Money feminine

Become the expert in your field and money will be attracted to you.
This simple wisdom of women forget when want men to take care of them financially.
"Forgetful" women often have to provide their men. And when you ask them how do they know how to turn your man in the breadwinner and provider, is instantly turning into a "blonde" with an amazed stupor from sight.
Unfortunately, no one in our post-Soviet space is not going to teach women the builders of communism to be an expert in relationships with men, and at this level, where the level of "professionalism" a man is willing to pay handsomely to her and cared about her.
Take my article as a gift on March 8 that after reading Your expert level of ROS and increased day by day and bring Your heart the peace, and Bank accounts replenishment.
What distinguishes the expert from the layman? The ability to see subtle differences in the questions on your topic. The expert understands the problems of his client and helps him to meet his needs.
Imagine yourself in the role of expert, and the man in the role of Your client. What does Your client want? Expert always knows the needs of his client. And, of course, knows his.
The most common question of the layman: "How to understand the needs of another person?"
Amateur live mind. The expert lives in the heart.
The mind is silent because the mind is the experience. And if the experience of understanding life was not, um — not the adviser. In addition, all people are different, and specifically this man must be quite different than someone who was already before him.
The expert behaves differently. The facial expressions, the mood, a glimpse of his client, she is able to discern what he is silent. Expert in tune with the dark side of his client.
Expert — not mommy. The expert, like the sun over the hundred acre wood of his client.
Have you ever wandered into the forest? Especially at dusk... it's getting scary and I want to see the sun as long as possible did not come. Be a light to someone else's darkness and it will start to become desirable.
The expert always looks down on the problems your client to see the way out of the thicket and at the same time is close to the wilds, to better feel, as the customer walks along its route.
The expert won't tell me where to walk. She allows him to walk and just shines, warms and empathizes.
Clarify: to empathize does not mean to worry. Just to be on the same wavelength. Not to argue with other's feelings, and let them be.
About how clients love it when their feelings are unchallenged. Then there is understanding and trust. And then he finally gives You expert status.
And then he wants to lead You. In its jungles, thickets, woods and nooks and crannies. To the light. Not realizing that the light You are.
Well, let not aware of. Importantly, the need to be next to You. And to take responsibility for You.
That allowed a man to be a man
That was warmth and light,
With that was allowed to be the way it is
Man will always share their level of generosity, even if it is too small.
So, the first level of ascension to the expertise of Olympus: the ability to empathize without knowing what to do.
Stay close, and not in front, pointing the way.
Next is allowing everything to happen.
To be ahead is worrying that he is not there.
For this concern You will have to pay literally. You will take the role of his mother, who feeds and clothes his son. Do You need it? In addition to amateurish importance and insults in his address, the quickly-emptying purse any female pleasures You will not get the same.
And while You are walking in his jungle, shining like the sun, start to learn the second level of expert skill is understanding of their needs.
Every man wants to go through life with the Queen. The Queen is a woman who clearly knows what he wants and knows exactly what it will get.
Since many have never been Queens, tell not the Queen — not the Victim.
The victim trudges next to the man as a beggar. He tells her that she ballast, but always letting her know that she is a burden.
Imagine how the couple goes through the dark forest and reproach each other for their journey. Cheerful picture?
Another thing, a journey with the Queen. She has Faith in herself and in him. Then journey through the thicket becomes an adventure. They are allies, secret agents on a mission, partners in equal. And most importantly — she is not a burden. It is for him — a welcome necessity.
The Queen, in a nutshell, unlike the Victim, elastic, flexible personal boundaries. That is, she can empathize (the ability to make the alarm man), but will not allow him to trample and especially to humiliate. In the Queen there is no ravennati Victims and that's why she's the expert.
To have flexible, secure personal boundaries (and the key word here is elastic), the expert will be able only in the fullness of love for yourself.
Love of self comes into our lives with the acceptance without protest of mom and dad. Acceptance is gratitude to others for what they are what they are and did to us exactly what he did.
To accept someone, and especially mom and dad, you need to strode into their jungle and jungle. And the expert has already made this journey, getting there is understanding and love for their parents.
After this journey into the childhood of their parents, the woman is easier to understand how to be an expert in the Affairs of men, not caving in as a Victim and becoming a coveted Queen.
Of course, in one article it is impossible to describe all the details of the transformation into a super expert on men's needs. This would require a whole book and in the world there are hundreds of them.
But today, celebrating the Eternal Spring in the Soul of our beloved women, we men want You to be always in a state of acceptance and live with the motto: "Let it happen", and for that we take responsibility to love You and generously take care of all Your Royal whims and expert fees.published
Author: Mark Ifraimov
Source: www.markifraimov.ru/?p=3073#more-3073