Numerologist told how to determine the character and fate of a person by date of birth, coincides almost always

In ancient Egypt, it was believed that the power of numbers connects the real world with the otherworld and carries the will of the gods. Thus appeared numerology - the science of numbers, their impact on human life. And, even if you’ve never thought about what your date of birth means, it doesn’t mean it’s less of an influence. Specially trained people know, How to understand the character of manOnly based on the date of his birth.

Everything matters: the year and coordinates of birth, the position of the planets and time. But you can start from the date. when man was born. The numbers add up, getting the required amount. Thus, we have 9 indicators, each of which has a unique set of qualities. How to do it correctly, we tell in our article.

How to understand the character of a person by his date of birth

Unsplash Let’s say you were born on October 11. And figure outIt is enough to add 1 with 1, and get 2. When a person is born on the 19th, we get the number 10. Now add 1 and 0, and you get one. The same thing happens with the number 28, which ultimately gives one. I think we should start with her.

People-ones: 1, 10, 19, 28 One is hard to miss - it is a born leader and organizer. Such a person rarely trusts important work to another person, preferring to do it on their own or on their own. take control. That's how he gets into a leadership position! Communication is quite simple and straightforward, always know what and when to say. Units live by very clear moral principles, they tend to fight for justice. In the family plan may seem a little restrained, but if the unit chooses a pair, it remains faithful to it to the end.

Unsplash Two People: 2, 11, 20, 29 How to understand the character of a person The number two? The two seem to signal ambiguity. Yes, twos are really prone to mood swings, but this is due to the abundance of feelings. They are very emotional, can easily cry at a touching moment in the film. That's because twos are romantic. They are well able to support in difficult times and will be the first to lend a helping hand. People are kind-hearted, but too trusting, which often plays a cruel joke with them.

How to understand the character of a person: 2, 12, 21, 30 Distinctive couple of threes - the ability to quickly and efficiently settle. They laugh in the face of difficulties and overcome them with great success. You can also see that their stress tolerance gives them a good bonus. This makes them feel like fish in the water in finance. They will perfectly suit the profession of financier, banker, accountant. As well as other specialties that require perseverance and the right strategic approach. For a threesome, a small fraction of the risk in life is common because this type of personality knows how to beat it.

Unsplash Four People: 4, 13, 22, 31 Unlike the lucky and fearless threes, the foursome will stay away from risky and ambiguous situations. He will always be in the first place. stability and personal comfort. This is why people are more likely to seek a reliable and long-term romantic relationship. They are very self-sufficient and do not like to waste their energy. Appropriate professions are associated with the latest technology, so programming or robotics is a great choice.

Five-men: 5, 14, 23 Freedom-loving fives They will jealously guard their goals and personal space. They will not tolerate possessiveness and restraint, are difficult to control, and are almost impossible to manipulate. In the field of creative activity, five are not equal! Fashion industry, painting, writing – that’s what they will be happy to direct their energy to.

Unsplash Fives are cheerful and appreciated every day. They are also somewhat ambitious, and therefore will not refuse increased attention and compliments.

Six Men: 6, 14, 24 Six usually form noblemanshipThis is influenced by three factors. First, love of money and ambition. Secondly, the way of life - sixes like to live on a wide foot. And thirdly, erudition and pride. Despite its elevation, the six do not take root in senior positions, but in the field of communications it has no equal. The fact is that for this she lacks a little responsibility and organization. The six are an excellent demagogue and speaker, so the position of lawyer or politician is best suited.

How to understand the character of a person: 7, 16, 25 Since ancient times, the number 7 was considered magical, endowed with special power. People born under its influence are intuition. They can scan their surroundings perfectly, they can even seem to read minds. Sevens are very thorough and thoughtful, which makes them excellent leaders. They are forward-thinking and patient, but they can be tough when needed. The family prefers to play the main role.

8, 17, 26 People with the number of fate 8 are loved by fortune. They are good at everything, but only if they focus on one thing and go all the way. They are persistent, often lucky and have idealism. The eight will not say directly, but no, no, and love awaits at first sight. Eights. dreamerThis allows them to work hard in the name of the idea and achieve better results. They grow up faster and sometimes feel lonely and misunderstood.

How to understand the character of a person: 9, 18, 27 And finally, the last number that endows its owner iron-will. Such people seem a little harsh, but they have a very kind heart and often go to charity. If a nine has the necessary ambition, she will become an entrepreneur. Business acumen She has nine in her blood, you just have to give her the chance and the support she needs in the beginning. It is important to note that nines always set a high bar: both to achieve goals and to find a partner. That is why lone wolves and wolfs among the nines are not uncommon.

The influence of numbers on our lives is undeniable, it is inherent in human nature. It’s not for nothing that we love dating, right? However, in order to determine your date of birth, it is important to consider other factors. You can and should get to know yourself through numbers. How to understand the character of man. What is the number on your date of birth?


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