How to reduce swelling in osteoarthritis
Eighty nine million two hundred fifty thousand two hundred forty nine
One of the most common ailments in the elderly — osteoarthritis of the knee. When walking it causes a sharp pain in the affected joint, which over time does not pass and when at rest. We offer you the recipes submitted by our readers.
Forgot what joint pain
My advice for life, they tested on himself. In 60 years I ceased entirely to go. Arthrosis, arthritis and joint pain. Had high blood pressure is 230/120, stabbed diuretics. Yes, I am still a donor. Quite out calcium from the body.
I ate the jellied chicken cooked with gelatin. Two tablespoons per meal. To use for two weeks, until the pain in the joints. A delicious treatment.
Even my simple advice. It is necessary to take fresh honey, melt down, buy seedless raisins, aloe Vera (leaves). To eat before Breakfast 100 g alternately: honey, raisins, and aloe, all separately. The course of treatment — 20 days, but not more often than once a year. This drug drove of salt.
Skorik Nadezhda Ivanovna,
Rostov oblast,
S. Novo-Egorlyk
Tibetan tincture
The prescription of this tincture can be useful for suffering from deforming arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, atrophy of muscles of arms and legs, and many others. This universal tincture I use for a long time. Take the largest lower leaf aloe Vera (the plant until this week not to water) and chop it up. Also finely chop a large red hot peppers (with seeds). Mix aloe and pepper and add to the mixture a tablespoon (heaped) chopped dried celandine. Put all in a half-liter glass jar and again mix well. Pour 400 ml of vodka. Close the jar with foil, and tie the top with a cloth and put in a dark place. Infuse three weeks, shaking the bottle daily.
Tincture to apply: moisten with liquid sore spot (do not RUB), cover with a woolen scarf on top of the blanket. Lie down for 20-30 minutes, the pain subsides, the swelling subsides. Herbs that are found in the tincture can be applied to the bones in the thumb feet, the other sick places — thus, nothing of the healing tincture is not lost.
Kotova M. L.,
Voronezh oblast
The recipe below knees earned
Some people are familiar: when you don't know where to put my legs in pain, can't take off their shoes, and to walk normally can't. Don't know how to get rid of the suffering. But I decided to fight the disease and start with the following. I took a pork grid (domestic pork fat), wrapped her knees, on top of the cellophane, and then bandaged. This armband to hold a week day and night, without removing. But I warn you, that little pinch, itching to subside bandage, but you need to be patient, but after 7 days all the wash and grease my knees baby cream. Pork from the grid at the end of the week will be one film, all fatty streaks will go away in the knee — excellent lubrication.
This period will be enough to have earned your knees, they will bend, as I had. Then you use different rubbing, to start walking on my knees, starting with a single step etc. in addition to this we need daily massaging. I won't say and brag that you've healed completely but 80% cured for sure.
I am now free to walk even long distances, working at the cottage all day, even digging the ground, but echoes of the disease is — I don't leave my knees alone. Rubbing, massaging.
Svetogorov M. D.,
Rostov oblast
Folk medicine recommends
• In osteoarthritis of the knee: the knee spread with honey, folded in 3 layers of gauze moistened in vodka and apply to the knee, and top with a cellophane and tie a woolen scarf. A compress to do 2 times a day, morning and night.
• Grate raw potatoes, not to warm, sprinkle with salt and bind to the joints. Potato pieces 10 and 2 handfuls of salt.
• Potato tincture. From sprouted potato tubers to break the sprouts, rinse and run them through a meat grinder. The resulting mass to fill half-liter jar and fill to top with vodka. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, strain. In the evening before bed to do a very simple compress: to moisten the potato tincture to the cloth, put on the aching joint, cover with cellophane and tie the top with a woolen scarf. The poultice is not removed until the morning. The course of treatment is ten days. Pain decreases after the first three treatments.
• For arthritis: take a black radish, make it a paste and apply it on the sore spot. To make a fabric bandage and cover the top with foil. The improvement may be seen after 3 treatments.
• The leaves of horseradish to fill the jar and pour the alcohol. To insist 20 days. Then RUB this mixture in the joints, and the top to make previously repulsed cabbage leaf.
• Melt 1/4 of a pack of margarine, add a little water, 1 egg and 8 tablespoons of rye flour. From mixed dough to roll out 2 flat cakes, put them on my knees, wrap a woolen scarf. Keep at least 2 hours, removing, lubricating knees with margarine, wrap and to bed.published
Source: hozvo.ru/news/your_health/Kakumenshitopuholpriartroze/
One of the most common ailments in the elderly — osteoarthritis of the knee. When walking it causes a sharp pain in the affected joint, which over time does not pass and when at rest. We offer you the recipes submitted by our readers.
Forgot what joint pain
My advice for life, they tested on himself. In 60 years I ceased entirely to go. Arthrosis, arthritis and joint pain. Had high blood pressure is 230/120, stabbed diuretics. Yes, I am still a donor. Quite out calcium from the body.
I ate the jellied chicken cooked with gelatin. Two tablespoons per meal. To use for two weeks, until the pain in the joints. A delicious treatment.
Even my simple advice. It is necessary to take fresh honey, melt down, buy seedless raisins, aloe Vera (leaves). To eat before Breakfast 100 g alternately: honey, raisins, and aloe, all separately. The course of treatment — 20 days, but not more often than once a year. This drug drove of salt.
Skorik Nadezhda Ivanovna,
Rostov oblast,
S. Novo-Egorlyk
Tibetan tincture
The prescription of this tincture can be useful for suffering from deforming arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, atrophy of muscles of arms and legs, and many others. This universal tincture I use for a long time. Take the largest lower leaf aloe Vera (the plant until this week not to water) and chop it up. Also finely chop a large red hot peppers (with seeds). Mix aloe and pepper and add to the mixture a tablespoon (heaped) chopped dried celandine. Put all in a half-liter glass jar and again mix well. Pour 400 ml of vodka. Close the jar with foil, and tie the top with a cloth and put in a dark place. Infuse three weeks, shaking the bottle daily.
Tincture to apply: moisten with liquid sore spot (do not RUB), cover with a woolen scarf on top of the blanket. Lie down for 20-30 minutes, the pain subsides, the swelling subsides. Herbs that are found in the tincture can be applied to the bones in the thumb feet, the other sick places — thus, nothing of the healing tincture is not lost.
Kotova M. L.,
Voronezh oblast
The recipe below knees earned
Some people are familiar: when you don't know where to put my legs in pain, can't take off their shoes, and to walk normally can't. Don't know how to get rid of the suffering. But I decided to fight the disease and start with the following. I took a pork grid (domestic pork fat), wrapped her knees, on top of the cellophane, and then bandaged. This armband to hold a week day and night, without removing. But I warn you, that little pinch, itching to subside bandage, but you need to be patient, but after 7 days all the wash and grease my knees baby cream. Pork from the grid at the end of the week will be one film, all fatty streaks will go away in the knee — excellent lubrication.
This period will be enough to have earned your knees, they will bend, as I had. Then you use different rubbing, to start walking on my knees, starting with a single step etc. in addition to this we need daily massaging. I won't say and brag that you've healed completely but 80% cured for sure.
I am now free to walk even long distances, working at the cottage all day, even digging the ground, but echoes of the disease is — I don't leave my knees alone. Rubbing, massaging.
Svetogorov M. D.,
Rostov oblast
Folk medicine recommends
• In osteoarthritis of the knee: the knee spread with honey, folded in 3 layers of gauze moistened in vodka and apply to the knee, and top with a cellophane and tie a woolen scarf. A compress to do 2 times a day, morning and night.
• Grate raw potatoes, not to warm, sprinkle with salt and bind to the joints. Potato pieces 10 and 2 handfuls of salt.
• Potato tincture. From sprouted potato tubers to break the sprouts, rinse and run them through a meat grinder. The resulting mass to fill half-liter jar and fill to top with vodka. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, strain. In the evening before bed to do a very simple compress: to moisten the potato tincture to the cloth, put on the aching joint, cover with cellophane and tie the top with a woolen scarf. The poultice is not removed until the morning. The course of treatment is ten days. Pain decreases after the first three treatments.
• For arthritis: take a black radish, make it a paste and apply it on the sore spot. To make a fabric bandage and cover the top with foil. The improvement may be seen after 3 treatments.
• The leaves of horseradish to fill the jar and pour the alcohol. To insist 20 days. Then RUB this mixture in the joints, and the top to make previously repulsed cabbage leaf.
• Melt 1/4 of a pack of margarine, add a little water, 1 egg and 8 tablespoons of rye flour. From mixed dough to roll out 2 flat cakes, put them on my knees, wrap a woolen scarf. Keep at least 2 hours, removing, lubricating knees with margarine, wrap and to bed.published
Source: hozvo.ru/news/your_health/Kakumenshitopuholpriartroze/