The curvature of space-time continuum
The author writes, burrarum:
The familiar pattern.
Complaining to the perfidy of bees, to arrange a home in such a place medvedoupornom, Winnie the Pooh crawling on the "High-Prevysoky" oak, honey vozhdeleya.
Carefully gluing pictures, you can restore all the oak and appreciate its height, as can be seen in the picture above. I apologize in advance if someone happens inversion of the brain at the sight of such copious amounts of Winnie Puchov in one frame. I must warn in advance that they will continue to just more.
The question arises whether the height of the high-invariant exceeded oak in the world of Winnie the Pooh?
No, it's not. Apparently, the height depends on the direction of oak bypass. This is not difficult to make gluing cartoon frames corresponding to a fall from a tree.
At the same time, you can get the following picture:
In the cartoon Winnie the Pooh twice taken to the height of the hive, and twice "down." Given this, it would be possible to build four images of oak, but, unfortunately, the process of lifting a balloon is shown very briefly, so the pictures turned out only three.
What do we see? It is surprising, but at the height of the oak bypass direction "down" almost five times greater than its height when choosing the opposite direction bypass - "up." One would suspect here Lorentz contraction, but obviously, it has nothing to do with it. Firstly, while Winnie the Pooh would have to move to the sub-light speeds, and secondly with the Lorentz reduction of the number of its oak branches would remain unchanged, but it is changing. Well, certainly, you can cite many objections, in addition to the two mentioned.
Everything else is easy to see that in the fall of Winnie the Pooh gets into a space-time loop.
In the image above it looks like a "sloppy" gluing picture frames on average. In fact, no carelessness here. It is absolutely fair pofreymovy bonding.
Here are three successive frames of the cartoon. Winnie the Pooh falls on a branch, it has already dealt with it opilkonabitoy his ass like a sudden is quite another branch! And even it is not difficult to find any. He is already on her Stukalo two seconds earlier. Apparently loop unstable and periodically disappears, or throws it got in the traveler into a world where it is not. At least when re-approaching the point gap is nothing mystical happens, and Winnie the Pooh successfully flies past. By the way, apparently he really is in a kind of parallel world. In this reality, oak already looks different. It is easy to see, carefully comparing the oak from which Winnie the Pooh dropped before entering the space-time loop with oak, with whom he subsequently fell (with deflated ball). On the tree there are new parts, which did not exist before. For example, the huge oak leaves.
In general, the world of Winnie the Pooh is somehow unstable and likely topology it generally depends on the direction. And this is true not only in respect of oak trees. For example, after falling from an oak, a bear comes to Piglet:
In the right corner, you can watch the bush thistle, which fell Winnie the Pooh when falling from a tree.
But the same way, but this time the characters are in the opposite direction:
It is easy to see that the bush was gone. Now, instead of a puddle.
The same way one picture:
But it looks like the same way in the two different series:
The top sequence - a Winnie the Pooh and Piglet go to visit Piglet (then they change their minds and go to the Rabbit). Lower - Winnie goes to the owl that she inscribed his pot. Here you can again see the gap space, which takes place next to a bush (marked with a red arrow). After the bush paths differ. Thus, it may be noted again dependent on the direction of the path.
First - Winnie the Pooh began to eat honey. Second - I finished. Something is fishy. I think it's a little different place. At least I think so.
From the foregoing it follows that the fabric is woven out of which space the world of Winnie the Pooh is constantly torn and most intricately curved. At the same time, living in such an unpredictable universe exists for some reason do not experience any difficulties with the search paths. They are always very confident, seemingly much anyhow, and come to the right place. How can this be?
Most likely due to the observed phenomena of the universe are not, but only the will of its inhabitants. Winnie the Pooh and his friends are complete masters of the gods and their world, just do not realize it. Belief in their ability to find a way to target leads to the fact that they will certainly come to her, even if going in the opposite direction. For example, a series about a birthday Eeyore is a moment where Winnie the Pooh goes out of his house and goes to the Owl. He is on the road that leads to his own home (and not vice versa, as one might think)! It can be found in a series about how Winnie the Pooh was in a hopeless situation. And he did in fact come to the Owl! One shudders to think what will happen when Pooh aware of himself as a god. High-prevysokie oaks become low-prenizkimi, honey would be, and the bees will not be possible at all ("Bees will no longer» © Apocalypse of Christopher Robin).
via burrarum.livejournal.com
The familiar pattern.
Complaining to the perfidy of bees, to arrange a home in such a place medvedoupornom, Winnie the Pooh crawling on the "High-Prevysoky" oak, honey vozhdeleya.
Carefully gluing pictures, you can restore all the oak and appreciate its height, as can be seen in the picture above. I apologize in advance if someone happens inversion of the brain at the sight of such copious amounts of Winnie Puchov in one frame. I must warn in advance that they will continue to just more.
The question arises whether the height of the high-invariant exceeded oak in the world of Winnie the Pooh?
No, it's not. Apparently, the height depends on the direction of oak bypass. This is not difficult to make gluing cartoon frames corresponding to a fall from a tree.

At the same time, you can get the following picture:
In the cartoon Winnie the Pooh twice taken to the height of the hive, and twice "down." Given this, it would be possible to build four images of oak, but, unfortunately, the process of lifting a balloon is shown very briefly, so the pictures turned out only three.
What do we see? It is surprising, but at the height of the oak bypass direction "down" almost five times greater than its height when choosing the opposite direction bypass - "up." One would suspect here Lorentz contraction, but obviously, it has nothing to do with it. Firstly, while Winnie the Pooh would have to move to the sub-light speeds, and secondly with the Lorentz reduction of the number of its oak branches would remain unchanged, but it is changing. Well, certainly, you can cite many objections, in addition to the two mentioned.
Everything else is easy to see that in the fall of Winnie the Pooh gets into a space-time loop.
In the image above it looks like a "sloppy" gluing picture frames on average. In fact, no carelessness here. It is absolutely fair pofreymovy bonding.

Here are three successive frames of the cartoon. Winnie the Pooh falls on a branch, it has already dealt with it opilkonabitoy his ass like a sudden is quite another branch! And even it is not difficult to find any. He is already on her Stukalo two seconds earlier. Apparently loop unstable and periodically disappears, or throws it got in the traveler into a world where it is not. At least when re-approaching the point gap is nothing mystical happens, and Winnie the Pooh successfully flies past. By the way, apparently he really is in a kind of parallel world. In this reality, oak already looks different. It is easy to see, carefully comparing the oak from which Winnie the Pooh dropped before entering the space-time loop with oak, with whom he subsequently fell (with deflated ball). On the tree there are new parts, which did not exist before. For example, the huge oak leaves.

In general, the world of Winnie the Pooh is somehow unstable and likely topology it generally depends on the direction. And this is true not only in respect of oak trees. For example, after falling from an oak, a bear comes to Piglet:
In the right corner, you can watch the bush thistle, which fell Winnie the Pooh when falling from a tree.

But the same way, but this time the characters are in the opposite direction:
It is easy to see that the bush was gone. Now, instead of a puddle.

The same way one picture:

But it looks like the same way in the two different series:
The top sequence - a Winnie the Pooh and Piglet go to visit Piglet (then they change their minds and go to the Rabbit). Lower - Winnie goes to the owl that she inscribed his pot. Here you can again see the gap space, which takes place next to a bush (marked with a red arrow). After the bush paths differ. Thus, it may be noted again dependent on the direction of the path.

First - Winnie the Pooh began to eat honey. Second - I finished. Something is fishy. I think it's a little different place. At least I think so.
From the foregoing it follows that the fabric is woven out of which space the world of Winnie the Pooh is constantly torn and most intricately curved. At the same time, living in such an unpredictable universe exists for some reason do not experience any difficulties with the search paths. They are always very confident, seemingly much anyhow, and come to the right place. How can this be?
Most likely due to the observed phenomena of the universe are not, but only the will of its inhabitants. Winnie the Pooh and his friends are complete masters of the gods and their world, just do not realize it. Belief in their ability to find a way to target leads to the fact that they will certainly come to her, even if going in the opposite direction. For example, a series about a birthday Eeyore is a moment where Winnie the Pooh goes out of his house and goes to the Owl. He is on the road that leads to his own home (and not vice versa, as one might think)! It can be found in a series about how Winnie the Pooh was in a hopeless situation. And he did in fact come to the Owl! One shudders to think what will happen when Pooh aware of himself as a god. High-prevysokie oaks become low-prenizkimi, honey would be, and the bees will not be possible at all ("Bees will no longer» © Apocalypse of Christopher Robin).
via burrarum.livejournal.com
