Why gray hair and wrinkles are actually ennobling and are not a disadvantage
Modern man is told from all sides what he “should be”: how to behave, what to dress and how to look. Celebrities and models, appearing in the public field, now and then demonstrate a perfect appearance. This is what causes many ordinary people to begin to doubt themselves. Editorial "Site" We will tell you why the “disadvantages of appearance” are not flaws at all, but only our features, which should not be ashamed of.
Disadvantages of appearance
It should be understood that acne is not a sign of hygiene deficiency. And it's not contagious. Whether you wear makeup or not is everyone’s choice. Especially considering that decorative cosmetics can only aggravate inflammation. The same goes for other skin problems. They do not make anyone ugly. It's just that man has that skin and he doesn't have another.
Grey and wrinkles Magazines, advertising and the film industry say that looking your age is bad. Only youth is beautiful, and any signs of aging should be hidden. As a result, mature women who have wrinkles and gray hair no longer feel attractive. To fix this, they bring a huge revenue to the cosmetics industry. It includes care products, and services of cosmetologists, and plastic. Round sums are also often spent on hair dyeing.
It is extremely important to realize that there is nothing terrible about gray hair and wrinkles. It shows that your body changes naturally. The idea of accepting your wrinkles and gray hair turns into something like a movement: photo projects, blogs, books and social videos are dedicated to it. Now more and more women of different ages are not ashamed of their wrinkles and grow gray hair. Among them are many celebrities and actresses: Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow and others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=a6QwWRX3Gho
Completeness People with a weight above the standard are endlessly shamed, accused of laziness, gluttony and urged to hide behind inconspicuous hoodies. Now this phenomenon is fatshaming. This can be experienced even those whose weight from the point of view of medicine is within the normal range. Many celebrities suffer from fatshaming, for example Rihanna, who is always bullied for weight fluctuations.
A large person is not obliged to torture himself with tight underwear and hide behind black hoods in a vertical strip. Everyone has the right to show their body and wear whatever they want.
cellulite To the “orange peel” in women, society is extremely negative. It is believed that a woman with bumpy skin on her body should not wear swimsuits or unnecessarily bare her legs. But such women often spend a lot of money on expensive means of cellulite and painful massages, just to get rid of this “shameful”, but quite normality your body.
The much-hated cellulite (like everything previously mentioned) has only become a problem thanks to marketing. Until the 70s of the last century, it was not considered anything shameful. But a little later, the American Nicole Ronshar published a whole book on how to fight cellulite. The manual soon became fantastically popular. Since then, it is believed that cellulite is a terrible defect, from which it is urgent to get rid of by any means. It’s no wonder that it brings in billions of dollars to the beauty industry.
However, numerous studies indicate that cellulite has 85-98% of women. In addition, it has been proven that cosmetic or surgical manipulation can only worsen the condition of the skin. Therefore, we can conclude: bumpy skin is just a feature of the female body. This is due to the fact that the skin in women is thin, and the percentage of body fat in them is higher than in men. That's nature. So safely wear open clothes and take photos on the beach, if your soul desires.
High or low height Eternal problem: men are complex due to the fact that they did not grow to two meters, and women suffer from both small growth and too large. Because of this nuance of the body, they have a lifetime. insult from others.
But few people know that 95% of women have a height in the range of 150-179 cm, and 95% of men – between 163-193 cm. The lower limit of the norm is about 147 cm, but this occurs only in people with certain genetic predispositions.
Have you ever been insulted because of your body? They bravely shared their story in the comments. We wish you unconditional, inexhaustible love for the most beautiful and dear person in the world - for yourself!

Disadvantages of appearance
- Skin features In society, clean, monochromatic and smooth skin is considered beautiful. The vast majority of people are far from ideal. On the face and body can be acne, moles, pigment spots, freckles, rosacea, scars and so on. People have learned to treat freckles or moles more or less calmly. But for acne, people are still poisoned. In such cases, women are usually asked to hide skin imperfections behind a dense layer of makeup.
A few years ago, this problem was raised by beauty blogger Em Ford in his video, which soon became very popular. She created it because acne caused a lot of negative comments.
It should be understood that acne is not a sign of hygiene deficiency. And it's not contagious. Whether you wear makeup or not is everyone’s choice. Especially considering that decorative cosmetics can only aggravate inflammation. The same goes for other skin problems. They do not make anyone ugly. It's just that man has that skin and he doesn't have another.

Grey and wrinkles Magazines, advertising and the film industry say that looking your age is bad. Only youth is beautiful, and any signs of aging should be hidden. As a result, mature women who have wrinkles and gray hair no longer feel attractive. To fix this, they bring a huge revenue to the cosmetics industry. It includes care products, and services of cosmetologists, and plastic. Round sums are also often spent on hair dyeing.

It is extremely important to realize that there is nothing terrible about gray hair and wrinkles. It shows that your body changes naturally. The idea of accepting your wrinkles and gray hair turns into something like a movement: photo projects, blogs, books and social videos are dedicated to it. Now more and more women of different ages are not ashamed of their wrinkles and grow gray hair. Among them are many celebrities and actresses: Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow and others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=a6QwWRX3Gho
Completeness People with a weight above the standard are endlessly shamed, accused of laziness, gluttony and urged to hide behind inconspicuous hoodies. Now this phenomenon is fatshaming. This can be experienced even those whose weight from the point of view of medicine is within the normal range. Many celebrities suffer from fatshaming, for example Rihanna, who is always bullied for weight fluctuations.
A large person is not obliged to torture himself with tight underwear and hide behind black hoods in a vertical strip. Everyone has the right to show their body and wear whatever they want.

cellulite To the “orange peel” in women, society is extremely negative. It is believed that a woman with bumpy skin on her body should not wear swimsuits or unnecessarily bare her legs. But such women often spend a lot of money on expensive means of cellulite and painful massages, just to get rid of this “shameful”, but quite normality your body.
The much-hated cellulite (like everything previously mentioned) has only become a problem thanks to marketing. Until the 70s of the last century, it was not considered anything shameful. But a little later, the American Nicole Ronshar published a whole book on how to fight cellulite. The manual soon became fantastically popular. Since then, it is believed that cellulite is a terrible defect, from which it is urgent to get rid of by any means. It’s no wonder that it brings in billions of dollars to the beauty industry.

However, numerous studies indicate that cellulite has 85-98% of women. In addition, it has been proven that cosmetic or surgical manipulation can only worsen the condition of the skin. Therefore, we can conclude: bumpy skin is just a feature of the female body. This is due to the fact that the skin in women is thin, and the percentage of body fat in them is higher than in men. That's nature. So safely wear open clothes and take photos on the beach, if your soul desires.

High or low height Eternal problem: men are complex due to the fact that they did not grow to two meters, and women suffer from both small growth and too large. Because of this nuance of the body, they have a lifetime. insult from others.
But few people know that 95% of women have a height in the range of 150-179 cm, and 95% of men – between 163-193 cm. The lower limit of the norm is about 147 cm, but this occurs only in people with certain genetic predispositions.

Have you ever been insulted because of your body? They bravely shared their story in the comments. We wish you unconditional, inexhaustible love for the most beautiful and dear person in the world - for yourself!
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