Depression from the point of view of Tibetan medicine
In Tibetan medicine, depression refers to diseases of SROG-lung – disorders of vital wind.
You must understand that according to the teachings of Tibetan healers, three life – Wind, Bile and phlegm – are also the three originators of all diseases. Until they are in equilibrium, man is healthy, but as soon as one started excessively develops, the balance is disturbed and the person affects the disease that corresponds to this beginning. Nervous diseases and mental disorders arise through the fault of the Wind, as Wind is associated with the mind and nervous system. But the Wind also controls the other two vital principles, influences them and may cause them distress. Therefore, any disease in Tibetan medicine is considered first of all as psychosomatic and treated holistically – diet, adjustments of lifestyles and mindsets, medication and therapeutic procedures. Depression is also considered a psychosomatic disorder, with consequences both on the psychological and bodily levels.
So, depression cause a violation of the Wind, these disorders are caused by anxiety, excessive stress, fatigue, grief, or anger, any shock or fear. On the physical level, visible symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, loss of appetite. Disease of the wind, one of which is depression can be triggered and external to the body factors such as cold wind (wind), spicy foods, alcoholic drinks etc.
In the treatment of depression prescribed diet – a diet that helps to harness the elements of Wind and restore the balance of the three life started in the patient. It is recommended the use of garlic, onions, fried flour, broth from bones, mutton, horse meat, vegetable oil and milk.
Recommended mode: communicating with good friends, stay warm. You should also avoid excitement and overexertion.
Medicines: soothing herbal teas, light wines, Wytheville. Wytheville is a special potion from diseases of wind, here's what they said in the Ledger of Tibetan medicine Jude Shea: "Wytheville: white, red, sour, onion. First get this: butter takes a long time to boil, add the roasted flour, the milk, bring again to a boil and add ginger with the rock salt. If fried the flour to cook in the broth of lamb, get a red uitgelaten. Sour withintel — ferment from the wine bards to put the old oil, sugar, ginger and cook. Withintel onion — onion boil, grind, add butter, bone broth, salt and cook. Wytheville suppress disease wind, strengthen meat, gives clarity to sense organs and consciousness, they are like nectar from the wind on the border between steppe and mountain."
Treatments: enemas, hot rubbing and compresses, and warm baths. In special cases the use of moxibustion points of the Wind on the body.published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/depressiya/
You must understand that according to the teachings of Tibetan healers, three life – Wind, Bile and phlegm – are also the three originators of all diseases. Until they are in equilibrium, man is healthy, but as soon as one started excessively develops, the balance is disturbed and the person affects the disease that corresponds to this beginning. Nervous diseases and mental disorders arise through the fault of the Wind, as Wind is associated with the mind and nervous system. But the Wind also controls the other two vital principles, influences them and may cause them distress. Therefore, any disease in Tibetan medicine is considered first of all as psychosomatic and treated holistically – diet, adjustments of lifestyles and mindsets, medication and therapeutic procedures. Depression is also considered a psychosomatic disorder, with consequences both on the psychological and bodily levels.

So, depression cause a violation of the Wind, these disorders are caused by anxiety, excessive stress, fatigue, grief, or anger, any shock or fear. On the physical level, visible symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, loss of appetite. Disease of the wind, one of which is depression can be triggered and external to the body factors such as cold wind (wind), spicy foods, alcoholic drinks etc.
In the treatment of depression prescribed diet – a diet that helps to harness the elements of Wind and restore the balance of the three life started in the patient. It is recommended the use of garlic, onions, fried flour, broth from bones, mutton, horse meat, vegetable oil and milk.
Recommended mode: communicating with good friends, stay warm. You should also avoid excitement and overexertion.
Medicines: soothing herbal teas, light wines, Wytheville. Wytheville is a special potion from diseases of wind, here's what they said in the Ledger of Tibetan medicine Jude Shea: "Wytheville: white, red, sour, onion. First get this: butter takes a long time to boil, add the roasted flour, the milk, bring again to a boil and add ginger with the rock salt. If fried the flour to cook in the broth of lamb, get a red uitgelaten. Sour withintel — ferment from the wine bards to put the old oil, sugar, ginger and cook. Withintel onion — onion boil, grind, add butter, bone broth, salt and cook. Wytheville suppress disease wind, strengthen meat, gives clarity to sense organs and consciousness, they are like nectar from the wind on the border between steppe and mountain."
Treatments: enemas, hot rubbing and compresses, and warm baths. In special cases the use of moxibustion points of the Wind on the body.published
Author: Yulia Ustinova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/depressiya/
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