Why those born in the 70s and 80s are considered a special generation and what troubles they managed to survive

My son and I recently started an interesting game. He asks for an object, and I remember what he looked like when he first appeared in our apartment. At some point in this fun game, I suddenly realized that we parentageNot only did it survive the Millennium, but it took a real leap of evolution. Those born in the 70s and 80s of the last century should understand me well.

Our childhood passed without computers, gadgets and the Internet. We walked in the yard with whole companies. It didn't matter who was old, we all had fun playing team games. It was fashionable to study well at school. Weak students were helped by the whole class, explaining a new topic. Each class strived to be the best, while we did not do dirty things, but achieved everything honestly. We respected the teachers, feared the principal, and our parents didn't sit with us on homework.

Generation of parents from the last century We became independent very early. After school, we were free to go shopping for bread and milk. I didn’t even need to remember the garbage. They did their homework and Googled their new topic. We read books and discussed what we read in school and in the yard. Phones in the house were rare, but such a dream. We were taught to understand the mechanical clock and always come on time. We met often and time seemed to be much longer than it is now.

When the crisis of the 90s began, we steadfastly endured all the blows of fate. Climbing, falling and getting up. We supported our parents and created our families. We went to university and worked at the same time. Where did all the forces come from? When I tell my youngest son that it used to be necessary to dial international codes on his phone to talk to relatives abroad, he looks at me squarely. Now, to talk to someone, just unlock your smartphone and contact by video.

With the advent of the new millennium, electronic progress began. The first available personal computers began to appear. Now they look more like a regular typewriter. With colleagues, they learned to use a computer mouse and dealt with new programs. We were exploring a new world that had never existed before. We watched movies in theaters or rented cassettes. Now we just need to enter the desired movie in the search bar.

Every year more and more developed electronic society. We no longer need to buy books or go to the library. Now we have access to all the libraries of the world on our laptop. Or you can even download an audiobook and listen to it on the way to work with headphones on your smartphone. In the early zeros and 2010s, a carefree life seemed to begin. We also met with friends, talked with colleagues at work. We arranged corporate parties and fun tea parties.

And then came 2019 and the pandemic. Everyone was locked up and we were completely immersed in the electronic space. Children don't want to go to school. They are more comfortable studying at home online, in pajamas and with a sandwich in hand. The son in the third grade still does not know the names of all his classmates and recognizes them only by the avatar. We learned how to make purchases online, trying on a new outfit right on the smartphone screen. Now, to visit someone, you need to agree on a schedule for six months in advance, and not the fact that the meeting will take place. And the events that have taken place in the last two years, do not inspire any hope to see live with friends and relatives.

It seems we were the last generation to talk and make friends in the real world, not online.


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