Boris Shcherbakov. Every weekend I went to Leningrad - "hare" in the general car

Shcherbakovs family of five people lived in shestnadtsatimetrovoy room in a communal apartment. The only window looked out onto the Gulf of Finland. Since childhood, Boris always seen port, big white ships and dreamed of becoming a captain to travel to exotic countries. Most likely, he would have done in one of the many naval schools, if not for one event that changed his life.
When Boris was 12 years for them to come to school representatives "Lenfilm" studio. They were looking for a blond, freckled boy on the role Glebko Prokhorov in the children's adventure film "mandate." Among other guys to shoot was selected and Boris, and soon he was approved for the lead role.
Boris Shcherbakov, "After this shooting, I realized that in addition to the profession sailor, there is another, no less interesting - to play at the theater or in the movies».

After leaving school in 1967, tried to go to Boris LGITMIK (Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema), but "cut off" in the third round. Then he entered the Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya the directing department.
After studying for a year, Boris learned that in Moscow Pavel Masalskoe gaining course in Moscow Art Theatre School. As recognized by the actor himself, to learn from Masalsky was his dream, so he decided not renting a summer session, go to try their luck in the capital. Dean of the Institute nevertheless insisted that Boris passed nevertheless session, in the event that any chance he failed the exam in Moscow.
Imagine the despair Shcherbakov, when he arrived in Moscow, learned that examinations have been completed - they suffered a week earlier, as the theater was to go on tour in Japan. Boris recalls: "I had nothing to lose, I burst into the room where sat the teachers, and yelled:" Pal Masalich! I want to learn from you! "Not only that, I made a stir, but also confused the name of the teacher. Everyone was confused. But, apparently, what I said at all, I want to learn from Paul V. Massalsky flattered famous teacher, he listened to me and accepted. A few days later I was already involved in the translation of the Leningrad Institute in Moscow Art Theatre School ».
"And we, first-year students, we decided that this tall, handsome blond man, who has not been seen in the exams, generally through connections got to the studio, - says the actor's wife Tatiana Bronze. - Steel scroll surname "Shcherbakov" and decided that Boris - the son of his uncle Petit Shcherbakov - actor of theater "Contemporary". But later it turned out that there was no relationship between them ».
On his student life Boris Shcherbakov recalls: "Every weekend I went to Leningrad -" hare & quot ;, in the general car, on the third shelf, because in this city have remained and relatives, and friends, and beloved: It was difficult, but the World the same student, recalls how the brightest. In my first year I got a job as a janitor in the underground, soaps foyer in front of machine guns on both sides of the station "Prospect Marx" (now - "Ryad") - drove across the floor such a terrible machine. I'm so mastered the profession of the driver: no vozitelya this unit that carried out its work in an hour, for which he was transferred to the chief operating mode "through the night" mode "every night." I had no choice but to agree, but on condition that I would wash the floor only machine. "Of course, you do not give the same cloth, for this we have a grandmother," - said the chief. I immediately took a sin and broke one machine to wash only one side of the lobby. For this work I was paid 110 rubles, 26 rubles and scholarship - it was enough to eat and good, and the girls take care of & quot ;.
He graduated from high school studio Boris Shcherbakov in 1972.

Boris Shcherbakov acting work in film began with the detective's "Silent Shores" (1972). Prior to that, to his credit were only two roles: the already mentioned in the movie "mandate" and a small role in the story of Paul Kadochnikova "Snow Maiden».
Since then, the actor starred in many films of various genres - from military bands to detectives from the production and fantastic pictures to comedies. Most often, the characters - or hero-lover, or incorrigible rascals, although there are exceptions.
Among the notable roles played by an actor, you can mention the work in such films as: "I serve at the border", "Eleven hopes," "Through thorns to the stars" (kolotun), "Case squared 36-80", "Guest from Future "(Ivan S.)," thieves in law "(Andrew)," Criminal Quartet "(Sara)," My best friend General Vasily, son of Joseph "," Barkhanov and his bodyguard "(gangster-poet)," Hello, Fools! ". One of his last works - Illuminator Boris Ilyin in the series "Russian Amazons-2».
Boris Shcherbakov himself from more than 70 roles played in the movie, and loved udavshimisya names four Lieutenant Vadim Nikitin of Kinoroman Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov "Beach", operas Barnes of Alexander Muratov thriller "Criminal Quartet" of social Michael retro drama Vladimir Naumov "Without the right of correspondence", and Sergey Avdeev Anatoly Eyramdzhana of comedy "Bride of Miami».
In comedies Eyramdzhana Shcherbakov was shot several times, "I like to work with Anatoly Eyramdzhanom. As he says, shooting in "McDonald's style": there is fast food, fast work here. He kind, cheerful, light films, their loves spectator in his films, I'll be happy to continue to act ».

Wife of Boris Shcherbakov, his classmate Tatyana Bronzova, long time worked zavtruppoy Moscow Art Theater. They married during his studies at the School of the Moscow Art Theatre. And by the time Tatiana has already been married.
She tells of their acquaintance, "Yes, he is separated me from my husband. Boris was so attentive, helpful and cheerful that resist its charm was impossible.
And in Leningrad we had never met and do not know each other. The interesting thing is that I was not going to leave from Leningrad to Moscow. We once with a friend walked along Nevsky Prospekt, saw an advertisement for the recruitment in the Moscow Art Theatre School. I went to the specified address, passed the first round, then a second. So, joking, embarked on the path cast. I was already married, but had to go to the capital to take exams. When I arrived, my husband took me to Moscow to the beginning of the school year. He had to carry a heavy suitcase, and get help. I was assigned to the hostel. I opened the door to his room and saw on the bed lay down three fellows. I was confused (because my husband was standing behind with a suitcase) and say: "I settled into this room, I'm going to live here." From the bed stood a tall, handsome blond and fun replied: "That's great! Let's live together! "It was Boris Shcherbakov, and we could not then assume that his words would be prophetic.
Of course, then figured out what was happening, we were accommodated. From the day we rehearsed together at the training stage, I got used to the fact that Boris is always there. Boris quietly penetrated my heart and drove out of my husband. I want to say that Boris is not only cared for me. He loved women, and paid attention to all the girls in the dorm, but still chose me. Now we are with Boris already 30 years together ».
It's no secret that Boris Shcherbakov enjoyed and continues to enjoy considerable success with women. And how it reacts to Tatyana? After all, the roles of hero-lover and loving relationship suggests, and kisses, and sometimes sex scenes on the set.
Tatyana: "I understand that this is work. However, Boris sometimes interested in, and I immediately feel. But such a state he briefly. I can understand him. Let him in bed rests, but only on camera during the filming. And if in another place and another time, I certainly understand. And he gives a lot of reasons. I get tired from his fans. Sometimes you just do not give a walk calmly.
When leaving abroad for a vacation, we think that even in a strange land stopping here alone. And there is more Russian than in Russia, and all on holiday drunk, stroll past, eye drop, autograph ask climb cuddle. Want to hide somewhere from drunken compatriots abroad, so they take out the house, especially the ladies. One such I even cursed. Once Borin cell phone rang, and my husband was busy, and I thought, now I will answer and ask that pass? I press the button and hear a woman's voice annoyed: "I'm actually calling Boris! What right have you to take it a cell phone? "From such rudeness I almost speechless not lost. Here it is, of course, had to "deal" with her husband.
... I have never been afraid that Boris like this will not come back from a tour or from the shooting. But if someone was fond of him or someone fascinated, I immediately felt the way he greeted me after a long absence, as he kissed at the meeting. I always trusted him and I'm sure that he would never betray his family. Hobbies and he had to be, even though the youth was gone, but Boris came to fame and popularity. Girls just hung in clusters on him, but I know, I feel that he will never leave his family ».
Boris Shcherbakov himself admits: "A man in my position just need to constantly be in a state of love, and I love Tanya very long time, and it feels a bit dim, but saved more than love. The second such as my Tatiana, is not found. She is insanely beautiful, kind, patient. And most importantly, that for me is very important in a woman - she is able to forgive and understand me perfectly. This is the quality that we Tatiana together for 30 years and I would never trade her for some fans. Perhaps this is the secret of preserving the family: the ability to forgive, understand, and hold each other, no matter what happens. I forgave much to his wife, and she told me ».
Son Boris Shcherbakov and Tatiana Bronze Basil studied at the Sorbonne, graduated from Moscow State University. By education he is a lawyer, knows English and French, with the firm.

More than 30 years dedicated to Boris Shcherbakov Moscow Art Theatre, which came immediately after the Studio School. There's also worked and his wife. A severe blow to the entire troupe was the death in May 2000, chief director Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov. With a new leader, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, they failed to load. In 2000, Tatiana was fired brass, and in 2003 - Boris Shcherbakov.
Boris Shcherbakov: "Tobacco has not signed a contract with me and thus made it clear that in the theater, I no longer work. My indignation knew no bounds! I'm from college and worked up gray hair in a theater. MAT also during this time became my second home. He was my life, my air. And I had been treated as a yard boy ... I wanted to talk to Tabakov, to hear the explanation, but Oleg Pavlovich I have not been able to meet ».
Currently, Boris Shcherbakov plays entreprise, but as he admits - the Moscow Art Theatre remained his soul.