Multifaceted phone fraudsters, or Who can be pretended cheaters with sweet voices

When an unknown number calls, I often don’t answer. And every time I type this number into a search engine to see if it's safe. In most cases, it turns out that they wanted to cheat me. I know that this topic is always relevant. So I decided to tell you, What types of fraudsters exist How to protect yourself from potential deception. Be sure to read this article to the end!

Getting caught by scammers is very easy. Especially when it comes to older people. They are not always versed in modern technologies and are ready to trust the first person they meet, if it concerns their money.

The most popular scheme works very simply. An unknown person calls you and pretends to be an employee of a bank. “Your card is blocked. To unlock it, you need to type your data back and forth, something like this usually sounds at the other end of the wire.

Not everyone remembers what real bankers actually say. And they strongly recommend Never, under any circumstances, transfer your personal data to anyone. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt.

But if this scam is more or less clear, then there are still many ways to get the money of gullible citizens. For example, you can send a person an SMS with a proposal to receive compensation for previously purchased dietary supplements. Also, people are led to various cash winnings or want to return the savings lost when exchanging money.

How fraudsters deceive us Sometimes banking tricksters go even further. They call and say that fraud was carried out with one or another account. They say that now there is an investigation in which a person who has become a victim of fraudsters needs to take a direct part.

The thing is, even the numbers are faked by scammers. So you can actually get a call from the official number of the bank or the investigative committee. And here you are offered to urgently withdraw all your savings from the account so that they are not stolen by fraudsters. And then put the money in a new "special" account where they'll be safe.

Is that what anyone's trying to do? Unfortunately, yes! However, the percentage of such people is small. According to one lady who trades like this, only five percent of a hundred are willing to give their money to strangers. “You don’t have money in Russia,” she said.

Fraudsters are not always represented as bank employees. Get higher! How do you like a call from an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine, for example? This alone puts a person in a stressful situation. Such an employee can orderly demand all the data of the bank card, having invented dozens of reasons for this.

Another alarm call from an investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or a major of the FSB. Of course, he also needs bank card details, since personal data was leaked. Those crooks again! This time, someone submitted a notarial power of attorney to withdraw all money from the card. And the authorities just want to help you. Nonsense!

Modern fraudsters use complicated schemes, involving a large number of participants. They work in comfortable offices, drinking coffee with free cookies. And believe me, they do not feel guilty for their fishing at all.

The first goal of fraudsters is to gain trust. Sometimes you even have to show fake documents. Then it will not be superfluous to intimidate a person with the loss of funds, which will certainly happen if he does not go into contact with employees of the bank or other authorities.

Under the pressure of high-ranking people and banal fear, people begin to believe everything they are told. Fraudster calls need to be handled correctly. How exactly to do this, said my colleague Bogdan Stasyuk. I advise you to definitely read this material.

I also recommend installing Kaspersky Who Calls or its analogues on the phone. Thanks to him, you will be able to recognize all unfamiliar numbers and understand whether a scammer calls you. Great solution for grandparents!

Tell me, have you ever encountered a phone scam? Be sure to share your experience in the comments!


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