How to succeed: 10 Tips from the leaders of Western SEO-INDUSTRY

One of the best ways to achieve the goal in any case - to learn from those who have already achieved success in your field. Article 10 recognized leaders and experts in the field of SEO advice to share with those who want to succeed in this industry. That's what they think should be done to always be on top:
✔ Danny Dover, author LifeListed:
"90% of what you need to know about SEO, is on the Internet and in books. Once you've checked all this information (you'll notice that reading and attending conferences no longer give you anything new), the remaining 10%, you can learn by inventing and applying new approaches. You can certainly get this balance knowledge to make the right conclusions, but believe me, it is better to take the time to develop their own ideas ».
✔ Gianluca Fiorelli, SEO-specialist I Love SEO:
"Intellectual honesty. It's not quite the same thing as simple honesty. Intellectual honesty makes you say "no" when you need to say "no" ... and not only in cases of stubborn client, but also, more importantly, when you can not say "no" to himself and to abandon the deal, which will regret in the future. I made the same mistake, and I hope it never will not repeat.
Intellectual honesty and humility - that's what makes you lose all sense of reality even in the finest hour of your life. I often say to myself: "I know that I know nothing", and try to learn something new every day, treating everyone in this area as a potential teacher.
But intellectual honesty also forces you to define their views and values, including in the area of interest to us ... it could be called "ethics SEO».
✔ Jill Whalen, CEO of High Rankings:
"It is necessary to maintain the integrity and transparency in its dealings with customers and with search engines. Do not hold to perform the task, if you do not know how to execute it (unless the client knows it). Keep in mind that SEO is what worked for one site may not work for another, because each site its own characteristics and needs. Take responsibility for your actions (and for the actions of those who work for you). Promise less, do more. Focus your efforts on what is most important to your client, and measure success on this basis. Always share your knowledge with customers, so that they, if they decide to continue to promote your website yourself, well versed in the issue ».
✔ John Doherty, SEO-Consultant Distilled:
"I would like to give a double advice to anyone who wants to succeed in SEO-industry. Firstly, make friends. You will advance much further, if we recognize that not all of you know, and you will be next to a people who will help in a difficult situation. Each of us have our weaknesses, we must recognize it and try to learn.
Secondly, be curious. If you see the rankings and did not know what it is called, dig into. Find out everything. Manifestation of curiosity will help you learn more about search rankings than simple reading of literature and watching videos. Of course, the theoretical knowledge are of great value, but in practice you will learn most quickly ».
✔ Jon Cooper, the optimizer Point Blanc SEO:
"To be honest, I'm not sure I can be considered held SEO-experts, but from all that I could find in the few years that I have been working in this area, the most important is exceeding expectations. Whether it's my blog or my clients if I do more than is expected of me, the result is usually much higher than the effort. So if you want to impress people, work on the task a little more, check all, add a few pictures or video in the article, and then you can enjoy the attention of the audience and produce much more impressive than you might expect ».
✔ Mike Ramsey, owner of Nifty Marketing:
"With the growth of my business and the need to hire new workers, I began to reflect often on this issue. My situation is unique in the sense that I am the owner of the agency in a small town in Idaho, and I have to hire those who have never worked in the technical field and has no idea what SEO. I was lucky to watch as people start from scratch and very soon become competent professionals in SEO. Those who are capable of it, share one trait: a passion. Passionate desire to succeed, the obsession with the pursuit of new information to people working in the same field, a thirst to experiment and meet customer expectations. I do not think this is some special feature associated with SEO. Just people with enthusiasm, usually succeed in any occupation. So my advice is that this industry is changing so rapidly, it is so complex and important that it makes sense to work only with the enthusiasm. If you have one, you will want to read, try and completely immersed in whatever you do, and I can promise you that your actions will lead to success and understanding of the industry. Guru in the area have ceased to be regarded as the work of SEO and just live and breathe it, and not only during working hours. This is exactly what you need ».
Mike Blumenthal, author of Understanding Google Places & Local Search:
"Love your work, perform it flawlessly, continuously learn and apply their knowledge to help clients».
✔ Dr. Peter J. Meyers, president of User Effect:
"Contribute to the cause. It is easy to give advice to customers, and then go home, but if you really care about the result, if anxiously watch the rise and fall of numbers, then you will know what it is, when all life depends on the algorithm. It improves you as a SEO-specialist and helps to understand what has to pass webmasters when their business is under attack. But it is not only the knowledge and ability to put yourself in the other person. If you succeed, you will have something to share with others, and that's when people start to notice you ».
✔ Laura Lippay, president How's Your Pony:
"Create your own point of view. Do not blindly believe everything you read or hear about SEO, unless the information is not coming from the search engines or is reliable and tested. Keep critical thinking.
Consider the intentions of people using the search engine. Does your content and call to action intentions of different types of users (to use these intentions), or you just write content based on keywords?
Consider the interests of the client. It is easy to say, "Here's the problem." But you should try to find a solution that will be understood by the client. Talk to him in his language, make sure that he will leave with a full understanding of what to do ».
✔ Rick DeJarnette, author of The SEO Ace:
Learn your craft. Think hard to learn, for example, using the "Guide to Search Engine Marketing dedicated" from SEMPO Institute. Read blogs recognized SEO-specialists. Add them to Twitter and follow the links they post. Visit a couple of conferences. Join a community of users (eg, Seattle SEO Network). Study the available means of SEO, learn to use them and to understand that what they do.
Go to the borders of comfort. Ask questions about the recognized expert in this field, post to Twitter about what they have learned, write in blogs, helping others learn, share information whenever you have something to share (depending on the audience, if it does not consist of a sophisticated SEO people, such as webmasters, developers, designers and business owners, it can be done even at the beginning of his career). Efforts that you have to make to it will help you learn faster. Ask, write and speak!
Gratuitously help non-profit organizations. Online is now a lot of non-profit organizations, sites that are desperate for optimization. They will thank you for any help, and you will be able to learn new useful skills that would be difficult to get a paid job, if you do not yet sufficiently qualified. And as you do a good deed at the same time gain knowledge - Broken good! It is best to spend the money on contextual advertising NGO 501c3 - it is just suitable for your area of charity!
Just deal with SEO. Optimize your own website (if necessary, create a new one, so that if you mess up, there was not much damage). Earn a reputation through quality white SEO. You may also be asked to participate in the ongoing work on the site of the company (this is useful for a career). Looking for opportunities to do more, and eventually you will become a role model for others. "