One evening I couldn’t stand it and told my husband everything I thought, and then a very unpleasant truth about him was revealed.

For most people, learning from their mistakes is the only effective way to make a difference. In order to do the right thing, you need a certain karma lesson. Otherwise, no logical conclusions will follow. In other words, only stepping on the rake once, or even several times, a person can learn something. Sadly, if we were more prescient, these rakes could have been avoided.

Perhaps the number of divorces would be much less if some couples were interested in the lives of other families and drew certain conclusions for themselves. So no, family psychologists and lawyers claim that they often deal with the same issues and problems. Infidelity, dissatisfaction of one of the partners in the financial situation of the family, everyday moments. If the newlyweds had a habit of thinking about these three points before marriage, conflicts after going to the registry office would be many times less.

Appearance for a sales manager plays a huge role. Of course, the language should also be suspended, and a person must be well versed in his topic. But, as they say, they meet on clothes. It is difficult to prove something to a client who sees a man in a shabby coat or shoes, who is not the first year. It seems that things are going out of his hands badly. This means that there will be very little benefit from such cooperation. These are the realities of life.

My wardrobe has always been of special importance to me. Not only because I am a woman, but also because of my professional nature. My husband has always been very negative about my passion. He could buy himself something expensive, like a cashmere sweater or a pure wool suit, and wear it for years. Of course, from time to time somewhere tweaking and stitching. In that sense, we were like heaven and earth.

At the same time, I was very indifferent to food. Could have missed lunch or breakfast. I always ate everything. As a child, I was an obese child, but due to the constant workload and, apparently, stress, my weight stopped at around 55 kilograms, and in especially busy weeks could fall even lower. Petya has never played such games. He needed meat, a hearty side dish, and something for dessert. Otherwise, he began to be cranky and rude. It could even be scandalous.

We didn’t have children, and if we did, I don’t even know what kind of shish our family could function normally. Neither my husband nor I had any bad habits. Both worked. In general, a normal couple, how many. On the other hand, we had a lot of loans. My husband's apartment again. But for utilities, I mostly had to pay. And add to this a large percentage of funds that went to food and the main passion of Peter – fishing.

I never objected to him going out with his friends. A man should be able to fish. But! If other women’s main complaint is that their husbands come after fishing “on eyebrows”, then our situation was somewhat different. The husband and his companions chose the most impassable roads through rocks and swamps to get to exactly the places they needed. And the all-terrain vehicle in their company was only Petit. He also paid for gas and repairs. And I'll tell you honestly, I've always found these costs excessive. We had to pay them out of our own pocket.

Peels Karmic Lesson So it's no surprise that at some point I couldn't stand it. I decided to tell my husband everything at once. Until that day, we might have quarreled over some minor issues. But this case was different. I didn't need a fight, I didn't need to let off steam. I just wanted answers to my questions, which is what I think adults should do. Not to comfort your ego, but to find out what to expect for yourself in the future.

In general, the situation is rather mundane. And I didn't even expect the mud from my husband to open that day. I would have known if I had been mentally prepared. In general, some new details from his life were revealed, which he certainly did not leave aside. He had been visiting my mother-in-law for months after work. Snack and chat. Because, he said, I didn’t do my homework: I didn’t prepare him what he wanted, and I didn’t prepare him to the fullest.

This was especially funny, since Petya himself had no household duties. Only rights. I could actually order something from delivery, especially on the hardest days at work. But again, food has never been in the first place for me. Second, I was complaining about my “appetites” for new clothes. And I don't care that I spent most of my own savings on new things. My husband was “tired” of seeing our closet overflowing, although I told him a hundred times that I had to keep the bar high regarding my appearance.

And thirdly, given all of the above, he doesn't see any gratitude from me. After all, we live in his apartment and, if it wasn’t for him, I would actually be soaking up somewhere in a removable Khrushchev, although dressed like a Christmas tree. But you still have to pay the loans... Which, by the way, were mainly taken on his wants. But he doesn't want to hear about it, because since we're a family, all debts have to be shared equally. That probably pissed me off the most. It was after these words that I decided that I was taking too much on myself and could no longer continue in the same rhythm.

I understand that my situation literally screams that my husband Petey and I subsequently filed for divorce, but that, at least for now, is not quite the case. No, the next day we decided not to rush. And yet we don't live together now. I rented a small one-bedroom apartment, which I moved into with all my belongings, which so annoyed my husband. No cooking or cleaning every day after work. I eat in cafes and everything is fine.

The husband, in turn, was left to live alone and now he must take care of himself, cook, clean. That's his karmic lesson! In general, create everything that I did before we talked. And I think these concerns will make him think a little bit about his words and behavior. At the moment, we live in this rhythm for a month and a half, and our contract is designed for all three. It may seem like a long time, but I don’t think it is. There are couples who have not been married for years. For work or some other reason.

From the results I can share with you two interesting, as I thought, moments. The husband, for example, decided that since he could not return to his home for a while, he could go fishing with friends longer than usual. That's what he was punished for. He wrecked the car, so he had to take a big truck back to town. And it seems to me that there is no possibility of putting it anywhere except scrap metal.

I don’t even know why I’m gaining weight. Plus seven pounds in a month and a half is no joke. No, I'm not pregnant, I've been testing. I can’t understand if it’s because of the new stress I’ve gained so much weight or, conversely, because of its absence. Maybe the universe is telling us that my husband and I are doing something wrong. What do we need to change in our lives so that everything falls into place? Who knows, maybe this is a karmic lesson? I believe that accidents are not accidental and I have yet to solve this mystery. It just doesn't happen in life.


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