Moscow entered the top three of the least liveable cities in the world

According to the analysis of the Global index of livability of cities ("Global Liveable Cities Index" — GLCI), the capital of Russia was at the end of the ranking of the most liveable cities. This list was published in the quarterly journal "World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development".
Scientists and experts from the universities of Singapore, USA and Australia conducted a study of the largest cities in the world in terms of convenience for work and entertainment, environment, security, governance and many other factors.
According to experts, first place in the ranking of the most liveable cities went to Geneva, Zurich, Singapore, Copenhagen and Helsinki. New York was only on the 17th line, despite the best result in terms of economic indicators, Tokyo ranked 18th place, and London is 22.
Moscow was at the end, finishing in 62nd place out of 64 cities. In last place — Jakarta, capital of Indonesia.
The research covers about 200 cities in the world, including 100 from China, 30 from South East Asia, 20 countries in the Middle East and 50 from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North and South America.
source: tvrain.ru
Source: /users/1077