4 of the law of recovery on the system of academician Bolotov
Academician Boris Vasilevich Bolotov has created a unique system of healing the whole body. According to the author, you can achieve the updates of old cells with new,like "forcing" a hard body to produce certain substances. System Bolotov will help to acquire and retain biological youth, to achieve recovery organova through the replacement of sick cells healthy.
Academician Bolotov said about food: "one should Never eat nutritious, wholesome, vitamin and calories! Eat only what is tasty,since it is for you and useful and nutritious, and nutritious, and will give the body the necessary vitamins".
To many, this statement may seem strange! It is no wonder that there is a science "dietetics", which teaches us of the "usefulness" and the "correct" supply. It turns out that all inspires us postulates an illusion? Such objections Bolotov readily answered, that listen to the advice of experts-dieticians, of course, necessary, because "something they all know", however, unbeatable, the best advisers on nutrition can only serve our own taste buds.
4 of the main law of proper nutrition Bolotov
The law first
The main goal is to increase the number of young cells relative to the number of old cells in tissues. It needs to stimulate the secretion of gastric enzymes pepsikov. When injected into the bloodstream they spread throughout the body, digesting damaged, old cells, and even cancerous cells without causing any harm to healthy young cells. So, the main task is to stimulate the gastric juice, would rather say, to strengthen the stomach, and highlight pepsikov.
What do I need?
It is important that every day in your diet was present delicious food that will stimulate the production of gastric juices, improving the stomach. It is very important that the foods consumed by you contained sufficient fiber. Because she cares about peristalsis and excellent motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.
It would be good to Supplement your diet with cereals, bread from corn flour, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits (figs, plums).
Very useful: pumpkin, carrots, radishes, turnips, cabbage, spinach, lettuce. You can eat different varieties of nuts, but better to give preference to almonds.
Nuts eat at least two to three times a week. To replace them can be sprouted wheat or bran.
Also pay more attention to products such asbeans, peas, soybeans, beans and lentils.
The second law
You need to get rid of toxins, then the digestion process will take place correctly. To clean the body of toxins with the help of acids. It is proved that if the body to enter the correct (safe) acid, most of them converted to salt. This occurs by oxygen fermentation processes. That is, on the one hand, oxygen forms in the body accumulation of toxins, and on the other contributes to the process of fermentation that leads to the transformation of toxins in the salt. So the next task is to ensure sufficient supply and movement of oxygen in the body.
Approval Bolotov, the second law of rejuvenating necessarily requires physical work or perform gymnastic exercises and massage.
All this greatly stimulates the movement of blood, and thus, as a result, toxins are transformed into salt. The scientist in his work "Steps to longevity" writes: "it is Important especially to introduce into the body some types are safe acids found in the fruit and vegetable pickles". From our ancestors we inherited the rich experience in the pickling and salting of different products. Our task today is not to lose it, but instead to enrich with new knowledge. Bolotov suggested a lot of recipes for fermenting not only sauerkraut, cucumbers and tomatoes, but other plants. Its famous vinegars fame that has helped many to cope with difficult illnesses.
The third law
Theory of academician Bolotov says: from the body is necessary to remove salt. For the dissolution of salts you can use the juices from the salt-soluble plants: horseradish, celery, parsley roots, leaves mother and stepmother, turnip, marsh cinquefoil. Bolotov advises to prepare various herbal infusions and teas that can help cleanse all the internal organs and saturate the organism with necessary microelements.
Carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips, vegetables, essential for blood formation. Their dietary fiber help to improve peristalsis and help to dilute and excretion of harmful substances from the body.
Interesting proposal Bolotov – make the balls of cake of vegetables and fruits. Beads are small pieces of cake of different plants. Cakes cooked by a special recipe, have a negative potential, which can persist for several weeks until fibrous substance while the cakes will draw ionized air items.
Due to its electropotential properties of fresh oilcake can pull out of the walls of the stomach and duodenum heavy metals and radionuclides, free radicals and carcinogens. Cakes absorb the remnants of salt and serve as a perfect filler of the intestines, which helps restore the intestinal epithelium.
However, it is necessary to remember the warning Bolotov: all of the proposed methods Solarstone can be very intense, especially if the body is a huge accumulation of deposits of salts. Therefore, the scientist offers to take advantage of more gentle methods of cleaning the body. One such method is post. Centuries-old scheme of purification – post – as relevant today.
Law fourth
At this stage it is necessary to fight with various pathogenic bacteria. Our objective is to achieve almost complete immunity to them.A great way to consume more products of lactic acid fermentation, as well as natural antibiotics.For example, strawberries, cranberries, apples, viburnum, buckthorn, cranberry, blueberry, currant, elderberry, cloudberry, garlic, onions, Rowan. Regular consumption of these plants will help to enrich your diet with healthy and tasty products, and will protect you from disease.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ediet.ru/pitaemsya-sisteme-bolotova-65246.htm

Academician Bolotov said about food: "one should Never eat nutritious, wholesome, vitamin and calories! Eat only what is tasty,since it is for you and useful and nutritious, and nutritious, and will give the body the necessary vitamins".
To many, this statement may seem strange! It is no wonder that there is a science "dietetics", which teaches us of the "usefulness" and the "correct" supply. It turns out that all inspires us postulates an illusion? Such objections Bolotov readily answered, that listen to the advice of experts-dieticians, of course, necessary, because "something they all know", however, unbeatable, the best advisers on nutrition can only serve our own taste buds.
4 of the main law of proper nutrition Bolotov
The law first
The main goal is to increase the number of young cells relative to the number of old cells in tissues. It needs to stimulate the secretion of gastric enzymes pepsikov. When injected into the bloodstream they spread throughout the body, digesting damaged, old cells, and even cancerous cells without causing any harm to healthy young cells. So, the main task is to stimulate the gastric juice, would rather say, to strengthen the stomach, and highlight pepsikov.
What do I need?
It is important that every day in your diet was present delicious food that will stimulate the production of gastric juices, improving the stomach. It is very important that the foods consumed by you contained sufficient fiber. Because she cares about peristalsis and excellent motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

It would be good to Supplement your diet with cereals, bread from corn flour, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits (figs, plums).
Very useful: pumpkin, carrots, radishes, turnips, cabbage, spinach, lettuce. You can eat different varieties of nuts, but better to give preference to almonds.
Nuts eat at least two to three times a week. To replace them can be sprouted wheat or bran.
Also pay more attention to products such asbeans, peas, soybeans, beans and lentils.
The second law
You need to get rid of toxins, then the digestion process will take place correctly. To clean the body of toxins with the help of acids. It is proved that if the body to enter the correct (safe) acid, most of them converted to salt. This occurs by oxygen fermentation processes. That is, on the one hand, oxygen forms in the body accumulation of toxins, and on the other contributes to the process of fermentation that leads to the transformation of toxins in the salt. So the next task is to ensure sufficient supply and movement of oxygen in the body.
Approval Bolotov, the second law of rejuvenating necessarily requires physical work or perform gymnastic exercises and massage.
All this greatly stimulates the movement of blood, and thus, as a result, toxins are transformed into salt. The scientist in his work "Steps to longevity" writes: "it is Important especially to introduce into the body some types are safe acids found in the fruit and vegetable pickles". From our ancestors we inherited the rich experience in the pickling and salting of different products. Our task today is not to lose it, but instead to enrich with new knowledge. Bolotov suggested a lot of recipes for fermenting not only sauerkraut, cucumbers and tomatoes, but other plants. Its famous vinegars fame that has helped many to cope with difficult illnesses.

The third law
Theory of academician Bolotov says: from the body is necessary to remove salt. For the dissolution of salts you can use the juices from the salt-soluble plants: horseradish, celery, parsley roots, leaves mother and stepmother, turnip, marsh cinquefoil. Bolotov advises to prepare various herbal infusions and teas that can help cleanse all the internal organs and saturate the organism with necessary microelements.
Carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips, vegetables, essential for blood formation. Their dietary fiber help to improve peristalsis and help to dilute and excretion of harmful substances from the body.
Interesting proposal Bolotov – make the balls of cake of vegetables and fruits. Beads are small pieces of cake of different plants. Cakes cooked by a special recipe, have a negative potential, which can persist for several weeks until fibrous substance while the cakes will draw ionized air items.
Due to its electropotential properties of fresh oilcake can pull out of the walls of the stomach and duodenum heavy metals and radionuclides, free radicals and carcinogens. Cakes absorb the remnants of salt and serve as a perfect filler of the intestines, which helps restore the intestinal epithelium.
However, it is necessary to remember the warning Bolotov: all of the proposed methods Solarstone can be very intense, especially if the body is a huge accumulation of deposits of salts. Therefore, the scientist offers to take advantage of more gentle methods of cleaning the body. One such method is post. Centuries-old scheme of purification – post – as relevant today.
Law fourth
At this stage it is necessary to fight with various pathogenic bacteria. Our objective is to achieve almost complete immunity to them.A great way to consume more products of lactic acid fermentation, as well as natural antibiotics.For example, strawberries, cranberries, apples, viburnum, buckthorn, cranberry, blueberry, currant, elderberry, cloudberry, garlic, onions, Rowan. Regular consumption of these plants will help to enrich your diet with healthy and tasty products, and will protect you from disease.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ediet.ru/pitaemsya-sisteme-bolotova-65246.htm