How to revive dead soil. Potato field without tractor and plow
25 years ago our family was drawn to rent a hectare of land 15 km from the house. And all these years, it helps us to survive in any disasters in the community.
Seventy two million eight hundred sixty five thousand thirty one
We have a family in the store nobody goes — potatoes and vegetables grow. The last 5 years for the market did not plant only for themselves, children and grandchildren. All live separately, but within walking distance. On weekends for a table of 11 people going.
Have home grow tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, and in the field — mostly, potatoes (40% of the area). A lot of fodder beets (about 25%), and the remaining area — cabbage (including cauliflower and broccoli), carrots, red beets, pumpkins and squashes, melons, corn and sunflower.
Seventy one million eight hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred forty nine
The cultivation of potatoes and vegetables over a large area — it is very hard work. With mechanization will kill the soil, no equipment – ruin health…
We strictly observe crop rotation potatoes returned to the old place after 1.5 years, the rest of the vegetables after 5 years. Therefore, Clubroot on cabbage and nematodes on potatoes we have. Besides, I always purchase potato seeds of high reproductions, and cabbage seeds from reliable firms.
Talk about how not using a shovel and plow, I was able to revive a dead tractors and "chemistry" the farm soil, to increase its content of humus, increase the biodiversity of soil animals.
My method... The first 15 years I plowed a field with a tractor with a plow, and even regular spreading of manure the land is degraded. And only in the last ten years I was able to solve two problems that have not solved the large farmers:
Field without samakonasana — late October Indian summer — I walk across the field with a hand sprayer, find rare courtines green wheat grass and destroy its roundup. The lack of perennial rhizomatous weeds in the spring allows me to loosen all the soil rotary cultivator to a depth of not more than 5 cm without recourse reservoir. All of the soil covered with a litter of dried annual weeds and potato tops, so when surface cultivation it is mixed with their remains, enriched with lignin.
This year the soil on the site of the furrows of the potato was so soft I had the tiller weight of 6 kg. Arriving, we saw our spring field of weeds. The aisle is covered with felt, last year's grass, and in the furrows after harvested vegetables — structural soft soil, plowing is not necessary.
Thirty six million five hundred forty four thousand one hundred thirteen
Organic and mineralsin large box lot of organic matter I take hard. Usually in autumn take up to 3-5 tons of manure litter in bags. Just scatter the cabbage and potatoes. In the year is an average no more than 1-2 kg per 1 sq m of the entire area (the cabbage gets 5 kg, potato — 2 kg per season). Since we have no vacant pieces of land, all overgrown with annual weeds and crops. It gives to tons of organic matter per sq. m. (10 kg per 1 sq. m.) is more than enough for feeding soil animals. And since I mineral water randomly does not make, and plough the ground are not killed, the mineralization of organic matter is slowed down, the lignin is transformed into long-lasting humus.
How to do without the plough?How do we manage for 10 days in may together with my wife to plant the whole field (formerly 100, now 35 acres) hands? Very simply.
Eat easy tiller that I'm doing a long double grooves (the distance between the furrows of 40 cm, spacing — 100 cm). In furrows planted potatoes, cabbage seedlings, beets and other vegetables.
Ninety six million three hundred seventy five thousand four hundred thirty nine
Cabbage constantly mulching with manure. Potatoes when planting sprinkle on top of the old compost from the bags; sometimes add locally-lasting Kemira potato. Then, turning the blades of the cultivator, that quickly cover the soil.
Sixteen million two hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred twenty nine
So I cut holes with a depth of 5 cm, grandchildren lay the potatoes, wife and daughter sprinkle the furrows with manure, which lay in bags winter, left the furrow to cover with a layer of soil about 5 cm with the help of chopper.
In June, work with plane the seedlings of annual weeds (of course, only in the furrows) and hilling planting cultivator. Aisle a couple of times we pass the fishing line trimmer's — 2 hours of work for all 35 acres. Fishing line – a great invention of smart people. Chips of green grass from under it falls just below the seedlings of vegetables and perfectly feeds them sugars and amino acids.
A little over a month, and the field is not to know:
Two million four hundred twelve thousand nine hundred sixty eight
As soon as the potato tops and cabbage closes, weeds are not afraid of it. In the fall, after harvest Otava annual weeds covers the entire field like a green carpet, and the spring felt dry herb
Eighty five million one hundred twelve thousand eight hundred eighty one
... and rezultatima switched to a no-till treatment of the soil, I was amazed at the results.
The first years were taken peat and manure on the machines, plowed under the plow, but the land was impoverished, drought hoe didn't take it, plants suffer. Now everywhere moles and earthworms, soil after rain air, structural. The weeds grow to the height of a man, crops of cabbage and potatoes without irrigation annually set records. Any cool summer in August, kids eat corn, melons and watermelons, grown without any film. It in the North, at the latitude of Vologda. In late July, dig early potatoes.
So, to to create a Living soil over a large area of the field, gotta:
The main harvest in September
Eighty three million nine hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred eighty
It turns out to gather all year at one table a family of 11 people and feed them grown on a living earth products from his garden and fields, it is necessary to have in the yard 10 cats…
Cat checked the earth warm; grandchildren name in the field
Eleven million five hundred forty four thousand one hundred sixteen
Goat checked the grass is growing; it is time to take the manure
Fourteen million nine hundred forty one thousand thirty seven
Cats scare off rats and mice - keep grain and beets for animals.
Animals will give a lot of manure, organic matter.
Organics feed the soil biota.
Biota will make the healing products, save the earth from pesticides and excessive water…
Cats will teach the grandchildren to love the earth, preserve its health for future generations.
In the winter and I'm on duty to treat patients for its healing potatoes.published
Sixteen million six hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred seventy two
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru
Seventy two million eight hundred sixty five thousand thirty one
We have a family in the store nobody goes — potatoes and vegetables grow. The last 5 years for the market did not plant only for themselves, children and grandchildren. All live separately, but within walking distance. On weekends for a table of 11 people going.
Have home grow tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, and in the field — mostly, potatoes (40% of the area). A lot of fodder beets (about 25%), and the remaining area — cabbage (including cauliflower and broccoli), carrots, red beets, pumpkins and squashes, melons, corn and sunflower.
Seventy one million eight hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred forty nine
The cultivation of potatoes and vegetables over a large area — it is very hard work. With mechanization will kill the soil, no equipment – ruin health…
We strictly observe crop rotation potatoes returned to the old place after 1.5 years, the rest of the vegetables after 5 years. Therefore, Clubroot on cabbage and nematodes on potatoes we have. Besides, I always purchase potato seeds of high reproductions, and cabbage seeds from reliable firms.
Talk about how not using a shovel and plow, I was able to revive a dead tractors and "chemistry" the farm soil, to increase its content of humus, increase the biodiversity of soil animals.
My method... The first 15 years I plowed a field with a tractor with a plow, and even regular spreading of manure the land is degraded. And only in the last ten years I was able to solve two problems that have not solved the large farmers:
- How to destroy the weeds and not kill the soil biota?
- Both high yield to maintain and increase soil living creatures?
Field without samakonasana — late October Indian summer — I walk across the field with a hand sprayer, find rare courtines green wheat grass and destroy its roundup. The lack of perennial rhizomatous weeds in the spring allows me to loosen all the soil rotary cultivator to a depth of not more than 5 cm without recourse reservoir. All of the soil covered with a litter of dried annual weeds and potato tops, so when surface cultivation it is mixed with their remains, enriched with lignin.
This year the soil on the site of the furrows of the potato was so soft I had the tiller weight of 6 kg. Arriving, we saw our spring field of weeds. The aisle is covered with felt, last year's grass, and in the furrows after harvested vegetables — structural soft soil, plowing is not necessary.
Thirty six million five hundred forty four thousand one hundred thirteen
Organic and mineralsin large box lot of organic matter I take hard. Usually in autumn take up to 3-5 tons of manure litter in bags. Just scatter the cabbage and potatoes. In the year is an average no more than 1-2 kg per 1 sq m of the entire area (the cabbage gets 5 kg, potato — 2 kg per season). Since we have no vacant pieces of land, all overgrown with annual weeds and crops. It gives to tons of organic matter per sq. m. (10 kg per 1 sq. m.) is more than enough for feeding soil animals. And since I mineral water randomly does not make, and plough the ground are not killed, the mineralization of organic matter is slowed down, the lignin is transformed into long-lasting humus.
How to do without the plough?How do we manage for 10 days in may together with my wife to plant the whole field (formerly 100, now 35 acres) hands? Very simply.
Eat easy tiller that I'm doing a long double grooves (the distance between the furrows of 40 cm, spacing — 100 cm). In furrows planted potatoes, cabbage seedlings, beets and other vegetables.
Ninety six million three hundred seventy five thousand four hundred thirty nine
Cabbage constantly mulching with manure. Potatoes when planting sprinkle on top of the old compost from the bags; sometimes add locally-lasting Kemira potato. Then, turning the blades of the cultivator, that quickly cover the soil.
Sixteen million two hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred twenty nine
So I cut holes with a depth of 5 cm, grandchildren lay the potatoes, wife and daughter sprinkle the furrows with manure, which lay in bags winter, left the furrow to cover with a layer of soil about 5 cm with the help of chopper.
In June, work with plane the seedlings of annual weeds (of course, only in the furrows) and hilling planting cultivator. Aisle a couple of times we pass the fishing line trimmer's — 2 hours of work for all 35 acres. Fishing line – a great invention of smart people. Chips of green grass from under it falls just below the seedlings of vegetables and perfectly feeds them sugars and amino acids.
A little over a month, and the field is not to know:
Two million four hundred twelve thousand nine hundred sixty eight
As soon as the potato tops and cabbage closes, weeds are not afraid of it. In the fall, after harvest Otava annual weeds covers the entire field like a green carpet, and the spring felt dry herb
Eighty five million one hundred twelve thousand eight hundred eighty one
... and rezultatima switched to a no-till treatment of the soil, I was amazed at the results.
The first years were taken peat and manure on the machines, plowed under the plow, but the land was impoverished, drought hoe didn't take it, plants suffer. Now everywhere moles and earthworms, soil after rain air, structural. The weeds grow to the height of a man, crops of cabbage and potatoes without irrigation annually set records. Any cool summer in August, kids eat corn, melons and watermelons, grown without any film. It in the North, at the latitude of Vologda. In late July, dig early potatoes.
So, to to create a Living soil over a large area of the field, gotta:
- ploskorez,
- motor cultivator ,
- very little organic matter,
- weeds, trimmed trimmed and left in the aisles.
The main harvest in September
Eighty three million nine hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred eighty
It turns out to gather all year at one table a family of 11 people and feed them grown on a living earth products from his garden and fields, it is necessary to have in the yard 10 cats…
Cat checked the earth warm; grandchildren name in the field
Eleven million five hundred forty four thousand one hundred sixteen
Goat checked the grass is growing; it is time to take the manure
Fourteen million nine hundred forty one thousand thirty seven
Cats scare off rats and mice - keep grain and beets for animals.
Animals will give a lot of manure, organic matter.
Organics feed the soil biota.
Biota will make the healing products, save the earth from pesticides and excessive water…
Cats will teach the grandchildren to love the earth, preserve its health for future generations.
In the winter and I'm on duty to treat patients for its healing potatoes.published
Sixteen million six hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred seventy two
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru