Disorders of consciousness
For Tibetan medicine is characterized by a comprehensive approach to disorders of consciousness, which involves three levels – magically-religious, tantric and organic.This is not only a system of healing, it is a spiritual practice, whose origins are in the depths of millennia.Pre-Buddhist tradition of Bon, Indian Ayurveda, ancient Chinese medicine, Buddhism, the ancient knowledge of Persian medicine, that's what made the spirit and practice of Tibetan healers.
Photo: Amy McTigue
Magical-religious approach. In the tradition of Tibetan psychiatry, the main reason of insanity was always considered as the possession of evil spirits. This tradition dates back to pre-Buddhist past (the Bon religion), Tibetan medicine. Another aspect of this approach medicine, the Dharma (Buddhist practice). One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word "Dharma" is "that holds on the path" (path of truth), and the Tibetan word with this meaning "chos" is derived from the verb meaning "to heal". Thus, the Buddhism, Dharma practice becomes the treatment of mental parachini, which prevent the individual on the path to enlightenment.
Tantric medicine utilizes the term "Bhuta-Vidya" to refer to diseases caused by invisible powers (the spirits). These diseases include epilepsy, various mental illnesses. In fact tantric medicine serves as a bridge between the religious practice of Dharma and scientific medicine. Tantric practices are aimed at purification of the subtle body of man, which is as it were the spiritual level and the gross level of the physical body.
The organic approach is based on a theory of three life-started (they do GEPA – the originators of all diseases) – lung (Wind), Tripa (Bile) and Batken (Mucus). These three life start form the constitutional type of person – the type of Wind, Bile or Mucus, depending on the prevalence of certain starters, or mixed types, for example, Wind-Gall. Each of the types, for different reasons, may experience an imbalance prevailing at their beginning and manifest in the form of psychopathology. In addition, disorders of Bile, Mucus or Wind at the level of the psyche may be accompanied by a corresponding physical condition, which scientific medicine is known as a psychosomatic disorder.
Any disease Tibetan healers believe are caused by the person's karma, but purely karmic diseases are those that cannot be cured by medications. Such diseases are treated religious practices such as mantras. Or turn to the Lama to perform the necessary rituals. Lama as vysokomehanizirovannoe being can determine spiritual causes of disease and to prescribe appropriate means to overcome it.
Diseases caused by evil spirits, including insanity (mental disorders) treated with spells and religious rituals in combination with herbal treatments, ointments and special diet.
Finally, the "vital diseases", diseases caused by imbalance of life started, is the main class of diseases, which is engaged in Tibetan medicine. This class is huge, it includes almost all the diseases known to the medical world. Treatment of diseases caused by imbalance of the three NEPA – Wind, Bile and Mucus consists of four stages or includes four categories of medical practice:
A therapeutic diet. To harness the elements "out of control" one of the three perpetrators of the disease, is assigned a special diet, balancing its predominance in the body. Because every food product according to the teachings of Tibetan healers, affects any origin of life – hinders or enhances it. Mode. If special diets are insufficient to restore the balance of life began, the patient should change the way of life – physical, for example, move more in the fresh air and to reduce the time of sleep, to the spiritual – not to take the evil thoughts, to restrain anger, to maintain a benevolent attitude towards others. Drugs. Tibetan pharmacology is extremely rich and diverse but is dominated by it herbs and other natural ingredients. For treatment are used mostly in teas, tinctures, ointments. But food can be assigned as medicines. Treatments. Various poultices, moxibustion, enema, bloodletting and acupuncture are appointed as a rule at least, if there is not enough diet and medication. Of the three life started all over with mental disorders associated Wind. For many diseases, the symptoms of which are nervous conditions, depression, mental imbalance and more severe – hallucinations, delusions, violent insanity, and others, in Tibetan medicine there is a term "SROG-lung" – the life wind. The disruption of the natural flow of the vital wind in the human body leads to disease of the mind. Moreover, the Wind drives, and the other principles – Bile and phlegm, and can take off to mix. Thus, it is possible to assert with confidence that all diseases Tibetan medicine believes in varying degrees, psychosomatic, dependent state of mind.published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/rasstrojstva-soznaniya/

Photo: Amy McTigue
Magical-religious approach. In the tradition of Tibetan psychiatry, the main reason of insanity was always considered as the possession of evil spirits. This tradition dates back to pre-Buddhist past (the Bon religion), Tibetan medicine. Another aspect of this approach medicine, the Dharma (Buddhist practice). One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word "Dharma" is "that holds on the path" (path of truth), and the Tibetan word with this meaning "chos" is derived from the verb meaning "to heal". Thus, the Buddhism, Dharma practice becomes the treatment of mental parachini, which prevent the individual on the path to enlightenment.
Tantric medicine utilizes the term "Bhuta-Vidya" to refer to diseases caused by invisible powers (the spirits). These diseases include epilepsy, various mental illnesses. In fact tantric medicine serves as a bridge between the religious practice of Dharma and scientific medicine. Tantric practices are aimed at purification of the subtle body of man, which is as it were the spiritual level and the gross level of the physical body.
The organic approach is based on a theory of three life-started (they do GEPA – the originators of all diseases) – lung (Wind), Tripa (Bile) and Batken (Mucus). These three life start form the constitutional type of person – the type of Wind, Bile or Mucus, depending on the prevalence of certain starters, or mixed types, for example, Wind-Gall. Each of the types, for different reasons, may experience an imbalance prevailing at their beginning and manifest in the form of psychopathology. In addition, disorders of Bile, Mucus or Wind at the level of the psyche may be accompanied by a corresponding physical condition, which scientific medicine is known as a psychosomatic disorder.
Any disease Tibetan healers believe are caused by the person's karma, but purely karmic diseases are those that cannot be cured by medications. Such diseases are treated religious practices such as mantras. Or turn to the Lama to perform the necessary rituals. Lama as vysokomehanizirovannoe being can determine spiritual causes of disease and to prescribe appropriate means to overcome it.
Diseases caused by evil spirits, including insanity (mental disorders) treated with spells and religious rituals in combination with herbal treatments, ointments and special diet.
Finally, the "vital diseases", diseases caused by imbalance of life started, is the main class of diseases, which is engaged in Tibetan medicine. This class is huge, it includes almost all the diseases known to the medical world. Treatment of diseases caused by imbalance of the three NEPA – Wind, Bile and Mucus consists of four stages or includes four categories of medical practice:
A therapeutic diet. To harness the elements "out of control" one of the three perpetrators of the disease, is assigned a special diet, balancing its predominance in the body. Because every food product according to the teachings of Tibetan healers, affects any origin of life – hinders or enhances it. Mode. If special diets are insufficient to restore the balance of life began, the patient should change the way of life – physical, for example, move more in the fresh air and to reduce the time of sleep, to the spiritual – not to take the evil thoughts, to restrain anger, to maintain a benevolent attitude towards others. Drugs. Tibetan pharmacology is extremely rich and diverse but is dominated by it herbs and other natural ingredients. For treatment are used mostly in teas, tinctures, ointments. But food can be assigned as medicines. Treatments. Various poultices, moxibustion, enema, bloodletting and acupuncture are appointed as a rule at least, if there is not enough diet and medication. Of the three life started all over with mental disorders associated Wind. For many diseases, the symptoms of which are nervous conditions, depression, mental imbalance and more severe – hallucinations, delusions, violent insanity, and others, in Tibetan medicine there is a term "SROG-lung" – the life wind. The disruption of the natural flow of the vital wind in the human body leads to disease of the mind. Moreover, the Wind drives, and the other principles – Bile and phlegm, and can take off to mix. Thus, it is possible to assert with confidence that all diseases Tibetan medicine believes in varying degrees, psychosomatic, dependent state of mind.published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/rasstrojstva-soznaniya/