Eternal the spirit of doubt
Seem to be extremely hard to go back to normal from the state in which we confused the spirit of doubt. This feeling is completely realistic, when we are in captivity of disturbing thoughts, fears and insecurities.
Persistent illusion, eclipsing the contact of our individual consciousness with reality, keeps us in destructive ways, which is reflected in our decadent thoughts, bad mood, General state of despondency. We really hard to take any actions aimed at return to health — after all we "really" think that nothing would help!
The cause of this condition lies in the false identification with thoughts, with the concept of reality, based on previous experience. As they grow older, the road to negative States of consciousness becomes more smooth and fast — we're small enough troubles to sink into depressive feelings.
From time to time in my life I experience powerful bursts of energy they usually coincide with interesting events, group work, breakthroughs in creativity. Carefully observing these conditions, I came to the conclusion that the emissions of energy natural and do not depend on my efforts — rather my activity reflects what is happening on the energy level. Like any wave, such outbursts are necessarily followed by periods of even States that on the background of the climbs look like energy failures.
Practice is of great importance in the periods of UPS and periods of downs. Attributing to himself the merit of gaining a positive state, we condemn ourselves to a powerful fall, which is hard to get out of that we assign itself and negative States.
Being in a state of clarity, it is easy to note that the root of suffering one is an automatic designation of the parts are inseparable in the reality of the continuum of consciousness. Signal on violation of the continuity of consciousness occurs immediately in the form of negative emotional feelings. However, under the oppression of thoughts that we believe to be their own, and, moreover, believe yourself, we usually are not able to realize the value of the signal — and resist him, which naturally amplifies the signal to such power that we can not physically resist and surrender at the mercy of reality, followed by a restoration of communication, which we perceive as the rise and recovery...
System Health Management is a higher functional system, which helps us to regain contact with reality and embark on the path of evolution of consciousness. Practice honesty gives you the ability not to get lost in the distortions of the mind, formed by "disconnected from the global consciousness" helps to block the materialization of information distortion. The practice of adoption allows you to instantly get in touch with the norm. The community creates multiple signal enhancement healthy goal.
In a state of disconnected consciousness does not want to do anything. There is a strong sense that everything is useless, nothing works. Fear of failure, shame, feelings of guilt and resentment sticky web envelops us and stifle all motions of mind and body. Paradoxically, these feelings quickly materialists find their actual confirmation — as soon as we try to resist, to do something, handcuffs negative States constrict us all stronger. This happens because at this point we are already under the influence of decoys and HAVE NO contact with reality — trying to deal with it with a picture of persistent illusions that we believe are real!
In this state of consciousness the stereotype of the practices of CPS, honesty and community seem alien objects that cause doubt, subjected to internal criticism of our separated ego. In this state of consciousness we can't make decisions to go to practice to make this decision we can lead only honesty is a cognitive bridge that connects the sun of reality and the earth, beyond the clouds of thoughts. Receiving the information signal of a healthy future, multiplied instruments of CPS, we make the decision to enter into Practice of acceptance, of silence. Practice starts immediately after the decision and gives the result instantly. The fact that adoption is not and cannot be the correct model. The adoption does not require special conditions and efforts. It begins exactly where you are. At this point, you can do anything you want, and it will all be practice.
The practice of silence and acceptance is the awareness of the present moment, awareness of the changing flow of thoughts, resistance. The practice of adoption automatically leads to restoration of contact with the higher functional systems, fast synchronization of consciousness, the return of clarity and standards. After deciding to practice through short-term effort to overcome the false innocence that reflects the energy barrier of the ego, we first stop resisting the present and accept his persistent signals loss of communication. Naturally our life is slowly (don'T RUSH IT! — it is a necessity!) filled with light, energy and warmth.
Of course, when we are only just beginning their journey in information space, the stereotypes of the past seeking to regain control of the released energy of life — it looks like a snapshot of the assignment itself the result of practice. We are trying to "practice" to replicate the state of the practice, we forget about the ESSENCE of practice (adoption) and trying again and again to manipulate reality — and the cycle repeats again and again until we learn to realize and accept such a cyclic state. So begins our inner life, full of energy and change.
At this time our internal state with a slight delay is reflected in the outside world — the result of practices we see as good fortune, luck, synchronisme/match, the favor of fate/God/the heavens/universe. Here we face another obstacle — we again adopt the results of the practice, trying to start to control it, manipulate it, to dictate its terms.
We forget that we do not own anything, we forget, from a pit we got out. And we can deeply fall (the higher we climb, the harder they fall). Such a fall may exacerbate our fears, claim our innocence fear of failure — and it happens to the moment that we realize that we are simply deceiving ourselves because we don'T PRACTICE!
As soon as this realization comes, we immediately restored the contact with reality, we decide to practice, and quickly returned to a normal state of consciousness, which persists until when the previous experience we were again precipitated into the depths of the resistance from which we practice raises again... this happens for a long time, but not indefinitely — the intensity of these swings is gradually reduced, a storm of consciousness fades and that's when our life takes on regular practice, which supersedes our right, resisting the "lack of freedom", the ego, and the practice becomes our life.
Yes, in this life there is no freedom of choice. But "you" based on the correctness and unreal past, either. There is only life, and you are part of it, continuously connected with life. While in this state, you can clearly see, or rather, ahead to reflect the reality, to heal the space, part of which are. Only occasionally, under the influence of powerful information streams of social networks, part of which we are, we are "infected" with the virus of separation, but it is not scary, because it works stable immunity and the practice continues.
This morning I walked barefoot on the way to the sea through the storms of thoughts of the separated ego, but the practice was a pillar, a beacon beyond the control of the turbulent elements of the information space. Observing the reality, watching what is happening in the body and mind beyond my physical and mental capabilities, I gradually came back to creative, filled with light and love, the reality of life in which everything is in optimal rhythm.
Good practice, friends!
Author: Dmitry Shamenkov
Source: shamenkov.ru
Persistent illusion, eclipsing the contact of our individual consciousness with reality, keeps us in destructive ways, which is reflected in our decadent thoughts, bad mood, General state of despondency. We really hard to take any actions aimed at return to health — after all we "really" think that nothing would help!

The cause of this condition lies in the false identification with thoughts, with the concept of reality, based on previous experience. As they grow older, the road to negative States of consciousness becomes more smooth and fast — we're small enough troubles to sink into depressive feelings.
From time to time in my life I experience powerful bursts of energy they usually coincide with interesting events, group work, breakthroughs in creativity. Carefully observing these conditions, I came to the conclusion that the emissions of energy natural and do not depend on my efforts — rather my activity reflects what is happening on the energy level. Like any wave, such outbursts are necessarily followed by periods of even States that on the background of the climbs look like energy failures.
Practice is of great importance in the periods of UPS and periods of downs. Attributing to himself the merit of gaining a positive state, we condemn ourselves to a powerful fall, which is hard to get out of that we assign itself and negative States.
Being in a state of clarity, it is easy to note that the root of suffering one is an automatic designation of the parts are inseparable in the reality of the continuum of consciousness. Signal on violation of the continuity of consciousness occurs immediately in the form of negative emotional feelings. However, under the oppression of thoughts that we believe to be their own, and, moreover, believe yourself, we usually are not able to realize the value of the signal — and resist him, which naturally amplifies the signal to such power that we can not physically resist and surrender at the mercy of reality, followed by a restoration of communication, which we perceive as the rise and recovery...
System Health Management is a higher functional system, which helps us to regain contact with reality and embark on the path of evolution of consciousness. Practice honesty gives you the ability not to get lost in the distortions of the mind, formed by "disconnected from the global consciousness" helps to block the materialization of information distortion. The practice of adoption allows you to instantly get in touch with the norm. The community creates multiple signal enhancement healthy goal.
In a state of disconnected consciousness does not want to do anything. There is a strong sense that everything is useless, nothing works. Fear of failure, shame, feelings of guilt and resentment sticky web envelops us and stifle all motions of mind and body. Paradoxically, these feelings quickly materialists find their actual confirmation — as soon as we try to resist, to do something, handcuffs negative States constrict us all stronger. This happens because at this point we are already under the influence of decoys and HAVE NO contact with reality — trying to deal with it with a picture of persistent illusions that we believe are real!
In this state of consciousness the stereotype of the practices of CPS, honesty and community seem alien objects that cause doubt, subjected to internal criticism of our separated ego. In this state of consciousness we can't make decisions to go to practice to make this decision we can lead only honesty is a cognitive bridge that connects the sun of reality and the earth, beyond the clouds of thoughts. Receiving the information signal of a healthy future, multiplied instruments of CPS, we make the decision to enter into Practice of acceptance, of silence. Practice starts immediately after the decision and gives the result instantly. The fact that adoption is not and cannot be the correct model. The adoption does not require special conditions and efforts. It begins exactly where you are. At this point, you can do anything you want, and it will all be practice.
The practice of silence and acceptance is the awareness of the present moment, awareness of the changing flow of thoughts, resistance. The practice of adoption automatically leads to restoration of contact with the higher functional systems, fast synchronization of consciousness, the return of clarity and standards. After deciding to practice through short-term effort to overcome the false innocence that reflects the energy barrier of the ego, we first stop resisting the present and accept his persistent signals loss of communication. Naturally our life is slowly (don'T RUSH IT! — it is a necessity!) filled with light, energy and warmth.
Of course, when we are only just beginning their journey in information space, the stereotypes of the past seeking to regain control of the released energy of life — it looks like a snapshot of the assignment itself the result of practice. We are trying to "practice" to replicate the state of the practice, we forget about the ESSENCE of practice (adoption) and trying again and again to manipulate reality — and the cycle repeats again and again until we learn to realize and accept such a cyclic state. So begins our inner life, full of energy and change.
At this time our internal state with a slight delay is reflected in the outside world — the result of practices we see as good fortune, luck, synchronisme/match, the favor of fate/God/the heavens/universe. Here we face another obstacle — we again adopt the results of the practice, trying to start to control it, manipulate it, to dictate its terms.
We forget that we do not own anything, we forget, from a pit we got out. And we can deeply fall (the higher we climb, the harder they fall). Such a fall may exacerbate our fears, claim our innocence fear of failure — and it happens to the moment that we realize that we are simply deceiving ourselves because we don'T PRACTICE!
As soon as this realization comes, we immediately restored the contact with reality, we decide to practice, and quickly returned to a normal state of consciousness, which persists until when the previous experience we were again precipitated into the depths of the resistance from which we practice raises again... this happens for a long time, but not indefinitely — the intensity of these swings is gradually reduced, a storm of consciousness fades and that's when our life takes on regular practice, which supersedes our right, resisting the "lack of freedom", the ego, and the practice becomes our life.
Yes, in this life there is no freedom of choice. But "you" based on the correctness and unreal past, either. There is only life, and you are part of it, continuously connected with life. While in this state, you can clearly see, or rather, ahead to reflect the reality, to heal the space, part of which are. Only occasionally, under the influence of powerful information streams of social networks, part of which we are, we are "infected" with the virus of separation, but it is not scary, because it works stable immunity and the practice continues.
This morning I walked barefoot on the way to the sea through the storms of thoughts of the separated ego, but the practice was a pillar, a beacon beyond the control of the turbulent elements of the information space. Observing the reality, watching what is happening in the body and mind beyond my physical and mental capabilities, I gradually came back to creative, filled with light and love, the reality of life in which everything is in optimal rhythm.
Good practice, friends!
Author: Dmitry Shamenkov
Source: shamenkov.ru