How about 10 minutes to get rid of snoring permanently

Do you know that the cause of the snoring, is usually swelling of the tongue root, which in turn allows to speak about a difficulty in the liver, but only by restoring good liver function you can get rid of snoring forever.
Liver we'll do then, and now promptly get rid of snoring.
Banal kneading the root of the tongue, it is called speech therapy by a massage, it is possible to get rid of snoring (don't forget to use sterile gloves or thoroughly wash hands).
What to do:
— Open your mouth
Slightly stick out your tongue
— Make something that was done by the doctor on examination a wooden stick, with only his forefinger — put your finger in your mouth, pull the tongue root (this is where language begins deep in the mouth)
— In a circular motion prodavlivaet it down (toward the chin)
— You can also get to it from the sides and gently push in the opposite direction.The principle is simple — when edema of the tongue, when you massage, it will hurt a little (adjust the amount of pressure to a comfortable level — mild pain). You just need to continue to massage until the pain passes. How is — increase the pressure until the appearance of again little pain. Repeat until no pain.
Voila! Now I can safely go to sleep and not annoy loved ones with his snoring.
Attention! If you right now got your fingers in her mouth, started to try and happened to the confusion, called the "gag reflex", then don't panic, we will not abandon you and now I will tell you what to do.
1 Take a tooth brush and move it over your tongue from the tip to the root. Thus, determine the place at influence on which you start the gag reflex.
2 Toothbrush massage the place that is adjacent to the chosen point. But don't try to move deeper. Massage can be done during the evening brushing your teeth, or specifically, at a convenient time for you. Keep it for ten seconds. This is a very unpleasant but necessary procedure that will help you to reduce the sensitivity.
3 You will notice that after a few days of the procedure gag reflex is manifested is not so active. Continue the exercise, possibly increasing the time of massage.
4 Zoom in to the area, which you operate with a toothbrush. When you cease to feel the urge the gag reflex in the processing of the primary zone, push a little deeper. And now for you the main thing — to develop this area. You do not need to move very far. For gradual decrease of the reflex, it is sufficient to deepen the massage about half an inch.
5 After overcoming this barrier begin the massage the following areas, located deeper, at 0.5–1 centimeter. If you stop after the procedures to test the gag reflex during brushing, inspection of the throat with a spatula in the doctor's office, during the pill – you coped with the task.
6 Note that the desired result will not happen quickly. You may need about a month to reduce the gag reflex. Do not stop training even for a single day. However for this case you can try.
7 In case after you stopped the exercise, suppressing his gag reflex, he came back, repeat a course of massages.published
Source: rus-health.info/Kak-za-10-minut-izbavitsya-ot-hrapa-nadolgo-928.html