9 Simple Ways to Learn a person's character on the cheeks and fingers
Each of us can pretend to hide the negative aspects. But some things are on the surface, and an experienced eye immediately distinguish them. Daily Mail offers a series of short and simple tests that will tell a lot about you and your friends.
< 1. On his forehead is written,
Use your finger to draw a on his forehead a capital E.
If you drew the letter so - ∃ (to make it look correct from the point of view of others), you will by no means indifferent to other people's opinions, especially about yourself. You easily argue, because you listen to what others say, and easier to adapt to external circumstances. You also tend to change behavior depending on what company are.
If you drew the letter so that it looks just right for you, then you are putting your own opinions and values of life above others' needs and interests, even loved ones. It is difficult to adapt to different situations, in most cases you behave roughly the same, and therefore, to some extent, predictable. At the same time, you are proud of your own integrity in relation to people and waiting for them to reply straightforwardness.
< 2. Think thumbs Clasp your fingers in a "lock". The thumb is a hand was on top - left or right
This test is based on the theory that the two hemispheres of the brain "think differently": the left is responsible for logic and language, and the right - for the emotions, imagination and creativity. Moreover, each of which controls the opposite half of the body: the left hemisphere = right half, the right hemisphere = left half
. It turns out that if you were right on top of the thumb, then you have a dominant left hemisphere, so you logical-rational. If on top of the left thumb, then you act more intuitively.
True, the theory is controversial, and many psychologists are against such a simplified approach. However, the test is interesting though because your sub-conscious "choice" finger, which will fall from the top, is connected with the hemispheres, and not with you right handed or left-handed.
< 3. Personal Account
For any full-face photos or looking in the mirror, measure the width of your face between the cheekbones and the length of the upper lip to the highest point between the eyebrows. You do not critical size, and the proportion, which is to be divided by the length of the width (for example, 12 cm / 7 = 1 5 cm, 6).
For most people, this front proportion is 1, 5 (narrow faces) to 2, 1 (broad). The latter are particularly common in men. Scientists believe the whole thing in the male sex hormone testosterone - what it is, the more severe appearance - overhanging eyebrows, prominent jaw, high cheekbones
. The same severity from an excess of testosterone and is reflected in the character, people with wide faces are generally more aggressive and impulsive, but because of self-confidence and assertiveness, they are doing well in business, politics and sport
. English footballer Wayne Rooney - a typical representative of the "broad-faced." Canadian actor Ryan Gosling - it is almost the complete opposite
Women with wide faces are not necessarily aggressive, but often differ sanity and wit.
In people with narrower faces its advantages: they are more peaceful, gentle and honest
. Broad (for proportions) the face of the actress Keira Knightley does not look rough and "masculine." Uma Thurman, on the contrary, from the "clan-headed»
4. Your destiny is in your hands
Extend your right arm, fingers are pressed, and compare the length of index and ring.
It turns out that the ratio of the length of the fingers is due to the impact on the child of the same testosterone is still in the womb! The stronger was the impact, the longer ring fingers, and, accordingly, all the more pronounced in the nature of "male" traits such as confidence, assertiveness and sexual attraction. If a man has a ring finger longer than index, it is rather risky than cautious, used to rely on their own forces, often feels right and is prone to changes. If a longer index finger, the man is not so stubborn, less disruptive, but it is more helpful to women - those most often find it "nice" and "pleasant." For most women, the index and ring fingers are about the same length. But if you still untitled longer, these women are more self-confident and are often successful in business.
< 5. Find your "I»
Now try to mentally determine where "lives" your "I" - in the heart or in the head
? "Cores", as a rule, are driven by emotions, and make decisions, act intuitively. For them, the important social connections, they are very attached to their social groups. And, as shown by a very specific study, people with heart disease presenting them with more empathy and participation than people suffering from mental disorders.
And those who have "a king in his head," higher value independence more firmly react to stress and generally more erudite. In the profession, they often have higher qualifications.
< 6. Ice or flames?
Count how many situations this list you really annoying?
When evil people complain about fat on their figure
When someone asks for advice and then ignore it Annoying sellers in the store
When the profile pages of social networks give parents a photo of children
When yoga instructor pays you more attention than the rest
When things are taken out of the box, do not fit back
Any stories about how someone has had too much alcohol familiarity of strangers and unfamiliar people
Weak handshake
When parents show off their children
When the dentist asks you a question, but you can not answer
When your personal numbers call advertising
goods and services People who are doing pictures at parties
When you have to hug / kiss unpleasant relative
When you call for calm
When people tell you what they would do in your place
This psychological test shows how much you are tolerant and forgiving of other people's weaknesses and shortcomings.
If there was a less than 5 items that you really enrage, you can congratulate yourself: you balanced, not upset over nothing and completely correspond to what employers called "stress tolerance»
. If you counted more than 12 points, then most likely, you are quick-tempered and unrestrained, you can easily deduce from itself. But you know what? These people, unknowingly, suffer from intolerance own more than others from their angry outbursts.
< 7. Hello, school!
Solve 3 puzzles:
a) notepad and pencil together cost 1 dollar 10 cents. Notepad $ 1 more expensive pencil. How much does the pencil?
b) 5 machines 5 minutes doing 5 hammers. How much time do 100 cars 100 hammers?
c) The disease struck the trees in the forest. Every day, the affected area is doubled. If the entire forest will be struck for 30 days, for how long the illness will cover half of the forest?
< Breakdown
Check the answers under the picture below. If at least 2 tasks you choose correctly, then you have an analytical mindset. Such people often get a better education in prestigious universities, not muhlyuyut on exams and are not attracted to religion.
If you have none or one right answer, then most likely, you think "intuitively", tending to the decisions that "seem" to you correct and clear. Your heart controls the head, and you will surely impatient and restless.
a) 5 cents
b) 5 minutes
c) 29 days
8. Eye-diamond
Pull both hands and bring the palms so that between them remains a small gap, like a hole in the fence.
Keeping both eyes open, look through the gap to the remote object, for example, on the door handle. Now, without moving your hands, zazhmurte left eye. If you still see the object, then your right eye - leading. If not, and closing the right eye, the left you will see the object, it is leading.
< Breakdown
Surprisingly, although 90% of people - right-handed people, about 70% - "levoglazye" (ie, a leading left eye)
. Psychologists do not see here no special connection with the character, but it is worth considering that your brain is more susceptible to visual information, which comes from the dominant eye.
< 9. Yawn to your health!
Examine this image for 30 seconds.
Well, I can not help yawn or not getting through? ,
< Breakdown
Yawning is very contagious: we involuntarily begin to yawn when we see how others yawn, though really, even in the picture. Sometimes contagious even the thought of yawning.
This suggests that most of us, fortunately, are inclined to empathize with others, to share their feelings, understand people and, as a consequence, closer. Some studies have shown that the closer the relationship between people, the greater the likelihood that one yawn yawn in response to another.
If you rarely contract someone else yawn, then you are not so important the feelings of others, and you do not really susceptible to other people's joys and sorrows.
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< 1. On his forehead is written,
Use your finger to draw a on his forehead a capital E.
If you drew the letter so - ∃ (to make it look correct from the point of view of others), you will by no means indifferent to other people's opinions, especially about yourself. You easily argue, because you listen to what others say, and easier to adapt to external circumstances. You also tend to change behavior depending on what company are.
If you drew the letter so that it looks just right for you, then you are putting your own opinions and values of life above others' needs and interests, even loved ones. It is difficult to adapt to different situations, in most cases you behave roughly the same, and therefore, to some extent, predictable. At the same time, you are proud of your own integrity in relation to people and waiting for them to reply straightforwardness.
< 2. Think thumbs Clasp your fingers in a "lock". The thumb is a hand was on top - left or right

This test is based on the theory that the two hemispheres of the brain "think differently": the left is responsible for logic and language, and the right - for the emotions, imagination and creativity. Moreover, each of which controls the opposite half of the body: the left hemisphere = right half, the right hemisphere = left half
. It turns out that if you were right on top of the thumb, then you have a dominant left hemisphere, so you logical-rational. If on top of the left thumb, then you act more intuitively.
True, the theory is controversial, and many psychologists are against such a simplified approach. However, the test is interesting though because your sub-conscious "choice" finger, which will fall from the top, is connected with the hemispheres, and not with you right handed or left-handed.
< 3. Personal Account
For any full-face photos or looking in the mirror, measure the width of your face between the cheekbones and the length of the upper lip to the highest point between the eyebrows. You do not critical size, and the proportion, which is to be divided by the length of the width (for example, 12 cm / 7 = 1 5 cm, 6).

For most people, this front proportion is 1, 5 (narrow faces) to 2, 1 (broad). The latter are particularly common in men. Scientists believe the whole thing in the male sex hormone testosterone - what it is, the more severe appearance - overhanging eyebrows, prominent jaw, high cheekbones
. The same severity from an excess of testosterone and is reflected in the character, people with wide faces are generally more aggressive and impulsive, but because of self-confidence and assertiveness, they are doing well in business, politics and sport
. English footballer Wayne Rooney - a typical representative of the "broad-faced." Canadian actor Ryan Gosling - it is almost the complete opposite

Women with wide faces are not necessarily aggressive, but often differ sanity and wit.
In people with narrower faces its advantages: they are more peaceful, gentle and honest
. Broad (for proportions) the face of the actress Keira Knightley does not look rough and "masculine." Uma Thurman, on the contrary, from the "clan-headed»

4. Your destiny is in your hands
Extend your right arm, fingers are pressed, and compare the length of index and ring.

It turns out that the ratio of the length of the fingers is due to the impact on the child of the same testosterone is still in the womb! The stronger was the impact, the longer ring fingers, and, accordingly, all the more pronounced in the nature of "male" traits such as confidence, assertiveness and sexual attraction. If a man has a ring finger longer than index, it is rather risky than cautious, used to rely on their own forces, often feels right and is prone to changes. If a longer index finger, the man is not so stubborn, less disruptive, but it is more helpful to women - those most often find it "nice" and "pleasant." For most women, the index and ring fingers are about the same length. But if you still untitled longer, these women are more self-confident and are often successful in business.
< 5. Find your "I»
Now try to mentally determine where "lives" your "I" - in the heart or in the head
? "Cores", as a rule, are driven by emotions, and make decisions, act intuitively. For them, the important social connections, they are very attached to their social groups. And, as shown by a very specific study, people with heart disease presenting them with more empathy and participation than people suffering from mental disorders.
And those who have "a king in his head," higher value independence more firmly react to stress and generally more erudite. In the profession, they often have higher qualifications.
< 6. Ice or flames?
Count how many situations this list you really annoying?
When evil people complain about fat on their figure
When someone asks for advice and then ignore it Annoying sellers in the store
When the profile pages of social networks give parents a photo of children
When yoga instructor pays you more attention than the rest
When things are taken out of the box, do not fit back
Any stories about how someone has had too much alcohol familiarity of strangers and unfamiliar people
Weak handshake
When parents show off their children
When the dentist asks you a question, but you can not answer
When your personal numbers call advertising
goods and services People who are doing pictures at parties
When you have to hug / kiss unpleasant relative
When you call for calm
When people tell you what they would do in your place
This psychological test shows how much you are tolerant and forgiving of other people's weaknesses and shortcomings.
If there was a less than 5 items that you really enrage, you can congratulate yourself: you balanced, not upset over nothing and completely correspond to what employers called "stress tolerance»
. If you counted more than 12 points, then most likely, you are quick-tempered and unrestrained, you can easily deduce from itself. But you know what? These people, unknowingly, suffer from intolerance own more than others from their angry outbursts.
< 7. Hello, school!
Solve 3 puzzles:
a) notepad and pencil together cost 1 dollar 10 cents. Notepad $ 1 more expensive pencil. How much does the pencil?
b) 5 machines 5 minutes doing 5 hammers. How much time do 100 cars 100 hammers?
c) The disease struck the trees in the forest. Every day, the affected area is doubled. If the entire forest will be struck for 30 days, for how long the illness will cover half of the forest?
< Breakdown
Check the answers under the picture below. If at least 2 tasks you choose correctly, then you have an analytical mindset. Such people often get a better education in prestigious universities, not muhlyuyut on exams and are not attracted to religion.
If you have none or one right answer, then most likely, you think "intuitively", tending to the decisions that "seem" to you correct and clear. Your heart controls the head, and you will surely impatient and restless.

a) 5 cents
b) 5 minutes
c) 29 days
8. Eye-diamond
Pull both hands and bring the palms so that between them remains a small gap, like a hole in the fence.

Keeping both eyes open, look through the gap to the remote object, for example, on the door handle. Now, without moving your hands, zazhmurte left eye. If you still see the object, then your right eye - leading. If not, and closing the right eye, the left you will see the object, it is leading.
< Breakdown
Surprisingly, although 90% of people - right-handed people, about 70% - "levoglazye" (ie, a leading left eye)
. Psychologists do not see here no special connection with the character, but it is worth considering that your brain is more susceptible to visual information, which comes from the dominant eye.
< 9. Yawn to your health!
Examine this image for 30 seconds.

Well, I can not help yawn or not getting through? ,
< Breakdown
Yawning is very contagious: we involuntarily begin to yawn when we see how others yawn, though really, even in the picture. Sometimes contagious even the thought of yawning.
This suggests that most of us, fortunately, are inclined to empathize with others, to share their feelings, understand people and, as a consequence, closer. Some studies have shown that the closer the relationship between people, the greater the likelihood that one yawn yawn in response to another.
If you rarely contract someone else yawn, then you are not so important the feelings of others, and you do not really susceptible to other people's joys and sorrows.
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