Divine rope — 3 modes of material nature
Eight million six hundred thirty six thousand ninety six
In the Vedas it is said that the entire material universe and all living beings are under the control of the three States — be they of goodness, passion and ignorance. These States are called modes. The word "guna" means "quality", and "rope". Guna is energy, which "paints" a spiritual living thing in a variety of qualities of matter. Material nature has three qualities or three modes, but since they are mixed, they can be a limitless number. Therefore, one and the same soul, falling under the influence of different modes, manifests itself in different ways.
The modes define everything in our world, permeate the entire nature of things. The whole world is a product of these three modes, or mix to generate a huge range of combinations and diversity of this world.
The modes affect the consciousness of all living beings on our interests, social behavior, goals, moods, preferences... Everything is under their influence, people, communication, food, work, parenting, education, religion, science, housing and so on. Modes of anywhere and everywhere, even in our thoughts, so we have no idea about the clean condition of the spirit beyond the modes of nature.
Everything here is bound by ropes of material nature, the modes of which are hand woven together.
To recognize the influence of the modes, it is important to know their characteristics.
1. The mode of goodness (Sattva)
The mode of goodness, which is cleaner than other modes, enlightens the living entity and frees it from all sinful reactions. Those situated in that mode become conditioned to knowledge and happiness.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.6 Sattva-guna is responsible for the maintenance of life and it is characterized as knowledge. Characterized by a sense of enlightenment and happiness. Accompany her purity, self-control, freedom from sins, joy, goodness, freshness of feelings, calmness, austerity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, religiosity, strength, health, determination and enthusiasm in the line of duty, including failures, freedom from attachment, clear consciousness even in sleep, charity, control of senses and mind, understanding of the soul, contentment, faith in God, humility, the shame of bad deeds, charity toward decent person accompanied by a sense of duty.
Life in sattva implies happiness itself: man has inner happiness (regardless of circumstances), acting in accordance with its purpose and wishes happiness to all living beings.
People in goodness leads a clean life, gains knowledge and feels happiness, freed from sin. But there are 2 problems that leads to degradation in the mode of goodness:
2. The mode of passion (Rajas)
The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, so it binds the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitive activities.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.7 rajo-guna is responsible for creation, creation and birth. Is characterized by an irrepressible desire for the fruits of your labor and desires that cannot be controlled. He is in human greed, lust, attachment, separatism, the desire to fight, concerns for prestige and fortune, heroism, courage, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, the ability to manage, periodical suffering, loss of spiritual knowledge, dazzle personal desires, life in the city, dissatisfaction even if successful, false pride, desire more success than others, justify their actions by force, the desire to listen to worship in his address, the ridicule of others, unwillingness to give donations to charity in the expectation of compensation or for the sake of prestige.
Our modern world is predominantly in the mode of passion: all the activities connected with the competition, achievement and retention of wealth. Understanding happiness is that it will be good to me and my loved ones, and not particularly important what is happening in the world. The state of happiness is usually temporary, for example, bought a new car and am happy for a whole month (!), and then want something new.
Greed and greed involve the person in a flurry of activity and he
3. The mode of ignorance (Tamas)
The mode of darkness, born of ignorance, keeps all living beings in the illusion. Its influence is manifested in the form of madness, laziness and sleep, which bind the conditioned soul.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.8 Tamo-guṇa begets destruction and destruction. Is characterized by such qualities as passivity, laziness, all sorts of illusions, aggression, infidelity, grief, stupidity, sleep, madness, worship of ghosts and spirits, stubbornness, lying, insulting others, depression, greed, rejection of the scriptural injunctions, inability to focus, degradation, parasitism, hypocrisy, constant fatigue, false expectations, fears, unhappiness, gloom, sadness, activity without concern for its consequences, self-torture, addiction to unclean and killer food.
All activities associated with the mode of ignorance, usually accompanied by anger, violence, sorrow. For example, people taking intoxications (alcohol in large quantities, drugs), live in ignorance. Understanding happiness in the mode of ignorance is that even if everything is bad, and only me well. But true happiness is not here and can not be.
The mode of ignorance lowers person to the bottom of life, depriving of reason. As a result, it is increasingly degraded and lowered to the animal forms of existence.
If the person does not make effort to raise your consciousness, and "just living", he inevitably will be forced to degenerate, sinking lower and lower. Degradation is always accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. This is the material world.
When the mode of ignorance and passion usually present themselves in our lives, the mode of goodness we must consciously develop to make in your life.
As manifested gunas?The mode of goodness
Source: vita-schola.ru/ezoterika/bozhestvennye-veryovki.html
In the Vedas it is said that the entire material universe and all living beings are under the control of the three States — be they of goodness, passion and ignorance. These States are called modes. The word "guna" means "quality", and "rope". Guna is energy, which "paints" a spiritual living thing in a variety of qualities of matter. Material nature has three qualities or three modes, but since they are mixed, they can be a limitless number. Therefore, one and the same soul, falling under the influence of different modes, manifests itself in different ways.
The modes define everything in our world, permeate the entire nature of things. The whole world is a product of these three modes, or mix to generate a huge range of combinations and diversity of this world.
The modes affect the consciousness of all living beings on our interests, social behavior, goals, moods, preferences... Everything is under their influence, people, communication, food, work, parenting, education, religion, science, housing and so on. Modes of anywhere and everywhere, even in our thoughts, so we have no idea about the clean condition of the spirit beyond the modes of nature.
Everything here is bound by ropes of material nature, the modes of which are hand woven together.
To recognize the influence of the modes, it is important to know their characteristics.
1. The mode of goodness (Sattva)
The mode of goodness, which is cleaner than other modes, enlightens the living entity and frees it from all sinful reactions. Those situated in that mode become conditioned to knowledge and happiness.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.6 Sattva-guna is responsible for the maintenance of life and it is characterized as knowledge. Characterized by a sense of enlightenment and happiness. Accompany her purity, self-control, freedom from sins, joy, goodness, freshness of feelings, calmness, austerity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, religiosity, strength, health, determination and enthusiasm in the line of duty, including failures, freedom from attachment, clear consciousness even in sleep, charity, control of senses and mind, understanding of the soul, contentment, faith in God, humility, the shame of bad deeds, charity toward decent person accompanied by a sense of duty.
Life in sattva implies happiness itself: man has inner happiness (regardless of circumstances), acting in accordance with its purpose and wishes happiness to all living beings.
People in goodness leads a clean life, gains knowledge and feels happiness, freed from sin. But there are 2 problems that leads to degradation in the mode of goodness:
- attachment to knowledge
- the attachment to happiness
2. The mode of passion (Rajas)
The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, so it binds the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitive activities.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.7 rajo-guna is responsible for creation, creation and birth. Is characterized by an irrepressible desire for the fruits of your labor and desires that cannot be controlled. He is in human greed, lust, attachment, separatism, the desire to fight, concerns for prestige and fortune, heroism, courage, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, the ability to manage, periodical suffering, loss of spiritual knowledge, dazzle personal desires, life in the city, dissatisfaction even if successful, false pride, desire more success than others, justify their actions by force, the desire to listen to worship in his address, the ridicule of others, unwillingness to give donations to charity in the expectation of compensation or for the sake of prestige.
Our modern world is predominantly in the mode of passion: all the activities connected with the competition, achievement and retention of wealth. Understanding happiness is that it will be good to me and my loved ones, and not particularly important what is happening in the world. The state of happiness is usually temporary, for example, bought a new car and am happy for a whole month (!), and then want something new.
Greed and greed involve the person in a flurry of activity and he
- tied to activities
- attached to the fruits of action
3. The mode of ignorance (Tamas)
The mode of darkness, born of ignorance, keeps all living beings in the illusion. Its influence is manifested in the form of madness, laziness and sleep, which bind the conditioned soul.
The Bhagavad-Gita, 14.8 Tamo-guṇa begets destruction and destruction. Is characterized by such qualities as passivity, laziness, all sorts of illusions, aggression, infidelity, grief, stupidity, sleep, madness, worship of ghosts and spirits, stubbornness, lying, insulting others, depression, greed, rejection of the scriptural injunctions, inability to focus, degradation, parasitism, hypocrisy, constant fatigue, false expectations, fears, unhappiness, gloom, sadness, activity without concern for its consequences, self-torture, addiction to unclean and killer food.
All activities associated with the mode of ignorance, usually accompanied by anger, violence, sorrow. For example, people taking intoxications (alcohol in large quantities, drugs), live in ignorance. Understanding happiness in the mode of ignorance is that even if everything is bad, and only me well. But true happiness is not here and can not be.
The mode of ignorance lowers person to the bottom of life, depriving of reason. As a result, it is increasingly degraded and lowered to the animal forms of existence.
If the person does not make effort to raise your consciousness, and "just living", he inevitably will be forced to degenerate, sinking lower and lower. Degradation is always accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. This is the material world.
When the mode of ignorance and passion usually present themselves in our lives, the mode of goodness we must consciously develop to make in your life.
As manifested gunas?The mode of goodness
- valued qualities of character
- purity, cleanliness
- in adversity, man believes himself guilty
- it is simple and delicate
- life begins in the morning
- happiness is in the present (I am happy here and now matter what I do, from social circle, etc.)
- attempt to use to their advantage (people, circumstances…)
- evaluated the appearance, clothing, accessories
- a sharp smell, excessive use of perfume
- man blames his misfortunes of life, destiny, and other
- in the speech of many scientific words, terms, expressions fine
- life begins the day
- happiness is in the future (happiness is then, first I need to do something or wait for something…)
- people with nothing and no one is not and wants to live for himself
- carelessness, untidiness
- unclean smell, the smell of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, etc.
- always others are guilty
- it is rude, including the Mat
- life begins in the evening
- happiness is past (memories of what then was fine…)
Source: vita-schola.ru/ezoterika/bozhestvennye-veryovki.html