The children in the country— safety
Summer is in full swing. Children — holidays, parents — time to leave. Fans of holiday vacation a lot of time with the whole family on their sites. And of course, all of us parents wish our children well, and therefore try to protect from all kinds of dangers and troubles, can spoil your holiday. But just because you can't foresee... The more problems sometimes lurk where they did not expect. So, I think, is not superfluous to discuss security issues country rest of our children.
Safety on the Playground is Wonderful when the child in the country there is a specially equipped place for games and entertainment. On how to do that you can build on the Playground, we talked many times, and I will remind you of those ideas and tips that are posted on our website:
And now let us remember that it is important to take into account the extra time to check that the children were safe.
Reliability and durability of structures
Well treated wood Splinters — it not only painful, but dangerous: is brought into the wound, the dirt can cause inflammation. Therefore, all the wooden elements of the Playground are processed as carefully as possible, grind, paint resistant and durable paints.
Safe materials and toys At the cottage with kid's toys are often the materials at hand — all kinds of bowls, which are so interesting to pour water mom's garden tools that can dig sand, or to build your own garden, and so on. But we should understand that no place on the Playground glass items, cans, articles of fragile and brittle plastic (the same bowls and basins, sometimes very easily broken, leaving in the hands of sharp shards). Even the purchase of toys, unfortunately not always safe and harmless to health.
Regular cleaning of the garbage and check the site Even if you have guests in the country rare, the trash has a bad habit of appearing out of nowhere)) not only that, he adorns our yard, so also was the source of all problems is capable of becoming — from possible injuries and infections. So it won't hurt to check the area of the Playground and remove accidentally hit her garbage.
Protect the sandbox from animals To the feces of cats and dogs was not in the sand, which, kid makes mud pies, is provide the opportunity to close the sandbox, when the site is unoccupied. How it will look — you decide. Of course, the ideal is a structure where the cover provided from the beginning, and it opens and closes easily. But you can solve the issue and with the help of improvised material — we have, for example, it was two strips of slate left after the roof repairs. Not the most convenient option, but it this cover is quite good, and this is important.
The choice of surface for playgrounds is an Important caveat which should be taken care of immediately, then not to alter. Paved traumatic — abrasion and broken knees no one would decorate the rest. The sand is good, but this site is very dusty, and it's not only the extra Laundry for mom, but also possible problems for the baby's health. So it's better to be sand in the sandbox. And as a coating for children's playgrounds the perfect lawn.
No matter it is lawn seed, roll or simply the grass you mow regularly. Importantly, the coating was smooth, quite smooth, without holes, rocks and bumps. For the sowing of lawn grass seeds choose a sport — they are more resistant to trampling. And don't forget: flowers — a great attraction for bees. Salivate your lawn before they will appear — let flowers adorn the flower beds and under my feet is green grass.
A good review Place for a Playground should be in sight. The best option — when you can do their business in the garden or in the kitchen at the same time keeping an eye on a playing child (of course, if the age of the baby can already leave him alone). How would we rationally with you, and no organized children's space in the country, the ingenuity of our children knows no bounds, and adventure for themselves, they will always find. So much calmer and safer to the parents of the children if the Playground is well visible.
Sources of danger in the home garden For kid gardening is a very interesting place, full of adventure, finds and discoveries. And parents very quickly into a habit to create a safe space by removing or making inaccessible to the child the sources of potential threats. It pays to always keep under control:
Tools and techniques
While the very young to explain anything is usually useless, and sometimes parents prefer not to build the reservoirs on the site until the child is old enough. On the other hand, the pool in the heat of summer — great fun. And the hardening will only benefit the health. So, to be or not to be the pond on the property, where children play, everyone decides for himself. A universal recipe for safety is also not found yet...
Poisonous plants Many plants — wild and garden — poisonous. This is relevant for gardeners topic we have already discussed: article 10 poisonous plants — dangerous beauty in the country and its commentary provide sufficient food for thought. And yet, I, for one, have absolutely no idea how you can completely eliminate in your garden like plantings.
Even when my daughter was just a baby, I grew lilies of the valley, and Wahoo, Colchicum and Euphorbia, marigold and globe — Yes, much more increased, because the bulbs of daffodils — and they contain the poison. How to prevent the danger? Suggest possible ways — you choose:
By the way, are dangerous not only poisonous plants — if your child has allergies, be especially careful when choosing garden crops. At the time of its flowering, some plants are a threat to the health of Allergy sufferers. And the weeds in that regard is not harmless...
Insects and animals Resting out of town, not to avoid contact with insects. What to do to minimize possible problems?
Severe itching from the bites is stressful for the child and wounds on the spot sore blisters — the real gateway to all sorts of infections. Select a tool that is considered safe, creams or sprays, essential oils or plant extracts — and use it to protect themselves from mosquitoes.
Bees, wasps, bumblebees
Explain to your child why it is not necessary to disturb the bee, collecting nectar, and why not wave your hands, if by flying wasp. Worst of all is the cottagers who have neighbors having the hives — inexperienced beekeepers can turn beneficial insects in real trouble for just the holiday village. If the child has allergies — always keep at hand the antihistamines, because the reaction to a bee sting is unpredictable.
Beneficial insects are fun to watch. But to get a rest near the nest still not worth it. Ant bites are quite painful, and if a lot of them — possible allergic reaction.
Health threat posed by tick bites, is extremely high. If your location has these insects are common, never go into the woods, not bothering about their own safety — proper clothing and special sprays considerably reduce the probability of a bite. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can protect from a deadly disease. And don't forget: you have only 72 hours to take the necessary measures if you are bitten by a tick.
From a very young age teach your child to be careful with strange dogs and strange cats. Tell us how to behave, having met aggressive mood of the animal, and explain why you should not indiscriminately to stroke and haul home every met a cat. The most difficult is to explain these rules to those kids who have Pets, but the sooner kids learn the difference between his and someone else's dog, the better.
Safe walking Time goes by, the baby grows, and he becomes closely at the parent site. The child-student probably already has friends among neighbors and peers, and he often will leave to go play with them outside of your country site. Sooner or later, we still have to let children under your wing, so it is very important to explain to them the rules of safe behavior (and make sure they remember!)
"Never talk to strangers" In our troubled world, this rule kids learn almost with toddlers. But the country "outlaws" sometimes miraculously changes everything, and our children forgetting what they've been taught. Take time — more time to talk with your child about how to behave when meeting with a stranger and make sure he really understands why it's important.
Rules of behavior on the water, in the woods, on the street If the child is large enough to alone or in the company of friends to go to the river and in the woods for mushrooms, berries, teach him the lessons of safety. How to navigate in the woods; what to do if lost; why not dive into unfamiliar bodies of water — the answers to these and many other questions needs to be learned like the multiplication table. Sometimes knowing the simple rules saves lives — remember that.
Encourage your child to always inform you where he was going, with whom, when they plan to return. Make sure that he stayed connected — this will prevent unnecessary anxiety (and how we lived when there were no cell phones?
Source: www.7dach.ru
Safety on the Playground is Wonderful when the child in the country there is a specially equipped place for games and entertainment. On how to do that you can build on the Playground, we talked many times, and I will remind you of those ideas and tips that are posted on our website:
And now let us remember that it is important to take into account the extra time to check that the children were safe.
Reliability and durability of structures
- All structures must be calculated on the weight of the child (and better stock) — suitable for games three year old toddler, is not always able to withstand the pressure of Tomboy-student.
- The supports of the swing, pull-up bars and other structures bury in ground and thoroughly fix. Periodically check, whether is not shattered building, damage its elements.
- Focus on connections and joints parts. This is, perhaps, the most vulnerable places most of the structures.
Well treated wood Splinters — it not only painful, but dangerous: is brought into the wound, the dirt can cause inflammation. Therefore, all the wooden elements of the Playground are processed as carefully as possible, grind, paint resistant and durable paints.
Safe materials and toys At the cottage with kid's toys are often the materials at hand — all kinds of bowls, which are so interesting to pour water mom's garden tools that can dig sand, or to build your own garden, and so on. But we should understand that no place on the Playground glass items, cans, articles of fragile and brittle plastic (the same bowls and basins, sometimes very easily broken, leaving in the hands of sharp shards). Even the purchase of toys, unfortunately not always safe and harmless to health.
Regular cleaning of the garbage and check the site Even if you have guests in the country rare, the trash has a bad habit of appearing out of nowhere)) not only that, he adorns our yard, so also was the source of all problems is capable of becoming — from possible injuries and infections. So it won't hurt to check the area of the Playground and remove accidentally hit her garbage.
Protect the sandbox from animals To the feces of cats and dogs was not in the sand, which, kid makes mud pies, is provide the opportunity to close the sandbox, when the site is unoccupied. How it will look — you decide. Of course, the ideal is a structure where the cover provided from the beginning, and it opens and closes easily. But you can solve the issue and with the help of improvised material — we have, for example, it was two strips of slate left after the roof repairs. Not the most convenient option, but it this cover is quite good, and this is important.
The choice of surface for playgrounds is an Important caveat which should be taken care of immediately, then not to alter. Paved traumatic — abrasion and broken knees no one would decorate the rest. The sand is good, but this site is very dusty, and it's not only the extra Laundry for mom, but also possible problems for the baby's health. So it's better to be sand in the sandbox. And as a coating for children's playgrounds the perfect lawn.
No matter it is lawn seed, roll or simply the grass you mow regularly. Importantly, the coating was smooth, quite smooth, without holes, rocks and bumps. For the sowing of lawn grass seeds choose a sport — they are more resistant to trampling. And don't forget: flowers — a great attraction for bees. Salivate your lawn before they will appear — let flowers adorn the flower beds and under my feet is green grass.
A good review Place for a Playground should be in sight. The best option — when you can do their business in the garden or in the kitchen at the same time keeping an eye on a playing child (of course, if the age of the baby can already leave him alone). How would we rationally with you, and no organized children's space in the country, the ingenuity of our children knows no bounds, and adventure for themselves, they will always find. So much calmer and safer to the parents of the children if the Playground is well visible.
Sources of danger in the home garden For kid gardening is a very interesting place, full of adventure, finds and discoveries. And parents very quickly into a habit to create a safe space by removing or making inaccessible to the child the sources of potential threats. It pays to always keep under control:
Tools and techniques
- Never do not leave a plugged in electrical appliances and tools. One minute is enough time for the toddler to press the button...
- Do not let your child play nearbywhen you're working with a grinder, mow grass and so on — too much risk of accidental injuries. Moreover, risk and you: trying to simultaneously work and monitor their child, it is difficult to focus, and even a minor mistake can be too costly.
- Always remove the piercing and cutting tools (pruning shears, scythe, saw, forks and things like that should be completely out of reach for a kid).
- As early as possible , begin to teach the child rules for the treatment of country instruments. Ban is useless — much more useful and effective to show and tell how to safely use a shovel, rake, hammer. The older child should be taught to use a handsaw and shears skills are always in good stead, and the risk of injury will be significantly less.
While the very young to explain anything is usually useless, and sometimes parents prefer not to build the reservoirs on the site until the child is old enough. On the other hand, the pool in the heat of summer — great fun. And the hardening will only benefit the health. So, to be or not to be the pond on the property, where children play, everyone decides for himself. A universal recipe for safety is also not found yet...
- Possible install street outlets and switches so that they were inaccessible to the child.
- Do not forget to check the reliability and security of connections, the integrity of the cable, damage to electrical equipment.
- Use only electrical appliances and equipment intended for installation (the application) on the street.
Poisonous plants Many plants — wild and garden — poisonous. This is relevant for gardeners topic we have already discussed: article 10 poisonous plants — dangerous beauty in the country and its commentary provide sufficient food for thought. And yet, I, for one, have absolutely no idea how you can completely eliminate in your garden like plantings.
Even when my daughter was just a baby, I grew lilies of the valley, and Wahoo, Colchicum and Euphorbia, marigold and globe — Yes, much more increased, because the bulbs of daffodils — and they contain the poison. How to prevent the danger? Suggest possible ways — you choose:
- drop off potentially dangerous plants in areas that are inaccessible to the child;
- as early as possible to teach the child that one should never taste unknown plants — whether in the woods, in the field or in the garden;
- do not plant in the country anything potentially dangerous (though not quite clearly, in this case to do with wild herbs, among which too much are poisonous — let's take the ubiquitous dandelion...)
By the way, are dangerous not only poisonous plants — if your child has allergies, be especially careful when choosing garden crops. At the time of its flowering, some plants are a threat to the health of Allergy sufferers. And the weeds in that regard is not harmless...
Insects and animals Resting out of town, not to avoid contact with insects. What to do to minimize possible problems?
Severe itching from the bites is stressful for the child and wounds on the spot sore blisters — the real gateway to all sorts of infections. Select a tool that is considered safe, creams or sprays, essential oils or plant extracts — and use it to protect themselves from mosquitoes.
Bees, wasps, bumblebees
Explain to your child why it is not necessary to disturb the bee, collecting nectar, and why not wave your hands, if by flying wasp. Worst of all is the cottagers who have neighbors having the hives — inexperienced beekeepers can turn beneficial insects in real trouble for just the holiday village. If the child has allergies — always keep at hand the antihistamines, because the reaction to a bee sting is unpredictable.
Beneficial insects are fun to watch. But to get a rest near the nest still not worth it. Ant bites are quite painful, and if a lot of them — possible allergic reaction.
Health threat posed by tick bites, is extremely high. If your location has these insects are common, never go into the woods, not bothering about their own safety — proper clothing and special sprays considerably reduce the probability of a bite. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can protect from a deadly disease. And don't forget: you have only 72 hours to take the necessary measures if you are bitten by a tick.
From a very young age teach your child to be careful with strange dogs and strange cats. Tell us how to behave, having met aggressive mood of the animal, and explain why you should not indiscriminately to stroke and haul home every met a cat. The most difficult is to explain these rules to those kids who have Pets, but the sooner kids learn the difference between his and someone else's dog, the better.
Safe walking Time goes by, the baby grows, and he becomes closely at the parent site. The child-student probably already has friends among neighbors and peers, and he often will leave to go play with them outside of your country site. Sooner or later, we still have to let children under your wing, so it is very important to explain to them the rules of safe behavior (and make sure they remember!)
"Never talk to strangers" In our troubled world, this rule kids learn almost with toddlers. But the country "outlaws" sometimes miraculously changes everything, and our children forgetting what they've been taught. Take time — more time to talk with your child about how to behave when meeting with a stranger and make sure he really understands why it's important.
Rules of behavior on the water, in the woods, on the street If the child is large enough to alone or in the company of friends to go to the river and in the woods for mushrooms, berries, teach him the lessons of safety. How to navigate in the woods; what to do if lost; why not dive into unfamiliar bodies of water — the answers to these and many other questions needs to be learned like the multiplication table. Sometimes knowing the simple rules saves lives — remember that.
Encourage your child to always inform you where he was going, with whom, when they plan to return. Make sure that he stayed connected — this will prevent unnecessary anxiety (and how we lived when there were no cell phones?
Source: www.7dach.ru