Popular methods of Tibetan medicine

For many years, Tibetan medicine enjoyed incredible success not only for the residents of the East, but all over the world. Her "healers" are monks who undergo continuous training in spartan conditions. After amchi determine the cause of health problems, and he will recommend the best ways to get rid of them. What methodologies are best known? Highlight is the following options:

- use of medicines, which are based on mineral and vegetable raw materials. With the help of these funds may not only locally to eliminate the disease and improve the whole body. The products are known for their detoxifying, neutralizing and disinfecting effects. Separately, it should be said that such drugs from Tibet act gently and do not cause allergies, have no side effects;
- for gastric diseases and dyspepsia choose treatment with the gag reflex;
- to cure insomnia, chronic fatigue, malaise, nervous disorders, skin patient Tibetan monks smeared special ointments;
- using medicinal baths, which are filled with water from the hot and sulfur springs and medicinal ointments may relieve people from various diseases of bones and muscles;
- special massage techniques that relax the patient, not only the physical but also on the energy level. In a separate category is to provide a sound Tibetan massage, where special metal bowl that can create a vibration, a beneficial effect on the whole body to its harmonious sound;
- Use mantras
As noted above, experts in medicine Tibetan women in order certainly trained in the strict Spartan conditions. After training, a monk should be able to diagnose the state of a person according to his pulse. To put such diagnoses amchi should have a maximum of medical knowledge and an excellent command of the methods of treatment. Usually the diagnosis and choice of treatment technique in this Tibetan monk takes a maximum of 15 minutes.