For a long time I tried to figure out how a competitor managed to steal my idea, the truth was even worse than I expected.

About that, How to check wiretaps on your phoneNot many people know. Especially among laypeople. Nevertheless, some information is still publicly available and you can try to find it, there would be a desire. On the other hand, even using the most ordinary logic, you can draw certain conclusions for yourself. For example, a fast-setting battery recently suggests that the phone has more programs installed than its owner believes. Not all of them are equally useful.

Another “bell” can serve as heating the phone when it is calm. Extraneous sounds and noises during a conversation, additional echoes and unusual interference - all this indicates that your phone no longer serves you alone. Although, if you do not engage in any illegal activities and do not occupy any high position in your work, you have nothing to worry about. It is easier to give your gadget to specialists and wait for the result of the examination. At this time, it will be useful to look at your colleagues and subordinates around you. Sometimes the ears grow even at the walls.

Despite the fact that by profession I should have become a physics teacher, life turned to me the right side, which I am very happy. Technical tasks have always been easy for me, and now I work between an engineer and a programmer. In our modern age, you can use the head, the computing power of a computer, and even create something that you can touch with your hands. Thank you to those who invented 3D printers. Flight of fantasy hardly stops anything.

Now we can talk about it, and a year ago my idea remained in strict secrecy. Nothing special, but people living in private homes will understand. Remember the American movies, when pets do not come into the common door for people, but use a small window from below and go back and forth as they please? In our latitudes, it's inconvenient because of the climate and safety, but I've always loved the concept.

So I came up with the idea of installing a small device on a cat or dog collar, which would itself work and connect to the doorbell so that the owners could react to the returning pet. I have an adult French bulldog who likes to walk in the yard in the fresh air. From the outside, it is protected by a high fence and gate, but I do not always have time to walk with it. Especially when my wife goes to town to meet her friends.

Peels Main Competitor After the coveid attack, we, like many other professionals, were allowed to work from home. So I and my team of several people worked hard on this. And everything about it suited me, except for one detail: my sworn “friend” from the next department also adopted it. How did that happen? Here we go, on its own. This idea came to my mind (of course). And it wasn't the first time. So, obviously, I had to take some action to figure out a way to avoid such leaks in the future.

I interviewed our entire team. But I never doubted these people, and why would they reveal information to our direct competitors? Obviously, everyone denied any complicity in our common problem. Then I turned to my superiors: who knows, suddenly he had his favorites, with whom they spent their free time and sometimes mentioned my work in private conversation? But by the way too. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do anything else.

I even checked my phone and laptops. First, I scanned the system myself, did not find any malware. I turned to the specialists, and they checked everything by hand for several days. I even had to sit there for a while, idle. I don’t have kids, I have a hobby too. Well, at least I spent time with my beloved wife. We went to the city, bought a lot of stuff for the house, rested. Yes, when you work from home, it is difficult at this time to belong to a loved one 100%. However, she must understand that money does not fall from the sky. And if I'm the only one working in a marriage, I have to devote enough time to work. Whatever it is.

Ironically, it was the wife who later turned out to be the “weak link”. I was aware, of course, that she often left our house on business. During the day, she was objectively bored sitting alone. There is no need to cook, because most of the delivery came to us. Sometimes, of course, I asked her to do something specific. But this did not happen so often, and it did not take much time to prepare pasta with chicken or seafood.

Cleaning is a common problem, none of us could stand cleaning, so I took care of that too: I hired two nice women to help my wife with the housework. We came once a week and a half and professionally engaged in all the tasks assigned to them. Without children, in fact, cleaning was not so much. So I never felt much discomfort about it. And the money, to be honest, didn’t go much.

And the wife, I must admit, never knew how to occupy herself. In video games she does not play, embroidery cross, too, no desire. Watering the plants, playing with the dog, that's all. The series were watched, and my hunched figure behind the laptop she did not want to watch. So the reasons for leaving the house appeared by themselves: friends, shopping, visiting relatives, visiting the gym.

It was there, in the hall, that she met my colleague. The one who eventually stole a very promising idea from me. Vicki started an affair with him. Although he is fatter than me, earns a little less, and, in general, his appearance is far from model. For example, he went to the gym just to try to get a phone from someone from the locals. And in general, he was known there as a kind of freak who does not care who, just to hit someone. That's the character, in short.

But even he impressed my wife. Thanks to social media and photos online. Vick was quickly recognized, so my competitor was paying close attention. And then he told her stories about how spying on his own husband was "cool," how they could start a new, lasting relationship, and I'll just keep living with my dog if I can't make enough time for my wife. Which, as you can see, she totally agreed with.

I lost that project completely. Couldn't squeeze in at the right time. Moreover, the competitor and his team managed to make it cheaper than planned. The product will soon go into mass production. But I didn’t have any depression about it. I know who I can trust and who I can't. Of course he got divorced. Thanks to the help of a reliable specialist, he saved almost all his finances and, most importantly, his house. This story has a happy ending, I want to tell you.

My ex-wife has stayed with my co-worker, but I don’t worry about it at all. Now they have bought a nice house, live together and plan to get married. Despite the last victory, I can already see how the team of our competitors is slowly starting to stall. Well, so much care, it's no wonder. For myself, I have decided that I will build my future only with the person in whom I am fully confident. And to pay attention to the appearance or infantile type of character - let this remain in the past. From now on, I will approach relations with women only with a cold heart and a sharp mind. Otherwise, I'm afraid nothing good will come of it.


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