in actions and deeds, lends itself to the circumstances of life, but only inside, but outwardly whether it's inflexible.
Systemic lupus erythematosus - the loss of spiritual connection with the world because of its backwardness, loss of vitality, and the rejection of development
. Cervical osteochondrosis - carries a person "on her neck" problems, which is not willing to give up for years
. Sciatica - accumulated problems or a new, unauthorized, and left to themselves. He does not want people to see her "face to face", trying to get around.
thoracic spine osteochondrosis - fear stab in the back, waiting for the betrayal of the society, or the environment, and because of this a person is afraid to breathe deeply. But the world can not escape.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease - a person loads himself excessively in this earthly material life, not able to do back bends under unnecessary load
. Intervertebral hernia - tries "not their business" contrary to reason for themselves embody exorbitant effort
. Coccyx, sacral segment - the cause of osteochondrosis and its painful manifestations tied to the financial problems, the man unlucky and neraschetliv in money matters.
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