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In 1937, the Nazis opened the "Training School wives." Through them are girls who marry members of the SS and the Nazi Party functionaries. In schools, they were taught home economics, child care and agriculture. Wife - it was the ideal woman for the Nazis, women were forbidden to study in universities and work in offices and workplaces.

In early August, in Berlin in the archives were found instructions on conducting studies in the Nazi "The School for Wives." These documents gave rise to talk in the first world about another generic features of Nazism - in addition to anti-Semitism and anti-communism, and it was Antifeminism.

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler in 1936, signed a decree on the establishment of special training for girls who want to become wives of the Nazis. "Schools brides", where the girls take the course of his young wife, led Gertrud Scholtz-Klink - the head of the National Socialist Women's Organization (at its peak, in 1943, this organization consisted of 7 million. Germans).

In these schools were enlisted by those who wanted to tie the knot with the members of the SS and the liberated workers of the National Socialist Party of Germany. In 1939, the list expanded - it included such potential husbands as officers.

The first school was opened on the island on Lake Wannsee Schwanenwerder near Berlin (near the villas Goebbels and Albert Speer). Up to 1944, in Germany there was a total of 32 such schools.

The school accepts only Arieka (sometimes make exceptions for Germans with no more than 1/8 of Jewish blood). They should not have physical injuries and mental illness (in schools is not as those who have a parent suffering from schizophrenia).

In schools, the bride took a 6-week course (1939 - two months), during which trained not only economics, but also the basics of genetics and the doctrine of the races, as well as political science and history. 2 were mandatory physical education classes every day. Also a mandatory part of study was agriculture - only this work was recognized worthy German woman.

In addition, the bride taught rhetoric, secular manners and childcare. At the end of the course, subject to the assimilation of knowledge, were given certificates entitling them to marry a "model of the Germans." Marriage of such graduates committed by neo-pagan rites.

Education in these schools was paid - 135 Reichsmarks (400 pounds, or about 20 thousand rubles at current exchange rate). But the money soon, "fought back": the marriage graduate school with a "true Aryan" state to give them an interest-free subsidy of 1,000 marks for 5 years (150 thousand), and the birth of each child of this amount forgiven 250 brands.

The basis of education of the German wife were then "three well-known K»: kinder, küche and kirche (children, kitchen and church). And it's not artistic exaggeration - that way saw the ideal of feminine activities Nazis. More precisely - the Germans, because the ideological basis that "schools for wives" that the role of women in society was invented before Hitler came to power.

In 1917, in Stuttgart opened the first "School of mothers", where the background of the hardships of the First World women centrally taught devotion to family, state and housekeeping.

The Nazi regime was very interested in increasing the population. Hence it followed that the Hired work and study in universities have been an obstacle to the execution of the main function of women.

If the working woman to marry and voluntarily left work, she was granted an interest-free loan of 600 marks. Since 1934, began the active promotion of fertility: introduced child and family allowances (up to 30 marks for one child, a little more than 4,200 rubles), medical assistance to large families is at a reduced price. Special schools were opened where pregnant women prepare for the future motherhood.

Propaganda never tired of extolling the dignity and honor of the mother, and those women who have had 8 children, were awarded the Gold Cross of the parent (in addition they were supposed to benefit 500 marks a month - about 70 thousand rubles). Germany was the only major European country where the birth rate has grown very rapidly. If in 1934, came to light just over 1 million. Babies, then in 1939 - is about 1, 5 million. Children.

Encouraged and employment of women in politics. In 1941, the number of women members of the NSDAP was 16, 5% (which is almost 2 times more than the woman consisted in the CPSU (b) in the USSR).

For unemployed women from the lower classes (workers and peasants) were organized labor camps, where they were required to work 20 hours a week. Inmates of labor camps have received uniforms, which was a mandatory attribute of an armband with a swastika. The girls began to call "working women» - «Arbeitsmaiden» filling obsolete word «die Maid» (virgin girl) ideological content. Each letter stands for one of the virtues inherent in the German woman: der Mut - courage, die Aufopferung - sacrifice, der Idealismus - idealism, die Demut - humility.

After coming to power, the Nazis began to consider the tendency of women to the professional, political or academic career as an unnatural phenomenon. The greatest happiness for a woman was to be her stay at the family hearth beside her husband. No accident back in 1921 the NSDAP decided that women should not be allowed to high party and government posts. Already vesny1933 city began the systematic exemption from the state apparatus employed women in it. Dismissed employees not only institutions but also married women doctors, because the Nazis declared concern for the health of the nation such a demanding task that it can not trust a woman.

In 1936 he was removed from office by married women who worked as judges or lawyers, as they could contain husband. Dramatically reduced the number of women teachers, and girls' schools in core academic subjects become home economics and needlework.

Actually declared a ban on higher education for women. Already in 1934, the German universities there are only 1500 students (in 1930 - 32,000). Noteworthy is the fate of women deputies last Weimar Reichstag: 4 - committed suicide, 10 - were in a concentration camp, 30 - were under house arrest, and 43 - were forced to emigrate from the country.

More differentiated policy regime conducted against women employed in manufacturing and in services. The Nazis did not touch nor those 4 million. Women who worked "domestic helpers" or numerous group of saleswomen working day which is not paid in full. On the contrary, these activities were declared to be "typically female". Be encouraged labor unmarried girls - from January 1939 labor service became mandatory for all unmarried women under the age of 25 years; mostly they were sent to the village maidens or to mothers of large families.

Also welcomed farming: the work on the ground has been declared one of the main virtues of women. Program selection for families gardens was invented precisely Hitler - later she picked up by the ball almost all European countries (including the USSR - under Brezhnev).
Today is the position of women in Nazi Germany can be equated to the situation of women in the Muslim world. And this is partly true: the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the late 1930s wrote that the Nazi ideology is very similar to a modernized Islam (or rather, Turkish or Iranian-style).
