Running for weight loss. The training program
Ruslan Panov, fitness trainer: "the Complex exercise of running for weight loss is built very professionally and from the point of view of load distribution and intensities. But people over the age of 50, I would not recommend running in this mode – in this case it is better to go for a walk, otherwise there is a high shock load can cause periodic pain in the joints."
Jogging is the most fat burning sport from those that are available to everyone. You can run on the street, in the gym on the track or even the stairs at home. If you were Jogging, and then made a big break, then you probably think that you will be able to run no more than five minutes, and then collapses in the middle of the road in a dying condition. But do not despair: even this running would be helpful. If you do not stand on the spot, the fat will continue to burn after you're finished running, going for a walk.
Start with a five-minute walk away. Then arrange a 3-minute jog, then a walk for 5 minutes (or until then, until you return to normal breathing rhythm, then the run length is 4 minutes. Each run should be slightly longer than the previous until, until one day you won't be able to run the entire predetermined distance.

Keep training. Despite the fact that the training program is four weeks, you can continue to do it further. You just need to follow the basic principles of the program. What are they?
First of all, between workouts has to be at least one day of rest.
Second, the training intensity must be such that the pulse rate was 50% to 90% of its maximum frequency. Intensity of the entire fat is burned when the heart rate is approximately 75% of the maximum, but it is important that at every training session heart rate was different.
Third, you must constantly try to increase the duration of the training. For example, every week increase the workout time by 5 minutes. But in order not to overstrain the muscles, it is useful to make a break and within one to two weeks did not increase the duration of the training.

Tensing your muscles will not be exact, if every fourth week you will be returning on the training program a week ago, you have to make three steps forward and one step back. In this case, your training program will look as follows:
Week 1 — 4: (see programme)
Week 5: week 3
Week 6: 3 week + 5 min.
Week 7: week 6 + 5 min.
Week 8: week 6
Week 9: week 8 + 5 min.
Week 10: week 9 + 5 min.
Week 11: week 10 + 5 min.
Week 12: week 10, etc.
If for some reason you a few weeks are unable to run, do not completely stop training. Every missed week is two weeks of training: count the number of weeks that you need to go back in the program and start again.
To exercise was regular and as efficient as possible, try to engage not only at home but in the gym, the trainer, if necessary, correct technique exercises and offer useful recommendations, and observation of the obvious results of those who engage with you in the hall, absolutely will strengthen your motivation.
Mariyat Mukhina, nutritionist:"the Most common mistakes most people embarking on an active exercise is improper diet. Categorically cannot be combined with one meal of protein (meat, eggs, cheese) and complex carbohydrates (bread, cereals, potatoes). Moreover, proteins, too, are of different origin. So the phosphorus contained in cheese will actively inhibit the absorption of zinc, which is rich meat. So cheese omelet and seemingly "innocent" lean beef – not the most healthy dish. But if competently approach to the compilation of the daily diet, this will facilitate the rapid absorption of food, and you will soon feel a surge of energy and vigor. A very useful tandem – proteins (meat and fish) and green vegetables are high in starch. It's broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers, pumpkin. This combination effectively neutralizes harmful cholesterol. The yogurt drinks, cottage cheese, cheese is the best Supplement acidic fruits, tomatoes, radish".
To achieve the best effect of the exercise program, stick to the diet menu.
Source: www.gastronom.ru
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