Transcription of fate by date of birth
Date of birth is a special magical code in which all information about the character of a person, his fate, trials and successes is encrypted. Numerology continues to investigate these patterns and every year gives more accurate predictions.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to know the fate of a person by his date of birth. It turns out that this is not so difficult, if you know the secret. Or rather, if you know the secret map of fate.
Decoding fate by date of birth View the plate and determine which card by date of birth belongs to you. It can be called the map of your destiny, on which very much depends in life, although not everything.
The suit of the ace peak is a map of mystery and ambition. The most spiritual card of the deck will confront the owner with a choice between material well-being and mental balance. You can’t combine it: either you choose the first or the second. Such people become good friends, mentors have wonderful families, but only if they choose the right path.
2 - a map of partnership and friendship. It is difficult for a person to be alone, he always strives for society. The owner of this card is very important people from his environment, for them he is ready for anything. Usually has a high intelligence and a logical mindset. However, such people often marry for selfish reasons.
3 is a map of artistry. Owners have every chance to succeed with due diligence. They're protected by Jupiter. Many of the challenges we face are debts from past lives. The main thing is to monitor your health, because, despite the huge potential, the owners of this card are subject to stress and physical exhaustion.
4 - work map by vocation. Work is the key thing in your life, you are hardworking and able-bodied. Perhaps you have good oratory skills and people listen to your opinion. The only problem is your surroundings. These people may be envious and those who will take advantage of your career success.
5 is a traveler's card. Travel and change do not scare you, because they have become part of your life. You're anxious, but you're not looking for peace. Rebellious character often manifests itself in the search for truth, spiritual growth. You can achieve the greatest success only in partnership with other people, but be careful, because you are easy to exploit.
6 is destiny map. It is for the owners of this card that the law of cause and effect takes on special weight. “What you sow, you will reap” – so you can succinctly describe their successes and failures. So be responsible. By nature, you are more of a dreamer, and fate will help to realize the purest and brightest thoughts.
7 is an internal voice card. You should trust yourself more and listen to what your heart says. But the holders of this card have a tendency to misjudge people, so never rush to conclusions. In life you will be lucky, but the main thing you should pay attention to is health, watch it young.
8 is a power map. You are a real workaholic and work more for the benefit of others, thinking about yourself in the penultimate turn. You are strong and intelligent, and when you realize this, you feel responsible for others. But at the same time, you crave admiration and recognition of your talents, otherwise you easily succumb to despondency. You should learn to be a little selfish and think more about people close to you, and not about everyone.
9 is a map of universalism. The owners of this card are prone to self-sacrifice. They have great wisdom, often becoming teachers or cultural figures. Often they face emotional swings when they need the care and support of loved ones. It is interesting that it is also easy for them to succeed in business.
10 is a materialist map. You have an iron grip on material success, worrying that your family will need nothing. But it is the balance between family and work that is the hardest for you. The main thing is not to go to extremes. Card holders expect considerable difficulties that will force them to be from many attachments and change their usual way of life.
Jack is the actor's card. The cardholder can become either a spiritual mentor or a criminal. If you cannot resist the temptation, you will fall victim to your own intrigues and unhealthy ambitions. If you make the right choice, you will live easily, rarely facing real difficulties. But be careful, because if you turn off the right path, you are likely to end up in prison.
A lady is a self-development map. The holders of this card have a huge potential, which they often cannot realize, which they regret later. Therefore, take responsibility for your life, and any peaks will no longer seem unattainable. The main problem is the squabbling nature, which should be kept under control. Otherwise, you can push away close people.
The king is the master's card. They can do whatever they want, but most of the time they don’t get half the opportunities. It is curious that often the owners of this card go to work in the field of entertainment, where they destroy their potential. They have great determination and strength, but are often unable to accept change and change for their own good. Surprisingly indecisive in relationships and often remain single for life.
The cross suit of the Ace is a map of knowledge. The owner seeks knowledge, but hates loneliness. The main thing for him is to be in society, no matter what. There is a high probability of being in bad company. A pleasant and witty interlocutor. Feels a huge affection for her mother, who usually turns out to be a strong-willed woman with acute intuition. It is the instructions of the mother that have a decisive influence on relations with the opposite sex.
DepositPhotos 2 is a map of the interlocutor. Running away from loneliness, the owner of this card communicates with everyone in a row. But remaining alone, he quickly turns into an angry and irritable person. Fate protects the owner of this card, so his life path is surprisingly simple. Although there are few bright events here.
3 is a writer's card. You have great creative abilities, the only question is how you decide to implement them. You can succeed either as a teacher or as a writer. But if you allow indecision to prevail over you, meaningless entertainment and petty worries will consume your talent. By the way, luck will accompany you in business, just believe in yourself and see each failure as a stepping stone to success.
4 is a map of intellectual satisfaction. There's a lot of stability in your life, but you worry that it won't always be that way. You are stubborn and often like to argue, adoring the process. Physical strength allows you not to be afraid of even the most difficult work. You are reluctant to acknowledge others’ successes, but you seek recognition yourself. Using talents, you will achieve material prosperity and remain happy.
5 is the card of the seeker of truth. Curiosity can be called the main driving force that constantly brings change to your life. You get bored sitting still, and a long relationship is not about you. Perhaps you will never have a family and turn into a hardened lonely skeptic, or maybe step over yourself and become a good family man. The choice is yours.
6 is the missionary card. Until you find your way in life, you will suffer from anxiety and indecision. But then the road to material stability and harmonious relations with loved ones will open before you. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and do not stop halfway where temptations will be expected: either you take the position of leader and tyranny others, or you let another strong person into your life with whom eternal confrontations will begin.
7 is a map of spirituality. You have intuition and insight. But by following only your inner impulses, you lose common sense, which leads only to disappointment. Going on the lead of emotional impulses, you are able to quickly squander all the money, especially in a state of depression. Therefore, do not allow even the slightest pessimism.
8 is a map of mental strength. Owners often become good lawyers or scientists. The path of such a person is measured and pleasant, success seems to float in hand. When something goes wrong, he panics. In life, the most favorable people are the owners of the Worm Jack and the Peak King. In such a company, you can move mountains.
9 is a map of consciousness. The owner understands life, despite the stereotypes in his society. In his youth he struggles with inner demons and pessimism, trying to believe in himself. Once that happens, the path to recognition is open. The disturbing factor here is natural love. Following passion, you can not only lose time, but also lose your way.
DepositPhotos 10 is a map of intelligent games. You’re very independent and always have dignity. You want to feel irreplaceable to stay calm. But if you go the wrong way, you can also count on success. Not surprisingly, the most favorable people for you are the owners of the Peak Jack, who have similar inclinations.
The jack is the card of the creative soul. A lot of creation for good or for deception. Only you can choose, although in some cases you can connect both sides. An extraordinary mind, a subtle understanding of the principles of enrichment and a craving to invent something new will help you never be poor and always be with money. But sometimes dishonesty and irresponsibility consume you and drag you to the bad side. Don't give in.
The lady is a card of intuition. These people have a penchant for administrative work that they do very well. But in the relationship, everything is not so smooth due to pathological indecision. But for the sake of children, such a person is ready to sacrifice himself.
DepositPhotos The King is a map of the Lord of Knowledge. Such a person rarely listens to other people’s advice and does as he decided. In life, he reaches considerable career heights and occupies leadership positions. But the holders of this card can abuse drugs, neglecting their own health. It is amazing how responsibility for others is combined with carelessness and indifference to oneself.
The ace of diamonds is a card of choice. The desire to love and be loved here competes with the thirst for profit. There is no chance to choose one thing. And this is typical for both sexes. They can go to extremes and nourish illusions than cause irreparable harm to others. By the way, Adolf Hitler (born April 20) was the owner of this card.
2 is a map of quirkiness. A natural entrepreneur who always knows how to make a profit. People often devote their lives to a single cause, in which they get to the very top, but this happens, as a rule, after 35 years. Responsible for loved ones, but in moments of mental stagnation can be unbearable even for their family.
3 is a map of financial creativity. Worrying, indecisive, with a difficult fate. In love relationships with such people, too, not everything is smooth. But high intelligence and good communication skills help to improve things over time.
4 is a map of persistent values. Its owners like to work hard, so they do not have problems with money. They do not swim against the current, rather the opposite. They hate change and always plan their every move. But in old age, such a person can reconsider his life and decide to travel or other exciting activities.
5 is an award seeker card. But the owner of this card does not like routine. He does not seek to find or create an island of stability, so he is always in search of new occupations. If such a person tries himself in the field of trade, he has a good chance to succeed. The main thing is to restrain the innate desire to help everyone, so as not to allow yourself to be manipulated.
6 - financial responsibility card. Paranoid fear of debt forces cardholders to pay their bills on time. They always plan all the expenses. Such a person should not expect that wealth will fall on his head. But in his later years he can become a good teacher and mentor.
7 is a map of spiritual values. The owner of this card is primarily important family and friends, for which he is ready for any hardship. To be successful in life, you need to get out of your routine and learn to take risks. Things will not be easy in the relationship until he gives up total control to give the other half more freedom.
8 is a map of the Sun. Its owners love to shine on the stage or just bathe in attention. They love to control others and hate when someone restricts their freedom. Great inner strength allows them to easily lead other people. But to be successful, you need to accept your strength and not be afraid of responsibility.
DepositPhotos 9 is a self-sacrifice card. Such a person has to work hard to realize himself. You need to be able to share the fruits of your work with others. You should also be able to let people go, otherwise there will be a lot of grief in life. It is the attachment to money and human relationships that prevents the achievement of true happiness. Don't keep anything you can't take with you.
10 is a blessing card. Success accompanies such people in material and love affairs. With pure thoughts, the holder of this card will not suffer or face serious problems. His main trouble is stinginess, growing against the background of growing prosperity. Try to think more about the spiritual side and your doubts disappear.
Jack is a merchant's card. Mind, insight and charm – these words can describe the owners of the card. They learn to manage financial affairs on the fly. However, their love of adventure makes them unreliable allies in both relationships and affairs. They often break their promises without even being embarrassed.
The lady is a philanthropist's card. Indecision makes any choice for the holder of this card an archievable task. Carelessly treat money, spending them on everything, aggravating the financial situation. At the same time, they are generous, harassing loved ones even with the last money. And their charm makes them all partners.
The king is a businessman's card. Working in a hired job, such a person can not realize himself. This happens until he decides to start his own business. Very calculating and self-serving. But at the same time, the owner of this card is surprisingly blind. Successful people are often lonely.
The red suit of the Ace is a love card. The owners of this card are passionate and courageous. Any troubles and trials they do not need. They can take risks in any situation. But what they lack is wisdom and the ability to adequately assess the situation. Such people simply need a wise soul mate or an experienced mentor.
2 is a love card. Such a person is very freedom-loving and curious, and his head is filled with fragile ideals. And problems come when these ideals are broken against the harsh reality. The owner of this card should pay more attention to the practical side of life.
3 is a love card. The owners of this card do not care. They believe that in life it is worth trying everything, and therefore each time they get into new stories. Only by realizing that all their misfortunes are due to instability and the ragged rhythm of life, they are able to find themselves in society.
4 - family and marriage map. These people tend to idealize the future of family life, so finding a suitable partner for a relationship is not easy for them. Moreover, this approach prevents even making friends. The owner of this card should balance their expectations with reality, then they will be able to achieve most goals.
5 is an emotional seeker card. Such a person always needs emotional nourishment, otherwise he will quickly get bored and go looking for adventure. It is difficult for him to work in one place. However, only by devoting his life to one profession can he succeed in his career. But most attempts to swim against the current are doomed to failure.
6 is a peacemaker map. Stable people in life, who, as a rule, create strong families. Strengths: learning and sociability. But the weaknesses include an aggressive reaction to injustice, resentment, sometimes vindictiveness.
7 is a card of spiritual love. These people are aggressive and ambitious, they know how to build a good career. Sometimes they lack honesty, even in love. It is not surprising that they themselves expect a trick from loved ones, suffering from jealousy and distrust. Only by clearing their conscience will they learn to trust others.
8 is a map of emotional strength. They have a huge magnetism and charm, but sometimes lose control and begin to use their talents to harm others. Karmic retribution will come immediately. Especially careful should be with the health, which is too busy holders of this card often suffers.
9 is a map of universal love. Being under the influence of Saturn, these people always pay for any intentional oversight. When you do evil, know that it will come back. However, this does not deter cardholders from the dishonesty and fraud of their innate talents.
10 - a map of success in the team. The ambition of such a person is skyrocketing and in most cases he rises high up the career ladder. And not so much because of efficiency, but because of the charm and ability to build relationships. In a love relationship, he tends to nourish himself with illusions that he believes in until the last moment.
The jack is a card of sacrificial love. Despite seeming frivolity and immaturity, such people are guided by high motives. They are always ready for self-sacrifice, but this makes them an attractive target for various scammers. They follow through and keep their word. Next to such a person is always warm and cozy. The main thing is not to deceive him and not to let others.
A lady is a loving mother's card. Such people have magnetism and attractiveness. More often give all the strength to the family, although they can succeed in career affairs. Often they even manage to combine both sides. But, having lost his way, the holder of this card can idle, addicted to alcohol and drugs, which will destroy him.
The king is the card of a loving father. Sensitive, attentive and generally the best parent, giving everyone sublime love. Such a person will not tolerate betrayal and can turn into a real tyrant for a traitor. With the owner of this card, we do not recommend having conflicts, because he will always find how to adequately respond.
The Joker is a mystery card. Such a person invents laws for himself and fulfills them. He has many masks and it is difficult to know where he is. Most often, he has cunning, cunning and selfishness. You can do good and you can be evil. But you should always expect extremes. But next to such a person is never boring.
This way. decoding It helps only by the date of birth better to know not only yourself, but also loved ones. Earlier, we talked about how you can find out karmic debt and who you were in a past life. And if you are seriously worried about your fate, then read how to cleanse your karma before the New Year. Now is the time, so don’t miss your chance. Are you happy with your fate card?
And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to know the fate of a person by his date of birth. It turns out that this is not so difficult, if you know the secret. Or rather, if you know the secret map of fate.

Decoding fate by date of birth View the plate and determine which card by date of birth belongs to you. It can be called the map of your destiny, on which very much depends in life, although not everything.

The suit of the ace peak is a map of mystery and ambition. The most spiritual card of the deck will confront the owner with a choice between material well-being and mental balance. You can’t combine it: either you choose the first or the second. Such people become good friends, mentors have wonderful families, but only if they choose the right path.
2 - a map of partnership and friendship. It is difficult for a person to be alone, he always strives for society. The owner of this card is very important people from his environment, for them he is ready for anything. Usually has a high intelligence and a logical mindset. However, such people often marry for selfish reasons.
3 is a map of artistry. Owners have every chance to succeed with due diligence. They're protected by Jupiter. Many of the challenges we face are debts from past lives. The main thing is to monitor your health, because, despite the huge potential, the owners of this card are subject to stress and physical exhaustion.

4 - work map by vocation. Work is the key thing in your life, you are hardworking and able-bodied. Perhaps you have good oratory skills and people listen to your opinion. The only problem is your surroundings. These people may be envious and those who will take advantage of your career success.
5 is a traveler's card. Travel and change do not scare you, because they have become part of your life. You're anxious, but you're not looking for peace. Rebellious character often manifests itself in the search for truth, spiritual growth. You can achieve the greatest success only in partnership with other people, but be careful, because you are easy to exploit.
6 is destiny map. It is for the owners of this card that the law of cause and effect takes on special weight. “What you sow, you will reap” – so you can succinctly describe their successes and failures. So be responsible. By nature, you are more of a dreamer, and fate will help to realize the purest and brightest thoughts.
7 is an internal voice card. You should trust yourself more and listen to what your heart says. But the holders of this card have a tendency to misjudge people, so never rush to conclusions. In life you will be lucky, but the main thing you should pay attention to is health, watch it young.
8 is a power map. You are a real workaholic and work more for the benefit of others, thinking about yourself in the penultimate turn. You are strong and intelligent, and when you realize this, you feel responsible for others. But at the same time, you crave admiration and recognition of your talents, otherwise you easily succumb to despondency. You should learn to be a little selfish and think more about people close to you, and not about everyone.

9 is a map of universalism. The owners of this card are prone to self-sacrifice. They have great wisdom, often becoming teachers or cultural figures. Often they face emotional swings when they need the care and support of loved ones. It is interesting that it is also easy for them to succeed in business.
10 is a materialist map. You have an iron grip on material success, worrying that your family will need nothing. But it is the balance between family and work that is the hardest for you. The main thing is not to go to extremes. Card holders expect considerable difficulties that will force them to be from many attachments and change their usual way of life.
Jack is the actor's card. The cardholder can become either a spiritual mentor or a criminal. If you cannot resist the temptation, you will fall victim to your own intrigues and unhealthy ambitions. If you make the right choice, you will live easily, rarely facing real difficulties. But be careful, because if you turn off the right path, you are likely to end up in prison.
A lady is a self-development map. The holders of this card have a huge potential, which they often cannot realize, which they regret later. Therefore, take responsibility for your life, and any peaks will no longer seem unattainable. The main problem is the squabbling nature, which should be kept under control. Otherwise, you can push away close people.

The king is the master's card. They can do whatever they want, but most of the time they don’t get half the opportunities. It is curious that often the owners of this card go to work in the field of entertainment, where they destroy their potential. They have great determination and strength, but are often unable to accept change and change for their own good. Surprisingly indecisive in relationships and often remain single for life.
The cross suit of the Ace is a map of knowledge. The owner seeks knowledge, but hates loneliness. The main thing for him is to be in society, no matter what. There is a high probability of being in bad company. A pleasant and witty interlocutor. Feels a huge affection for her mother, who usually turns out to be a strong-willed woman with acute intuition. It is the instructions of the mother that have a decisive influence on relations with the opposite sex.

DepositPhotos 2 is a map of the interlocutor. Running away from loneliness, the owner of this card communicates with everyone in a row. But remaining alone, he quickly turns into an angry and irritable person. Fate protects the owner of this card, so his life path is surprisingly simple. Although there are few bright events here.
3 is a writer's card. You have great creative abilities, the only question is how you decide to implement them. You can succeed either as a teacher or as a writer. But if you allow indecision to prevail over you, meaningless entertainment and petty worries will consume your talent. By the way, luck will accompany you in business, just believe in yourself and see each failure as a stepping stone to success.
4 is a map of intellectual satisfaction. There's a lot of stability in your life, but you worry that it won't always be that way. You are stubborn and often like to argue, adoring the process. Physical strength allows you not to be afraid of even the most difficult work. You are reluctant to acknowledge others’ successes, but you seek recognition yourself. Using talents, you will achieve material prosperity and remain happy.
5 is the card of the seeker of truth. Curiosity can be called the main driving force that constantly brings change to your life. You get bored sitting still, and a long relationship is not about you. Perhaps you will never have a family and turn into a hardened lonely skeptic, or maybe step over yourself and become a good family man. The choice is yours.
6 is the missionary card. Until you find your way in life, you will suffer from anxiety and indecision. But then the road to material stability and harmonious relations with loved ones will open before you. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and do not stop halfway where temptations will be expected: either you take the position of leader and tyranny others, or you let another strong person into your life with whom eternal confrontations will begin.

7 is a map of spirituality. You have intuition and insight. But by following only your inner impulses, you lose common sense, which leads only to disappointment. Going on the lead of emotional impulses, you are able to quickly squander all the money, especially in a state of depression. Therefore, do not allow even the slightest pessimism.
8 is a map of mental strength. Owners often become good lawyers or scientists. The path of such a person is measured and pleasant, success seems to float in hand. When something goes wrong, he panics. In life, the most favorable people are the owners of the Worm Jack and the Peak King. In such a company, you can move mountains.
9 is a map of consciousness. The owner understands life, despite the stereotypes in his society. In his youth he struggles with inner demons and pessimism, trying to believe in himself. Once that happens, the path to recognition is open. The disturbing factor here is natural love. Following passion, you can not only lose time, but also lose your way.

DepositPhotos 10 is a map of intelligent games. You’re very independent and always have dignity. You want to feel irreplaceable to stay calm. But if you go the wrong way, you can also count on success. Not surprisingly, the most favorable people for you are the owners of the Peak Jack, who have similar inclinations.
The jack is the card of the creative soul. A lot of creation for good or for deception. Only you can choose, although in some cases you can connect both sides. An extraordinary mind, a subtle understanding of the principles of enrichment and a craving to invent something new will help you never be poor and always be with money. But sometimes dishonesty and irresponsibility consume you and drag you to the bad side. Don't give in.
The lady is a card of intuition. These people have a penchant for administrative work that they do very well. But in the relationship, everything is not so smooth due to pathological indecision. But for the sake of children, such a person is ready to sacrifice himself.

DepositPhotos The King is a map of the Lord of Knowledge. Such a person rarely listens to other people’s advice and does as he decided. In life, he reaches considerable career heights and occupies leadership positions. But the holders of this card can abuse drugs, neglecting their own health. It is amazing how responsibility for others is combined with carelessness and indifference to oneself.
The ace of diamonds is a card of choice. The desire to love and be loved here competes with the thirst for profit. There is no chance to choose one thing. And this is typical for both sexes. They can go to extremes and nourish illusions than cause irreparable harm to others. By the way, Adolf Hitler (born April 20) was the owner of this card.
2 is a map of quirkiness. A natural entrepreneur who always knows how to make a profit. People often devote their lives to a single cause, in which they get to the very top, but this happens, as a rule, after 35 years. Responsible for loved ones, but in moments of mental stagnation can be unbearable even for their family.
3 is a map of financial creativity. Worrying, indecisive, with a difficult fate. In love relationships with such people, too, not everything is smooth. But high intelligence and good communication skills help to improve things over time.
4 is a map of persistent values. Its owners like to work hard, so they do not have problems with money. They do not swim against the current, rather the opposite. They hate change and always plan their every move. But in old age, such a person can reconsider his life and decide to travel or other exciting activities.
5 is an award seeker card. But the owner of this card does not like routine. He does not seek to find or create an island of stability, so he is always in search of new occupations. If such a person tries himself in the field of trade, he has a good chance to succeed. The main thing is to restrain the innate desire to help everyone, so as not to allow yourself to be manipulated.

6 - financial responsibility card. Paranoid fear of debt forces cardholders to pay their bills on time. They always plan all the expenses. Such a person should not expect that wealth will fall on his head. But in his later years he can become a good teacher and mentor.
7 is a map of spiritual values. The owner of this card is primarily important family and friends, for which he is ready for any hardship. To be successful in life, you need to get out of your routine and learn to take risks. Things will not be easy in the relationship until he gives up total control to give the other half more freedom.
8 is a map of the Sun. Its owners love to shine on the stage or just bathe in attention. They love to control others and hate when someone restricts their freedom. Great inner strength allows them to easily lead other people. But to be successful, you need to accept your strength and not be afraid of responsibility.

DepositPhotos 9 is a self-sacrifice card. Such a person has to work hard to realize himself. You need to be able to share the fruits of your work with others. You should also be able to let people go, otherwise there will be a lot of grief in life. It is the attachment to money and human relationships that prevents the achievement of true happiness. Don't keep anything you can't take with you.
10 is a blessing card. Success accompanies such people in material and love affairs. With pure thoughts, the holder of this card will not suffer or face serious problems. His main trouble is stinginess, growing against the background of growing prosperity. Try to think more about the spiritual side and your doubts disappear.
Jack is a merchant's card. Mind, insight and charm – these words can describe the owners of the card. They learn to manage financial affairs on the fly. However, their love of adventure makes them unreliable allies in both relationships and affairs. They often break their promises without even being embarrassed.

The lady is a philanthropist's card. Indecision makes any choice for the holder of this card an archievable task. Carelessly treat money, spending them on everything, aggravating the financial situation. At the same time, they are generous, harassing loved ones even with the last money. And their charm makes them all partners.
The king is a businessman's card. Working in a hired job, such a person can not realize himself. This happens until he decides to start his own business. Very calculating and self-serving. But at the same time, the owner of this card is surprisingly blind. Successful people are often lonely.
The red suit of the Ace is a love card. The owners of this card are passionate and courageous. Any troubles and trials they do not need. They can take risks in any situation. But what they lack is wisdom and the ability to adequately assess the situation. Such people simply need a wise soul mate or an experienced mentor.

2 is a love card. Such a person is very freedom-loving and curious, and his head is filled with fragile ideals. And problems come when these ideals are broken against the harsh reality. The owner of this card should pay more attention to the practical side of life.
3 is a love card. The owners of this card do not care. They believe that in life it is worth trying everything, and therefore each time they get into new stories. Only by realizing that all their misfortunes are due to instability and the ragged rhythm of life, they are able to find themselves in society.
4 - family and marriage map. These people tend to idealize the future of family life, so finding a suitable partner for a relationship is not easy for them. Moreover, this approach prevents even making friends. The owner of this card should balance their expectations with reality, then they will be able to achieve most goals.

5 is an emotional seeker card. Such a person always needs emotional nourishment, otherwise he will quickly get bored and go looking for adventure. It is difficult for him to work in one place. However, only by devoting his life to one profession can he succeed in his career. But most attempts to swim against the current are doomed to failure.
6 is a peacemaker map. Stable people in life, who, as a rule, create strong families. Strengths: learning and sociability. But the weaknesses include an aggressive reaction to injustice, resentment, sometimes vindictiveness.
7 is a card of spiritual love. These people are aggressive and ambitious, they know how to build a good career. Sometimes they lack honesty, even in love. It is not surprising that they themselves expect a trick from loved ones, suffering from jealousy and distrust. Only by clearing their conscience will they learn to trust others.

8 is a map of emotional strength. They have a huge magnetism and charm, but sometimes lose control and begin to use their talents to harm others. Karmic retribution will come immediately. Especially careful should be with the health, which is too busy holders of this card often suffers.
9 is a map of universal love. Being under the influence of Saturn, these people always pay for any intentional oversight. When you do evil, know that it will come back. However, this does not deter cardholders from the dishonesty and fraud of their innate talents.
10 - a map of success in the team. The ambition of such a person is skyrocketing and in most cases he rises high up the career ladder. And not so much because of efficiency, but because of the charm and ability to build relationships. In a love relationship, he tends to nourish himself with illusions that he believes in until the last moment.
The jack is a card of sacrificial love. Despite seeming frivolity and immaturity, such people are guided by high motives. They are always ready for self-sacrifice, but this makes them an attractive target for various scammers. They follow through and keep their word. Next to such a person is always warm and cozy. The main thing is not to deceive him and not to let others.
A lady is a loving mother's card. Such people have magnetism and attractiveness. More often give all the strength to the family, although they can succeed in career affairs. Often they even manage to combine both sides. But, having lost his way, the holder of this card can idle, addicted to alcohol and drugs, which will destroy him.
The king is the card of a loving father. Sensitive, attentive and generally the best parent, giving everyone sublime love. Such a person will not tolerate betrayal and can turn into a real tyrant for a traitor. With the owner of this card, we do not recommend having conflicts, because he will always find how to adequately respond.

The Joker is a mystery card. Such a person invents laws for himself and fulfills them. He has many masks and it is difficult to know where he is. Most often, he has cunning, cunning and selfishness. You can do good and you can be evil. But you should always expect extremes. But next to such a person is never boring.
This way. decoding It helps only by the date of birth better to know not only yourself, but also loved ones. Earlier, we talked about how you can find out karmic debt and who you were in a past life. And if you are seriously worried about your fate, then read how to cleanse your karma before the New Year. Now is the time, so don’t miss your chance. Are you happy with your fate card?