The shortest way to health
Seventy four million two hundred ninety thousand seven hundred fifty
From a scientific point of view, health is a state of best possible — optimal — life with a positive emotional tone. Health is essentially a synonym of happiness. In physiology it is proved that health is the norm for living systems. This means that in normal — normal — state we can be truly happy.
Healthy or not, it is elementary to check. It is enough to see — can you for 30 minutes — one hour continuously be at rest, doing nothing, not speaking, not straining even virtual, in my thoughts. If during such inspection you are overcome with anxiety, need for urgent actions if at this point in the mind POPs up information about the heap of unresolved issues and you jump up, remembering uncompleted tasks and promises, if you feel heaviness in the body, physical pain or other unpleasant feelings that prevent you to be alone, then most likely, your health there are problems that are worth paying attention to.
According to the head of the laboratory for the study of human nature the Medical school of Harvard University Professor Nicholas Christakis, "we are All part of social networking, this means that waves from events happening to other people — it doesn't matter if we've already met with them or not, go network and reach us. The key factor determining our health is the health of the people."
In our ripercuotono world, these words ring particularly fundamental. This means that none of us can be truly healthy if his environment is unhealthy. It also suggests that finding a source to restore his health, do we really need to share it with their surroundings, otherwise us every day, again and again, you will need to restore optimal activity and good mood, impaired interactions with people that surround us.
Modern research shows that a key role in regulating our health play information processes, in which we are involved. Some reputable scientists directly argue that the "information process — the primary essence of man" (academician K. V. Sudakov), and "everything you see right now is a whirlwind of information passing through consciousness" (Professor Robert Lanza, the Institute for regenerative medicine Wake forest University).
Any distortion in the transmission of information in information systems, part of which we are inevitably reflected in the condition of our health. Most important for us to maintain social relationships — friendship, family and work. If our relationship is present in one form or another of dishonesty, we suffer, and such suffering gradually imprinted in the structure of our body in the form of disease to which we are predisposed genetically. Usually it's overweight or underweight, hypertension or reduced pressure, ulcer disease, or joint problems and thyroid problems, premature aging, disorders of activity of the female or male reproductive system, hormonal regulation and immunity in General, and, of course, anxiety and depression.
Amazingly, the realization of a simple fact — the need for 100% commitment to honesty in all relations for the health — radically changes our lives, makes us happier, healthier, and our words turns into real magic spells that come true.
In 2012, a large study carried out in NDU Professor Anita Kelly (http://news.nd.edu/news/32424-study-telling-fewer-lies-linked-to-better-health-relationships/) it has been proven that adherence to honesty in all relations significantly improves not only psychological but also physical health compared to the control group over a short period of time (10 weeks).
The experience of thousands of members of the health management System (thehealthbook.ru,shamenkov.ru), the main rule of which is honesty in all respects, have shown that keeping faith is a prerequisite, the cornerstone for restoring and maintaining health in all aspects of life — this applies not only to physical illnesses but also psychological well-being, healthy relationships, economic and creative well-being.
To truly become healthy and happy, we are required to make one the most important step in your life — make the decision to be honest in all respects. Without this, any attempts to regain its former health and happiness are temporary and, in General, from a physiological point of view, simply useless. Not for nothing this step is fundamental for all religions and health systems.
Be honest — be healthy!
Your doctor Shamenkov.
source: shamenkov.ru
Source: /users/1077
From a scientific point of view, health is a state of best possible — optimal — life with a positive emotional tone. Health is essentially a synonym of happiness. In physiology it is proved that health is the norm for living systems. This means that in normal — normal — state we can be truly happy.
Healthy or not, it is elementary to check. It is enough to see — can you for 30 minutes — one hour continuously be at rest, doing nothing, not speaking, not straining even virtual, in my thoughts. If during such inspection you are overcome with anxiety, need for urgent actions if at this point in the mind POPs up information about the heap of unresolved issues and you jump up, remembering uncompleted tasks and promises, if you feel heaviness in the body, physical pain or other unpleasant feelings that prevent you to be alone, then most likely, your health there are problems that are worth paying attention to.
According to the head of the laboratory for the study of human nature the Medical school of Harvard University Professor Nicholas Christakis, "we are All part of social networking, this means that waves from events happening to other people — it doesn't matter if we've already met with them or not, go network and reach us. The key factor determining our health is the health of the people."
In our ripercuotono world, these words ring particularly fundamental. This means that none of us can be truly healthy if his environment is unhealthy. It also suggests that finding a source to restore his health, do we really need to share it with their surroundings, otherwise us every day, again and again, you will need to restore optimal activity and good mood, impaired interactions with people that surround us.
Modern research shows that a key role in regulating our health play information processes, in which we are involved. Some reputable scientists directly argue that the "information process — the primary essence of man" (academician K. V. Sudakov), and "everything you see right now is a whirlwind of information passing through consciousness" (Professor Robert Lanza, the Institute for regenerative medicine Wake forest University).
Any distortion in the transmission of information in information systems, part of which we are inevitably reflected in the condition of our health. Most important for us to maintain social relationships — friendship, family and work. If our relationship is present in one form or another of dishonesty, we suffer, and such suffering gradually imprinted in the structure of our body in the form of disease to which we are predisposed genetically. Usually it's overweight or underweight, hypertension or reduced pressure, ulcer disease, or joint problems and thyroid problems, premature aging, disorders of activity of the female or male reproductive system, hormonal regulation and immunity in General, and, of course, anxiety and depression.
Amazingly, the realization of a simple fact — the need for 100% commitment to honesty in all relations for the health — radically changes our lives, makes us happier, healthier, and our words turns into real magic spells that come true.
In 2012, a large study carried out in NDU Professor Anita Kelly (http://news.nd.edu/news/32424-study-telling-fewer-lies-linked-to-better-health-relationships/) it has been proven that adherence to honesty in all relations significantly improves not only psychological but also physical health compared to the control group over a short period of time (10 weeks).
The experience of thousands of members of the health management System (thehealthbook.ru,shamenkov.ru), the main rule of which is honesty in all respects, have shown that keeping faith is a prerequisite, the cornerstone for restoring and maintaining health in all aspects of life — this applies not only to physical illnesses but also psychological well-being, healthy relationships, economic and creative well-being.
To truly become healthy and happy, we are required to make one the most important step in your life — make the decision to be honest in all respects. Without this, any attempts to regain its former health and happiness are temporary and, in General, from a physiological point of view, simply useless. Not for nothing this step is fundamental for all religions and health systems.
Be honest — be healthy!
Your doctor Shamenkov.
source: shamenkov.ru
Source: /users/1077
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