How to Keep Your Emotions in Control
Fighting is an unpleasant part of family life, from which you can not escape. There is probably not a single couple who has never quarreled. The only difference is how these fights happen. Someone likes to make a real drama out of it, and someone tries to avoid conflicts. Astrologers believe that everything depends on the zodiac sign.
Today's edition. "Site" I decided to find out how different zodiac signs behave in family quarrels and how they behave. handle.
How to Control Your Emotions
Do you recognize yourself or your spouse? It's amazing how everything fits together. Perhaps the signs of the zodiac define us even more than we think.

Today's edition. "Site" I decided to find out how different zodiac signs behave in family quarrels and how they behave. handle.
How to Control Your Emotions
- Aries - aggression
Controlling emotions - It's not about Aries. Family quarrels with them are always very loud and enchanting. They literally get mad, demanding an immediate explanation. It is better not to argue with Aries at such moments, but also to be silent is not an option. It is better to calmly explain everything, to convey your point of view, but without shouting and offense. The violent expression of emotions will only annoy Aries, and then no one will be able to cope with him. It is better to listen to him, let off steam, then the quarrel will calm down as quickly as it began.
6,400748 - Taurus is patience
Arguing with a calf is incredibly difficult. Even if there is a problem, Taurus will be silent about it for a long time and refuse to discuss anything. They often accumulate anger, and then at one point spill it on the partner. At such moments, it is better for the partner to keep quiet and not to take to heart all the insults and insults. After a quarrel, it is better to leave Taurus alone and not to anger again. When Taurus cools down, he will return to an unpleasant conversation and resolve everything peacefully. - Twins: Avoiding Conflict
Conflicts and twins are distant things. They may have a big fight, but they don’t like it. Twins to the last will try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. They'll find a thousand and one ways to get away from a serious conversation. If you want to solve a conflict with Gemini, the easiest way to do it in a calm conversation. Loud quarrels with Gemini do not end well. - Cancer is an endless drama
Cancers are very touchy and vulnerable, and therefore quarrels with them are inevitable. They tend to twist themselves and inflate a scandal out of small things. Even if he is guilty, the quarrel will end with accusations of the partner. Cancer will remember the grievances of five years ago and will arrange a performance the world has never seen. This should not be taken seriously. The partner will have to show considerable restraint and patience in order not to react to the said barbs and not to be led by provocations. But when Cancer cools down, he'll be the first to put up. - The lion is dominance
Lions flash like matches. One word is enough to provoke Leo into conflict. After that, a lot of insults and claims are poured on the partner. In addition, all this happens extremely impulsively: with shouting, swearing words and broken dishes. If there is a quarrel with Leo, even the neighbors know about it. But it all ends as quickly as it began. He calms down, shuts down, which means that you can start a constructive conversation. - Virgo is self-digging.
It is difficult to argue with Virgos, because they immediately blame themselves. They are not prone to loud quarrels and scandals, try to find out the relationship delicately and calmly. Every, even the most insignificant quarrel, Virgo takes to heart and then for a long time still thinks about every word spoken. In order not to hurt Virgo, the partner must carefully choose the words. Otherwise, she can withdraw herself and play “silent” for a long time. This could go on for months. Virgos often go to reconciliation, beginning to apologize even for what they are not guilty of. - Libra is justice
Libra does not enter into clarifying relationships without serious reasons. They can resolve any conflict peacefully. Even if they argue, they do it delicately so as not to offend their partner. But only as long as everything is fair. If a partner does not act according to conscience, Libra will not tolerate this. Libra does not forgive, and insults can be remembered for the rest of life. Often reproach this partner if feelings were badly hurt. But ending conflicts with Libra is easy: you just need to sincerely apologize. - Scorpio: More Conflict with the God of Conflict
Scorpios cannot live without conflict. These people will find a reason to quarrel in every little thing. They can quarrel with all the neighbors, and then arrange a nuisance to the beloved home. Without scandals, their lives become routine, they are bored without it, and a good quarrel helps to let off steam. It is best to avoid conflict situations. This quarrel is hardly important for anything other than to dispel the boredom of the Scorpio. Turn it into a joke, so as not to fall victim to another breakdown. - Sagittarius - clarity
With Sagittarius, you can live your whole life without quarrels and offenses. This requires clarity and certainty in everything. Sagittarius do not like understatement and secrets, this is what leads to conflicts. Then they can burst into righteous anger, sparing no offense. Sagittarius also does not tolerate aggression in their direction. They will respond in the same way, quickly putting the offender in his place. - Capricorn is logic.
Even in quarrels, Capricorns do not forget about restraint and politeness. They always argue their point of view, do not raise their voice and listen to their partner. Capricorn is clarity and logic, they are unpleasant destructive conflicts and quarrels. If you deal with them in a calm manner, everything will be peaceful and without conflict. - Aquarius is a farce
Aquarius are actors. It is not difficult for them to play drama or comedy, depending on the nature of the conflict. They can easily pretend to be hurt or angry. This is their way of getting away from a deserved punishment or teaching a partner a lesson. All accusations against him Aquarius will always try to translate into a joke. 907430 - Fish are touchy.
Fish are incredibly vulnerable and touchy creatures. They may be offended even by the crude tone of the claims. In this case, they go away and remain silent until the last. They will not be the first to reconcile, but they will gladly respond to affection and warmth.
Do you recognize yourself or your spouse? It's amazing how everything fits together. Perhaps the signs of the zodiac define us even more than we think.