The causes of disequilibrium between the three principles
The essence of traditional Tibetan medicine can be described in a few words, it is to restore and maintain the balance between the three vital principles of the body.
According to the most ancient doctrine about the structure of the macrocosm and microcosm (the universe and man), all things consists of an infinite combination and interrelation of the five elements – Space (Ether, Spirit), Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
This sacred doctrine is the basis of many ancient cultures, Tibetan medicine has absorbed knowledge and ancient China, and ancient India, Persia, and ancient Greece. The elements, as the energy that created the world, formed the three life principle of man – Wind, Bile and phlegm.
These principles completely describe both the chemistry and physiology of the human body and its mental activity. All that is in man, all that motivates him, everything that people consume with their food, and even all bodily excretions – all is relevant to one of the three life started. Human health depends on the balance between the vital basis – until equilibrium is established, neither the disease does not develop in the body. With the exception of external negative effects on the body, but they primarily affect the life beginning – take them out of balance, then any of the started starts to prevail in the body and people suffer from the corresponding disease. Because of this dependence of health from the Wind, Mucus and Bile, Tibetan medicine calls them culprits of disease.
Any disease in Tibetan medicine is treated by four means, which are designed to restore balance between the three principles: bringing in the desired conformity of lifestyle, special diet, medications and therapeutic procedures. And, first, it is recommended that the nutrition, then, if the results are poor, I advise you to change your lifestyle, then prescribe the medication, but if that's not enough, then assign the procedure.
It is important that this holistic approach considers all of personal characteristics of the patient – his age and mental condition. But not only the personality factors affect the restoration of balance and health. Value has it all, even the climatic conditions in which lives the patient, and the time of year when the treatment as the human microcosm is part of the macrocosm of the universe.
Of particular note is the personality of the doctor and awareness of the patient's active participation in the treatment process. The doctor himself needs to live in accordance with doctrine. The best doctor is the one who treats not only the diseases themselves but also their causes.
According to the views of Tibetan medicine, the causes of the violation of balance between the three principles (responsible for diseases) are the passion, anger and ignorance. Ignorance is ignorance that man is one with the universe and originally has the Buddha-nature. Ignorance breeds passion or affection. Passion begets anger.
Doctor in Tibetan medicine, should be able to see the causes of break the balance and look for ways to eliminate these causes. The patient initially only carries out the recommendation of a physician, and eventually he becomes my healer, when under the guidance of a doctor understands his problems. In Tibetan medicine the patient is not a passive object of treatment, and actively are being healed, the subject – after all, his hands are the tools to restore balance in the body. And the mind, human consciousness – one of the main tools, and if properly directed, he will be able to return the equilibrium between the three vital principles, and health will be restored. published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/ravnovesie-i-zdorove/

According to the most ancient doctrine about the structure of the macrocosm and microcosm (the universe and man), all things consists of an infinite combination and interrelation of the five elements – Space (Ether, Spirit), Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
This sacred doctrine is the basis of many ancient cultures, Tibetan medicine has absorbed knowledge and ancient China, and ancient India, Persia, and ancient Greece. The elements, as the energy that created the world, formed the three life principle of man – Wind, Bile and phlegm.
These principles completely describe both the chemistry and physiology of the human body and its mental activity. All that is in man, all that motivates him, everything that people consume with their food, and even all bodily excretions – all is relevant to one of the three life started. Human health depends on the balance between the vital basis – until equilibrium is established, neither the disease does not develop in the body. With the exception of external negative effects on the body, but they primarily affect the life beginning – take them out of balance, then any of the started starts to prevail in the body and people suffer from the corresponding disease. Because of this dependence of health from the Wind, Mucus and Bile, Tibetan medicine calls them culprits of disease.
Any disease in Tibetan medicine is treated by four means, which are designed to restore balance between the three principles: bringing in the desired conformity of lifestyle, special diet, medications and therapeutic procedures. And, first, it is recommended that the nutrition, then, if the results are poor, I advise you to change your lifestyle, then prescribe the medication, but if that's not enough, then assign the procedure.
It is important that this holistic approach considers all of personal characteristics of the patient – his age and mental condition. But not only the personality factors affect the restoration of balance and health. Value has it all, even the climatic conditions in which lives the patient, and the time of year when the treatment as the human microcosm is part of the macrocosm of the universe.
Of particular note is the personality of the doctor and awareness of the patient's active participation in the treatment process. The doctor himself needs to live in accordance with doctrine. The best doctor is the one who treats not only the diseases themselves but also their causes.
According to the views of Tibetan medicine, the causes of the violation of balance between the three principles (responsible for diseases) are the passion, anger and ignorance. Ignorance is ignorance that man is one with the universe and originally has the Buddha-nature. Ignorance breeds passion or affection. Passion begets anger.
Doctor in Tibetan medicine, should be able to see the causes of break the balance and look for ways to eliminate these causes. The patient initially only carries out the recommendation of a physician, and eventually he becomes my healer, when under the guidance of a doctor understands his problems. In Tibetan medicine the patient is not a passive object of treatment, and actively are being healed, the subject – after all, his hands are the tools to restore balance in the body. And the mind, human consciousness – one of the main tools, and if properly directed, he will be able to return the equilibrium between the three vital principles, and health will be restored. published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/ravnovesie-i-zdorove/
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