The old agronomist advised to pour grass between the tiles of boiling water, now I do only so.
The grass between the paving slabs irritates almost every gardener. It seems that only yesterday we examined all joints for the presence of the slightest weeds. Today, it's all over again. lawn. It is good that modern realities present different methods of dealing with unwanted greenery. Choose the one you like best.
Grass between paving slabs The classic option undoubtedly remains the old-good handmade weeding. Depending on the size of the tiles you need to take gloves, shovel or other sharp tool, and forward. Of course, this method takes a lot of time and effort, but what to do. Sometimes you can say goodbye to small grass at the tiles joints only with your own hands.
If there is no time or desire to weed paving slabs, then you need to look at herbicides in specialized stores. The range of such funds now is simply incredibly huge. You can choose more aggressive options, or vice versa - gentle. For example, if the sidewalk passes flower-bed Or beds.
Perhaps the most famous variant of weed control remains an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate. It is enough to dissolve 1.5 kg of nitrate per 10 liters of water and spray this fertilizer with the tile joint. After a while, the weeds will leave, but do not rush to rejoice. Such a solution does not affect the roots of plants, so after a while they They'll start sprouting again.
To get rid of the roots of weeds will help only herbicides. Choose the option that is best for your site. To do this, it is better to consult in detail with the seller in the store for gardeners and gardeners. Keep in mind that some herbicides can spread. deep-soil after processing weeds and affect neighboring plants.
By the way, many gardeners and gardeners use herbicides not only to destroy weeds. These special tools are no less effective in dealing with harmful insects. Like the Colorado bug. But keep in mind that some vegetable crops prefer human attention and care. By the way, the soil in the area with potatoes is better to get rid of weeds manually, rather than using a herbicide.
You can remove some weeds with the help of a mechanical tool. In stores you can look for special devices or nozzles that will carefully remove excess grass. The surrounding plants will not be affected.
If you only plan the arrangement of paving slabs or garden plot, you can think of the problem of weed control in advance. For example, flowerbeds or decorative plantations can be covered with geotextile, and on top bark pine trees. Tile can be laid not on sand, but on granite screening. So the grass between the paving slabs will definitely not bother you and your house.
Many gardeners offer quite strange, but interesting options for dealing with weeds on the sidewalk. Someone waters the grass at the joints with steep boiling water, someone carefully smears the joints with vinegar with a brush, and someone generously fills the pavement with salt. Perhaps such methods are useful, but are unlikely to help. weed out For a long time.
The abundance of various methods of weed control, as well as the assortment of liquids against small grass at the tiles joints, is simply amazing. Everyone can choose what will suit not only his plot, but also his wallet. What kind of remedy? You can advise.? Share your experience of destroying grass between paving slabs with our followers.

Grass between paving slabs The classic option undoubtedly remains the old-good handmade weeding. Depending on the size of the tiles you need to take gloves, shovel or other sharp tool, and forward. Of course, this method takes a lot of time and effort, but what to do. Sometimes you can say goodbye to small grass at the tiles joints only with your own hands.

If there is no time or desire to weed paving slabs, then you need to look at herbicides in specialized stores. The range of such funds now is simply incredibly huge. You can choose more aggressive options, or vice versa - gentle. For example, if the sidewalk passes flower-bed Or beds.
Perhaps the most famous variant of weed control remains an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate. It is enough to dissolve 1.5 kg of nitrate per 10 liters of water and spray this fertilizer with the tile joint. After a while, the weeds will leave, but do not rush to rejoice. Such a solution does not affect the roots of plants, so after a while they They'll start sprouting again.
To get rid of the roots of weeds will help only herbicides. Choose the option that is best for your site. To do this, it is better to consult in detail with the seller in the store for gardeners and gardeners. Keep in mind that some herbicides can spread. deep-soil after processing weeds and affect neighboring plants.

By the way, many gardeners and gardeners use herbicides not only to destroy weeds. These special tools are no less effective in dealing with harmful insects. Like the Colorado bug. But keep in mind that some vegetable crops prefer human attention and care. By the way, the soil in the area with potatoes is better to get rid of weeds manually, rather than using a herbicide.

You can remove some weeds with the help of a mechanical tool. In stores you can look for special devices or nozzles that will carefully remove excess grass. The surrounding plants will not be affected.
If you only plan the arrangement of paving slabs or garden plot, you can think of the problem of weed control in advance. For example, flowerbeds or decorative plantations can be covered with geotextile, and on top bark pine trees. Tile can be laid not on sand, but on granite screening. So the grass between the paving slabs will definitely not bother you and your house.

Many gardeners offer quite strange, but interesting options for dealing with weeds on the sidewalk. Someone waters the grass at the joints with steep boiling water, someone carefully smears the joints with vinegar with a brush, and someone generously fills the pavement with salt. Perhaps such methods are useful, but are unlikely to help. weed out For a long time.

The abundance of various methods of weed control, as well as the assortment of liquids against small grass at the tiles joints, is simply amazing. Everyone can choose what will suit not only his plot, but also his wallet. What kind of remedy? You can advise.? Share your experience of destroying grass between paving slabs with our followers.
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