Eight edible weeds

Your free lunch. If you believe that everything growing in the yard except the lawn, is useless garbage, then you are deeply mistaken and at risk of losing a free lunch. So-called weeds contain a treasure trove of vitamins, proteins and antioxidants, and sometimes even more nutritious than the products from the store. Here are some practical tips for finding free snacks in the courtyard. Dandelions Dandelion, perhaps the most famous edible weeds in any lawn. It can be bought on the market, however, it is most likely growing somewhere nearby and it is completely free. When the dandelions are ripe, they are slightly bitter, so harvest is in early spring or late autumn when the leaves are young, tender and sweet. The flowers have a pleasant bitter flavor and can also be there. And the dandelions more beta-carotene than carrots.Purslane this plant has rounded, succulent leaves with reddish stems. It grows almost everywhere, and find it is easy. As you know, it difficult to as a weed, but it will look good on the plate. Purslane rich in vitamins-antioxidants such as A and C, and contains fatty acids omega-3. You can eat fresh stems or leaves, you can try to make a salad or a sandwich. In many recipes purslane can replace the spinach.
Kuzukuzu – weed that engulfed literally the entire South, actually very edible. It's growing in huge numbers, and is virtually inexhaustible food resource. The southerners came up with dozens of recipes using kudzu, including various jams and jellies. You can microwave or boil the roots, add soy sauce, or brew the tea for thirty minutes. Also it helps with colds, fever, Allergy and upset stomach.
Marlatt weed also known as wild spinach and can be found in early summer. It contains calcium and protein, and vitamins A, C and K in Marie even more than spinach. It is best to add in the cell. Green leaves must be soaked in olive oil, add a pinch of salt, garlic, pepper and fresh lemon juice or lime.
Meadow (red) clover centuries, red clover was used as a folk remedy for cancer treatment. It contains phytoestrogens, genistein, which have a protective effect against prostatitis. However, this feature is not yet proven. However, there is evidence that phytoestrogens can help in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. If the garden is planted with red clover, it can be prepared with rice and season with soy sauce. Besides the fact that clover can potentially reduce the risks of cancer, it still contains a large amount of protein. And white, but it's not as tasty and nutritious.
Bumbumbumbum – known plant. Because it makes everything from boards and ending with pajamas. But not everyone knows that in fact bamboo is a type grass. If anyone ever grow bamboo near you, then most likely it can be found in his back yard. This weed is very hardy, and it is extremely difficult to control. Bamboo shoots have a great amount of fiber, and tastes like corn. If in the district are bamboo, you need to collect shoots under two weeks and a height of less than thirty centimeters. Before use, the shoots need to cook. First you need to clear them from the outer leaves and remove the hard surface. After you cut across the fibers and cook in a saucepan for at least twenty minutes prior to the disappearance of bitterness. Cooked bamboo can fill the soy sauce or add to a salad.
Sakhalin corecase one pesky weeds, which can cope with your appetite. Looks a bit like bamboo, but it is in no way related. Sometimes called "Japanese bamboo". The easiest way to find in the northeast or the Midwest. First you need to collect red and green shoots growing from six to eight inches. Then remove the tough leaves and peel, and then cook.
Gresswoman water cress you can buy in the store, or just find a stream and get it totally free. Watercress is a popular ingredient in gourmet salads, but people don't realize that it's just a weed. It can be found almost near any stream or river. The most popular use is to add it to the salad raw
Source: mixstuff.ru